Agenda and minutes
Venue: Virtual Meeting Via MS Teams
Contact: Jemma Durkan
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman To elect the Chairman of the Transport, Environment & Climate Change Select Committee for the ensuing year. Additional documents: Minutes: The Clerk to the Committee requested nominations for the position of Chairman.
Councillor Peter Strachan proposed Councillor Steven Broadbent for the position of Chairman, this was seconded by Councillor Carl Jackson.
There were no other nominations.
RESOLVED: That Councillor Steven Broadbent be elected as Chairman of the Transport, Environment and Climate Change Select Committee for the ensuing year. |
Appointment of Vice Chairman To appoint the Vice-Chairman of the Transport, Environment & Climate Change Select Committee for the ensuing year. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman proposed that Councillor Sandra Jenkins be appointed as Vice-Chairman, this was seconded by Councillor Andrew Cole.
RESOLVED: That Councillor Sandra Jenkins be appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Transport Environment & Climate Change Select Committee for the ensuing year. |
Apologies for Absence/Changes in Membership Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
The Committee will hear from the Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, the Cabinet Member for Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Logistics about their response to the Covid-19 crisis. They will be joined by the Corporate Director for Planning, Growth and Sustainability and the Corporate Director for Communities.
Bill Chapple OBE, Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change Nick Naylor, Cabinet Member for Transport David Martin, Cabinet Member Logistics Ian Thompson, Corporate Director Planning Growth and Sustainability Richard Barker, Corporate Director Communities Steve Bambrick, Service Director Planning and Sustainability Martin Dickman, Service Director Neighbourhood Services Sara Turnbull, Service Director Transport Services
Additional documents: Minutes: Mr B Chapple, Cabinet Member for Environment & Climate Change, took Members through the presentation which was contained in the agenda pack. The following main points were made during the presentation:
· Waste services had been most effected by the pandemic. · Staff had been absent due to illness or self-isolation and childcare. Up to 30% of staff had not been in work. · Major effect of the pandemic was the closure of the household waste and recycling centres as per the government guidelines. · To prepare for opening car parking spaces were removed, and signage and traffic management systems put in place to prepare for queues. · Five sites had been reopened on the 6th May, then after three weeks four other sites were opened; now all sites were open. There had been 90,000 visits which was 20% down on the usual amount of people. · As there were only half the parking spaces there had been queues however people in general had been patient. Proof of identity had been required so that only residents of Buckinghamshire could use the sites. · Social distancing procedures were put in place across the sites. · Garden waste had been suspended for seven weeks across the county. · Food waste had been suspended in some areas for five weeks. · The Cabinet Member praised staff for all of their work during this difficult time. · Trailers were not allowed at the sites but everyone else were able to use the facilities from 9-6pm. · Trade waste would be allowed from 15 June.
In response to questions the following main points were noted:
· Comments from residents were that staff were professional and courteous and thanks was given to the teams. · Regarding fly tipping it was noted that all counties in the country were effected. Buckinghamshire was one of the best with 1 in 38 caught and taken to court. It was noted that the national figure for this was 1 in 638. Due to staff shortages it had been more difficult to collect fly tipping. Most was due to commercial waste and work was being undertaken to improve legislation. · Takeaway boxes could be a problem regarding littering and officers were looking into adding the registration to the packaging. However this would need government help and support from companies to carry out. · Concern was raised regarding traffic management and long queues at some sites. It was reported that an alternative site at Buckingham had been considered, and closure of the current site but this was not an option. A booking system had also been considered to reduce the number of people using the site but this would have created larger queues at later date. · To keep up with the government guidelines and inform the public the website was kept up to date, waiting times at sites were displayed on the website. It was understood there would be queues and people were being asked to be patient. · Some staff had been redirected to other roles and officers were praised for dealing with all aspects required of them. ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Key Priorities for 2020/21 PDF 444 KB The Committee will hear from the Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, the Cabinet Member for Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Logistics on their key priorities over the coming months.
Bill Chapple OBE, Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change Nick Naylor, Cabinet Member for Transport David Martin, Cabinet Member Logistics Ian Thompson, Corporate Director Planning Growth and Sustainability Richard Barker, Corporate Director Communities
Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Bill Chapple, Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change highlighted the following priorities:
· Regarding climate change, work was being undertaken towards the Council being carbon neutral. Work was also being undertaken on the Carbon Audit based on 2018/2019 figures. Tree planting areas were being considered and a review of the agricultural policy. · Household recycling centres would be reviewed and funding would be sought from the Capital Programme to upgrade some sites. · The new Household Waste Contract would commence on 7 September and this was expected to be a seamless transition between the old and new contractor. Residents should not notice a difference initially but improvements would be made gradually.
In response to questions the following points were noted:
· The agreed Carbon Neutral date was 2050, any new date would need to be discussed and taken to a full Council meeting. Work would need to be undertaken first on the Carbon Audit with results to Cabinet and then to Council, there was no timescale available as yet. · Regarding the COVID 19 crisis, work would be undertaken with regards to advantages regarding changes to working practices, supporting businesses, travelling, and cleaner air would be investigated to contribute to climate targets. · Work was required on the Agricultural Policy due to government legislation. · The Council aimed to be carbon neutral by 2050. Investment and work would be required for all of Buckinghamshire to reach this target. · LED lighting for street lighting was suggested as well as solar panels on council buildings and change council and contractor vehicles to electric powered or compressed natural gas. It was noted that there would be cost implications and the Cabinet Member would consider all points made by members.
Mr Nick Naylor, Cabinet Member for Transportation highlighted the following priorities:
· Additional finance from the Government had been received for potholes, drains and road maintenance works and these were being undertaken to improve the roads in the County. · The Highways Contract re procurement would be undertaken which would involve a large volume of work and time. · Consideration was being given to improve services follow the COVID 19 crisis and it was understood that many changes could be made as a result of the crisis. · In response to a query regarding the Highways Contract it was suggested that the Select Committee could support the work being undertaken. The timetable would confirmed within the next 6 months and the Committee would be able to contribute to the process.
In response to questions the following was noted:
· A first stage bid for funds from the Secretary of State for active transport projects such footways and cycle ways had been submitted. The timetable had not yet been confirmed and long term projects at the second stage would be considered. The money would be used effectively and efficiently. · Consideration would be given to the types of vehicles using roads and reducing emissions with regards road maintenance objectives. Details would be discussed with officers regarding this issue. · The Road Maintenance Programme could be circulated if ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Work Programme The Committee will discuss possible items to include on the Committee’s work programme for the coming year. Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the committee discussed ideas for the work programme and made the following suggestions:
· A number of public questions and suggestions had been received and noted by the Committee. · Home to School Transport –The Chairman suggested a quick review in partnership with the Children’s and Education Select Committee regarding home to school transport ahead of September. · Travel Plan and consideration of 20mph zones. · Transport for Bucks re-procurement. · Climate Change emergency plans and the Carbon Audit. · HS2 Ltd – Specifically considering flood mapping for the Chiltern run off. · Garden Town Plan Update – It was noted an update had been provided to Cabinet at their meeting in June. · Fly tipping update regarding enforcement.
The Chairman noted that work programme items should add value for residents and the council. Also, that time and resources would need to be considered to achieve best value for residents.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting. |
Date of next meeting 17th September 2020 at 10am. Additional documents: Minutes: The next meeting would take place on 17 September 2020 at 10am. |