Agenda and minutes

Venue: MS Teams meeting

Contact: Harry Thomas - Email: 


Webcast: View the webcast

No. Item



Additional documents:


Councillor J Ward


Minutes pdf icon PDF 417 KB

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2020, copy attached.

Additional documents:


Resolved: -


That the Minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2020 be approved as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interest.

Additional documents:


Councillor C Paternoster had called in the application to Committee as outlined in her statement because of the heritage aspect and the removal of the verge. However she had not predetermined her view nor formed a view on voting.


Councillor R Khan declared a Personal Interest, as he knew of the applicant through his business interests but had not had any dealings with him.


19/03891/APP - 102 Aylesbury Road, Bierton pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Demolition of existing property and construction of two dwellings


Contact Officer:  Dan Terry

Additional documents:


Demolition of existing property and construction of two dwellings at 102 Aylesbury Road, Bierton.




Parish Council(s): Sheila Cotton (Bierton PC)

Objector(s): Philip Kerr (& on behalf of Colin Thomson), Robert Taylor

Agent/Applicant: David Jones on behalf of Philip Gollins (Applicant) and Alasdair    King (Agent)


Resolved: -


That the application be deferred and delegated to officers for approval  subject to the conditions in the Officer’s report and in the corrigendum to the report, with an amended condition 14 to be agreed with the applicant to include a pre commencement requirement that no development take place until the access had been widened and built to base level in accordance with the approved drawing, to  mitigate the impact of construction vehicles.