Decision details
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This paper sets out the provision of a
Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG), at Spade Oak Lake
within the Little Marlow Lakes Country Park.
The Wycombe District Local Plan (WDLP) allocated two sites for residential development, policy BE1 – Slate Meadow and policy BE2 – Hollands Farm within the Zone of Influence of the Burnham Beeches Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Due to existing recreation pressures at Burnham Beeches SAC, the development at Hollands Farm was required to provide mitigation through the provision of a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG). Policy RUR4 of the WDLP allocated the Little Marlow Lakes Country Park (LMLCP) for outdoor recreation to provide this mitigation.
In October 2022 a Cabinet meeting granted officers delegated authority to agree a suitable cost-neutral business plan for the area of land owned by the Council at Spade Oak within the LMLCP, and for this to be brought back to Cabinet for approval.
It was agreed not to pursue formal designation to regularise the status of the whole area allocated in policy RUR4 as a Country Park as part of the initial phase of delivery, but instead to retain a commitment to the wider Country Park as and when circumstances and resources permitted.
This report set out the business plan for the Country Park by delivering the Spade Oak SANG Option 1. The cost of delivering the SANG and 80 years’ maintenance was to be met by the developer, with the exception that the former gravel yard area within the proposed SANG was subject to restoration and these costs were to be met by the Council.
Representations were considered and discussed by Cabinet Members, from two Councillors and community groups.
1. That in principle the Spade Oak Management Plan Option 1 be APPROVED as the preferred option to create a SANG at Spade Oak and maintain the SANG in perpetuity (at least 80 years), funded by the Hollands Farm developers to mitigate visitor pressure at Burnham Beeches, and support the housing allocation at Hollands Farm.
2. That the formal designation of a Country Park on Council owned land at Spade Oak Lake proceed;
3. That the submission of the revised proposals to restore the Gravel Yard, which is funded from an existing, released budget in the Capital Programme, be DELEGATED to the Service Director Property and Regeneration.
4. That the Heads of Terms be agreed with the Hollands Farm developers on Gateway costs and be DELEGATED to the Service Directors Property and Regeneration and Planning and Environment, including implementation and delivery costs; and that a further paper will be brought to Cabinet to present this.
Wards Affected: Flackwell Heath, Little Marlow & Marlow South East;
Details of any conflict of interest declared: None
Contact: Steve Bambrick, Corporate Director Planning Growth & Sustainability Email:
Report author: Charlotte Morris
Publication date: 02/01/2025
Date of decision: 02/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 02/01/2025 - Cabinet
Effective from: 10/01/2025
Accompanying Documents:
- Report for Little Marlow Lakes Country Park Business Plan PDF 2 MB
- Appendix 1 for Little Marlow Lakes Country Park Business Plan PDF 4 MB
- Appendix 2 for Little Marlow Lakes Country Park Business Plan PDF 6 MB
- Appendix 3 for Little Marlow Lakes Country Park Business Plan PDF 3 MB
- Appendix 4 for Little Marlow Lakes Country Park Business Plan PDF 2 MB