Agenda and minutes

Contact: Amy Jenner (Community Board Co-ordinator)  Charlie Griffin (Committee and Governance Services)


No. Item


Chairman's welcome

Welcome from Mark Winn, Chairman of the Aylesbury Community Board.


The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Declarations of interest




Actions (4.06)

To review and sign off the action notes from the last meeting held on 17 November 2020.


Action notes – Aylesbury Community Board meeting 17 November 2021.


The actions from the last meeting had been completed.




The action notes of the meeting 17 November 2020 were agreed as correct record.


Community matters (5.13)

To address questions from the public. Questions to be submitted in advance of the meeting to


Question 1

What is the Community Board doing to address the issue of bollards in Southcourt?

Response 1

It was noted that Southcourt Emergency Active Travel Scheme Petition was due to be considered later in the meeting under item 6.

Question 2

Any news about the Manor Park residents parking scheme?

Response 2

It was noted that members of the council had recently met and decided to prioritise parking schemes and that this scheme will be considered as part of that piece of work.

Question 3


Is the council working with the CCG and ICS to provide more healthcare facilities and staff that are needed due to the growth in population from the new developments?


Response 3


It was noted that written response would be provided to this question.


Funded projects (11.25) pdf icon PDF 192 KB

A summary of funded projects to date, to be presented by Chairman Cllr Mark Winn with project reflections from representatives from The Aylesbury Hindu Temple Trust & Florence Nightingale Hospice Trust.

Additional documents:


This agenda item (8) was taken next (at agenda item 6).


The chairman was delighted to announce that the board had been able to use their funding to support a number of local and strategic projects to benefit the Aylesbury community, the detail of which was contained in the report at agenda item 8. An overview of the funded projects are appended to these minutes.


Dr Prakash Dey gave a presentation on the Aylesbury Hindu Temple Trust project. The trust received £1000 via the Councillor Crisis Fund to help fund their project. Dr Dey’s presentation is appended to these minutes.


Lee Lloyd from the Florence Nightingale Hospice Trust spoke about the virtual Time to Reflect service established to support those who have faced the loss of a loved one. The Trust received £1800 towards their Time to Reflect project.

Time to Reflect - YouTube (timestamp for the portion of the Time to Reflect video shown in board meeting was 16.35 – 21.00. Full length of video is 25 minutes 48 seconds).



Southcourt Emergency Active Travel Scheme Petition (34.00) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To be presented by Suzanne Winkels, Head of Transport Strategy, Buckinghamshire Council.

Additional documents:


This item was taken next on the agenda. The board received a considered a petition on the Southcourt Emergency Active Travel Scheme. The petition organiser, Mr Wright, was present to speak to the petition. A number of people spoke to the petition. Order of speaking:


·       Mr Wright (petition organiser).

·       Councillor Niknam Hussain (Buckinghamshire Councillor).

·       Councillor Clive Harriss (Buckinghamshire Councillor and Cabinet Member for Sports and Leisure).

·       Suzanne Winkles (Head of Transport Strategy at Buckinghamshire Council).


Suzanne set out the council’s response to the petition and her presentation is appended to these minutes. A question and answer session followed this presentation.


It was noted that the petition was due to be considered at a council meeting later this week. The petition organiser would be notified of the outcome and next steps.


Action (group): the group were able to direct any feedback via the website
and/ or by emailing 

It was noted that all feedback was logged, monitored and used as part of the ongoing evaluation of the scheme.



Community board priorities updates (1.05)

To be presented by Chairman Cllr Mark Winn.

Spotlight on ‘Improving the Environment’ to be presented by Subgroup Chair Cllr Sarah James, Coldharbour Parish Council.


The board received an update on the community board priorities that were set in September 2020. Each priority had its own action sub group made up of local partners, including councillors and residents.


Updates were given from the following sub groups:

·       Economic covid-19 recovery (Councillor Susan Morgan).

·       Enhancing the lives of our youth (Amy Jenner).

·       Community safety (Amy Jenner).

·       Health & wellbeing (including covid-19 social recovery) (Councillor Susan Morgan).

·       Road safety, transport and infrastructure (Mark Winn).

·       Aylesbury Community Food Group (Amy Jenner).

It was noted that the Bucks Food Partnership were advertising a Trustee role available to view via or for more information contact Tejal

To be a part of the Food Growing Networks and/ or take part in Sustain’s Good to Grow event 23 – 26 April contact Rebecca

·       Improving the environment (Councillor Sarah James, Coldharbour Parish Council).


Action (group): the group were welcome to attend any of the sub groups and get involved by emailing Amy


Thames Valley Police (TVP) update (1.29) pdf icon PDF 370 KB

To be presented by Inspector Graham Horton, Thames Valley Police.

Additional documents:


Inspector Graham Horton gave a presentation on the work of Thames Valley Police in Aylesbury. Inspector Horton’s presentation is appended to these minutes, and includes contact details for the local Aylesbury Neighbourhood Team.


A Q&A document from the Q&A session that followed the presentation is also appended to these minutes. This document includes written responses to questions that were unable to be answered during the meeting.


Community news (1.46) pdf icon PDF 186 KB

A summary of local projects & initiatives to be presented by Amy Jenner, Aylesbury Community Board Co-ordinator.


Members of the board received a community news report, presented by Amy Jenner.

Charlie Griffin, Assistant Census Liaison Manager for Buckinghamshire Council, encouraged members of the board to promote Census 2021 completion through their channels and groups. Census day was on Sunday 21 March 2021. It was noted that data collected for the census helped organisations like Buckinghamshire Council and charities to make decisions on planning and funding public services in Buckinghamshire, including transport, education and healthcare. Any questions could be directed to Charlie by email or phone 01494 732011.Twitter @censusbucks and @census2021


Amy encouraged the group to share any news from outside groups/ organisations with her that can be added to future community news updates 




Chairman's close and date of next meeting (1.51)

Tuesday 8th June 2021 (18.30 - 20.30 on MS Teams).


The chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting, for their updates, presentations and petition and other contributions. The next meeting will be on 8 June 2021 (remotely via MS Teams). Special thanks were given to Amy Jenner, the Community Board Co-ordinator, for her hard work supporting the board to date.