Decision details

Decision Maker: Leader, Cabinet Member Planning and Regeneration

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


A change request to release funding for the delivery of the pedestrian walkway and temporary car park




To agree the change request to release capital budget of £895k for the accelerated delivery of the new permanent walkway and temporary car parking, into phase 1 of the Pavilion Quarter Project in Aylesbury (former Gala Bingo Hall).


To provide delegated authority to the Service Director for Commercial Property & Regeneration in consultation with the Deputy Cabinet Member for Town Centre Regeneration for the following:


To undertake a procurement exercise for a contractor and to subsequently enter a construction contract to advance the installation of the new permanent walkway and temporary car park works with the preferred contractor and to enter into any necessary agreements with adjoining landowners to facilitate the delivery of these works.

Wards Affected: Aylesbury North;

Contact: Carla Galea, Area Regeneration Manager (Aylesbury) Email:

Publication date: 02/01/2025

Date of decision: 10/01/2025

Current call-in Count: 0

Accompanying Documents: