Agenda and minutes
Contact: Anne-Marie Kenward
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Mr N Miles and Ms B Black.
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: None |
Minutes from the last meeting To agree the minutes of the 2 July 2020 meeting of the Pension Fund Committee Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED Members of the committee AGREED the minutes of the Pension Fund Committee meeting held 2 July 2020 meeting.
Minute of the Buckinghamshire Pension Fund Board To note the minutes of the last Pension Fund Board, 23 July 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED Members of the committee NOTED the minutes of Pension Fund Board meeting held 23 July 2020
Breaches of the Law To be presented by Claire Lewis-Smith, Pensions Administration Manager, Buckinghamshire Council. Additional documents:
Minutes: Mrs Lewis-Smith, Pensions Administration Manager, Buckinghamshire Council, referred to the report circulated with the agenda.
Mrs Lewis-Smith highlighted the following points:
ACTION Mrs Lewis-Smith
The following points were discussed as a result of questions from members of the committee:
RESOLVED Members of the committee NOTED the report bar the section on contributions which would be reviewed and brought to the next meeting.
Consultation on LGPS McCloud Remedy To be presented by Claire Lewis-Smith, Pensions Administration Manager, Buckinghamshire Council. Additional documents: Minutes: Mrs Lewis-Smith, Pensions Administration Manager, Buckinghamshire Council, referred to the report circulated with the agenda including a draft consultation response.
Mrs Lewis-Smith highlighted the following points:
The following points were discussed as a result of questions from members of the committee:
RESOLVED Members of the committee NOTED the report.
Pension Fund Annual Report 2019/20 To be presented by Rachel Martinig, Pensions & Investment Accountant, Buckinghamshire Council.
Additional documents: Minutes: Mrs Martinig, Pensions & Investment Accountant, Buckinghamshire Council, referred to the report circulated with the agenda.
Mrs Martinig highlighted the following points:
The following points were discussed as a result of questions from members of the committee:
ACTION Mrs Lewis-Smith
ACTION Mrs Martinig
RESOLVED Members of the committee AGREED the report.
Pension Fund Committee Responsibilities To be presented by Julie Edwards, Head of Pensions, Buckinghamshire Council.
Additional documents: Minutes: Ms J Edwards, Head of Pensions, Buckinghamshire Council, gave an overview of the report circulated with the agenda.
Ms Edwards highlighted the following points:
The following points were discussed as a result of questions from members of the committee:
RESOLVED Members of the committee NOTED the report.
Updated Forward Plan for the year ahead. Additional documents: Minutes: Ms Edwards, Head of Pensions, Buckinghamshire Council, referred to the report circulated with the agenda.
Ms Edwards highlighted the following points:
RESOLVED Members of the committee NOTED the report.
Exclusion of Press and Public To resolve to exclude the press and public as the following item is exempt by virtue of Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972 because it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)
Additional documents: |
Confidential Minutes To agree the confidential minutes of the last meeting. |
Confidential minutes of the last Pension Fund Board To note the confidential minutes of the last Pension Fund Board. |
Pension Fund Risk Register To be presented by Julie Edwards, Head of Pensions, Buckinghamshire Council. |
Pension Fund Performance To be presented by Ms J Edwards, Head of Pensions, Buckinghamshire Council. |
Investment Consultant Presentations To be presented by Rachel Martinig, Pensions & Investment Accountant, Buckinghamshire Council and Emily Everton, Senior Procurement Officer.
Additional documents: |
Date of the next meeting 29 September 2020, 2pm Further details to be confirmed. Additional documents: Minutes: 29 September 2020, 2pm. Closed meeting to discuss the actuary tender process.
19 November 2020, 2pm |