Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Southcourt Baptist Church, 40 Penn Road, Aylesbury HP21 8HW

Contact: Amy Jenner (Senior Community Board Manager) 

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Cllr Denise Summer (Vice Chairman) welcomed everyone to the meeting and offered apologies from Cllr Mark Winn (Chairman). Denise explained the purpose of Community Boards, which is a way to work together to make a difference on the things that matter to our local area.


Apologies for Absence


Cllr M Winn, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr S Chapple, Cllr M Baldwin, Cllr A Christensen, Cllr W Raja, Cllr T Hussain, Cllr S Lambert, Cllr A Sherwell, M Russell, I Beard


Declaration of Interest






Amy Jenner, Senior Community Board Manager, welcomed everyone to the venue and shared the evacuation procedure. Amy requested if questions were to be asked that hands were raised, and the Chair would invite speakers to introduce themselves and to ask their questions/speak. If questions could not be taken, a written response would be sent.



Actions from last meeting pdf icon PDF 167 KB


All actions were completed.


Members agreed to sign off the notes as accurate.


Thames Valley Police Update

To be presented by Sgt Clare Farrow


Thames Valley Police were unable to attend. A written update would be circulated if provided by TVP post meeting.


A focus on Southcourt Baptist Church

To be presented by Graham Clarke, Community Pastor, Southcourt Baptist Church


Graham Clarke, Community Pastor, Southcourt Baptist Church (SBC), presented and gave an update on the activity at the Church and local events they had delivered.


Activities included:

·       Money Management Sessions on Monday and Fridays.

·       Bridge The Gap (BTG, which is a foodbank but also provides clothing, toys, seasonal gifts). BTG hosts a Pop In session aimed at helping people get back into work.

·       Boxing club, with over 175 members- 30-40 students attending per session.

·       SBC runs clubs for every age group, from a Youth Club, with free tuck shop, Tea Club and Mums and Tots Groups.


Key Points:

·       BTG foodbank supports between 250-300 people per week.

·       SBC have a permanent knife amnesty bin in place, collecting over 2000 blades since launch. It is the first permanent bin in the country.

·       Installation of a Nitrous Oxide Bin, use of ‘NOS’ canisters are an increasing issue.

·       Southcourt Community Day was held on 6th July 24 with over 500 attendees.


The information shared can be found here


Q: Cllr Denise Summer asked if there was any provision for Veterans?

A: Graham advised they do already have some veterans attending sessions e.g. BTG but they would like to do more and are looking at expanding this offer.


Q: Kate Walker asked for more detail about the Community Hub sessions.

A: Graham explained this was a new project which had been running for 2 months every Wednesday from 11.30am to 2pm. Organisations were invited to attend and provide help to residents, from filling in forms, mentoring and other services.  It’s an opportunity for people to speak to members of the team informally and be supported with their issues.



New member welcome and introductions pdf icon PDF 10 MB


New members of the Board were invited to introduce themselves and their organisations.


  • Aylesbury Women’s Centre – gave an overview of their work, history of the centre and future ambitions. The information shared can be found in a presentation in the appendages.


Point raised: Jane Mason referenced the help that could be provided from Start Up Bucks, which is funded through Enterprise Nation and may help businesses just starting out. Business Support Directory (


  • Talk Club Charity – Steve Wright explained the club aims to reduce male suicide and help improve mental fitness. They base their session by asking the question ‘How are you out of 10?’.


The conversation explores why this score was given, what are 3 things a person is grateful for and what they are doing to improve mental fitness.


More information can be found at Aylesbury - Talk Club and via social media Aylesbury Talk & Box - Talk Club.



  • New Testament Church of God – Beverley introduced herself and explained they run a small foodbank, Tabitha, from the Church, receiving referrals from the job centre and local area but they are open to all. Their top priority is to obtain funding to support the food bank and informal counselling sessions. Beverly welcomed all to their Community Day on Sat 13th July.



Aylesbury project updates from Feedback Global and Community Youth Ventures

To be presented by Rebecca Nutley


Rebecca Nutley (Becca) provided an update on the work she supports in her two roles.


The key points from her work with Feedback Global were:

  • They run various programmes including, Green Futures which looks at nature, environment and the food system, Wellbeing’s, which is a new partnership looking at cooking and wellbeing and Funded Green Futures.
  • They run a monthly session called ‘Only Me’ which has been funded by the Aylesbury Community Board and Aylesbury Town Council and provides monthly cooking sessions at Broughton Village Hall.


Community Youth Ventures focuses on:

  • Empowerment, and runs a Young Men’s Project in Vale Park. 


The information shared can be found in a presentation in the appendages.




Community Board Priorities- update pdf icon PDF 318 KB

Additional documents:


Amy Jenner, Senior Communities Board Manager led an update about community board activities as per the appended presentation. Amy invited guests to update as follows:


Club Expo: Dave Evans gave an overview of the event held on 1st June in Friars Square Shopping Centre. 90 people were engaged on the day, with 7 clubs in attendance. One suggestion from the day was the use of QR codes which the club can help set up. There was a request for the event to be held again next year and an additional event to be added.


Amy gave an update on the Vape Waste priority: Aylesbury Community Board have been working with the Waste Reductions team within Bucks Council and Bucks College Group. Some designs had been submitted by young people. The project will continue to be developed after the summer holidays.


Volunteer Strategy for Aylesbury: Amy updated the group on the progress of the Volunteer Strategy and explained while this had been delayed work was ongoing.


Update from Youth Interns, Aylesbury Youth Action: Henry Mannall gave an overview of the work the current projects they were working on and advised there has been a good increase in youth volunteering hours.


The information shared in Henry’s update can be found on slides on the appended presentation.


Road Safety Campaign: Amy advised the road safety poster project had now finished and Boughton Junior School have been awarded £500 towards their active travel plans.


Queens Park Art Centre Update: a written update was provided and is appended to these notes.


Go Play Holiday Club: Aylesbury Community Board provided funding to support with hot meals for the club. The project had now concluded.


Opportunity Bucks: Kate Walker gave a verbal presentation on the programme and the workstreams they are looking at, including improving access to information and services, improving youth opportunities and improving educational opportunities and the public realm. She explained they were currently developing a mentoring project with St Michaels School which would launch in September 2024. They are hoping to engage with 25 young people aged 16 and they are actively recruiting local mentors.


They are also exploring the idea of local Community Hubs and a project for older residents on chair-based exercise.


The next Community Action (CAW) takes place on the 31st July in Meadowcroft and is an opportunity for services to come together and provide targeted support locally.


Action: Amy/Kate will circulate the CAD information posters to the Board.


Proud of Bucks – Amy advised that nominations were now open for this year’s awards, which is again sponsored by The Clare Foundation-

Proud of Bucks Awards | Buckinghamshire Council .The awards ceremony will take place in November 2024 (date TBC).



Community Matters pdf icon PDF 65 KB

a.       Question time

b.       Bucks Council Update

c.       Petitions

                                                               i.      Oliffe Close Flooding

                                                             ii.      Fowler Road Junction Protection



Question time:

No written questions were received in advance.

The floor was opened for questions – none were received.



Amy Jenner, Senior Community Board Manage referred the Board to the Bucks Council Update included in the agenda pack.

The Chair explained Community Boards are constitutionally required to hear local petitions. Two were scheduled to be heard-Fowler Road and Oliffe Close; both petition reports were published in the agenda pack. 


Fowler Road:


Ian Beard of Prebendal Farm Street Association was unable to attend the meeting to speak on the Fowler Road petition.


Cllr Denise Summer read the following response:

As per the petition report, Buckinghamshire Council’s Parking Team have advised that the request should be made via the parking control request form. The Community Board asks that this is actioned, if it hasn’t been already, to ensure that the process is followed. Aylesbury Community Board can support with road safety behavioural change, and we are happy to explore if there is anything we can work with Prebendal Farm Street Association on to help alleviate this issue. 


The second petition received was from the residents of Oliffe Close to present their petition.


Martyn Kentish and Anne Reynolds were welcomed to the meeting and invited to speak about their petition, which can be found in the agenda pack.


Martyn explained this was the second petition concerning the flooding in Oliffe Close and it has over 400 signatories on it. He asked if something could be done to help alleviate flooding in that area.


Cllr Denise Summers advised that the relevant Council service were aware of this petition. No decision could be made at the board meeting and referred to the response to the petition published in the agenda pack. 



Close and date of future meeting

19th November 2024


The meeting was brought to a close and Cllr Denise Summers thanked all for their attendance and contributions.


The next meeting is on 19th November 2024, this meeting will include the Proud of Bucks Awards. Anyone who may wish to host should contact Amy.


Amy Jenner asked if attendees were not already on our partners list, to please leave their details or email