Agenda and minutes
Contact: Iram Malik
No. | Item | ||||||
WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Minutes: The Chairman welcomed all those present to the meeting of the Board and thanked everyone for their attendance. |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: Newman, Waters, and L Wood. Dame Gillian (MP) Mr Pegg (Neighbourhood Watch), Sgt Dale (TVP) and Ms Rankine and N Judson (Community Engagement Team).
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 29 September 2020 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the last meeting of the Board held on 29 September 2020 be confirmed as a true record. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest Minutes: There were no relevant declarations of interest |
CHAIRMAN`S UPDATE Minutes: The Chairman provided a brief update of events that had taken place since the last meeting of the Board.
She emphasised that many needed support within the community as part of the Covid recovery process and that we needed to remain vigilant so that we could help those most in need. |
COVID SUPPORT HUBS (EMMA DENLEY) PDF 859 KB Minutes: Emma Denley, Buckinghamshire Council Localism Manager provided up to date details of provision of support for local residents.
There had already been a considerable level of work carried out in relation to recovery and further work was to continue during the current lockdown and beyond. In particular focus was centred on the provision of support to critically extremely vulnerable people (CEV) those residents who were currently self - isolating or known by Adult Social Care to be particularly vulnerable.
A Member asked about the progress relating to the provision of slots for shopping for those self -isolating especially over the Christmas period. It was confirmed that supermarket priority slots are again available to those most in need. Further information was anticipated from government but residents could receive up to date guidance by calling the Support Hub service on 01296 395000 or visiting
It was also confirmed that the community teams were disseminating information out across the community to make them aware of the people to contact should support be required. The presenting officer stated that whilst there were a greater number of clinically vulnerable people during this lockdown the Council was more prepared and better organised and therefore able to provide greater help.
RESOLVED: That the presentation be circulated with the minutes |
VICE CHAIRMAN ON GRANTS Minutes: Councillor K Wood provided an overview of the two business support grants that were in place to help businesses in the current situation. These consisted of the Local Restrictions Support Grant and the Additional Restrictions Grant. In particular it was hoped that this would be useful in the areas of non- essential retail and hospitality sectors.
Members were informed that further information could be obtained from the Council`s website.
(i) the information be noted.
(ii) The guidance relating to the business grants be circulated with the minutes. |
CITIZENS ADVICE (ALASDAIR TURNER) PDF 850 KB Minutes: Mr Turner provided some in depth information on the current work of Citizens Advice, its main challenges during the lockdowns and the consequent impact on the service, together with the desire to work with the Community Boards in order to help build capacity and make the CAB a sustainable presence.
A Member suggested that the Citizens Advice work alongside Beaconsfield Advisory Centre to help make better use of resources and avoid duplication. Another Member suggested that Bucks Council may be better placed to consider funding as opposed to the Community Boards giving the matter further consideration.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted and the presentation be circulated with the minutes |
NEIGHBOURHOOD MATTERS Written questions in advance to (Please note that we cannot guarantee a response to all questions at the meeting but will respond separately)
Minutes: The Charity Services Manager from the Clare Foundation (Helen Mee) requested information as to whether anyone was aware of older residents requiring hot meal provision in the light of closure of day centres. Many who were reliant on the service were now likely to be struggling and as such the Clare Foundation wished to help to those people as part of its recovery project.
RESOLVED: That the Charity Services Manager welcome the relevant information from members directly and Mr Chapman be copied in as to the details for reference.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Minutes: The Chairman thanked Andy Chapman for all his hard work and all those present for their input.
RESOLVED: That the next meeting be held in January and then in March with precise details to be confirmed in due course. |