Agenda and minutes
Venue: Via MS Teams
Contact: Iram Malik
No. | Item | ||
CHAIRMAN`S WELCOME Online etiquette and brief introduction to the Community Board Minutes: The Chairman extended a warm welcome to all those present, introducing himself and Vice Chairman David Watson. He went on to reiterate the purpose of Community Boards and their key role, and informed members that the Board had now been allocated a Service Director champion in David Skinner who would ensure that the issues which needed to be addressed would be referred to the relevant team in a swift and timely manner. |
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING PDF 627 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16 February 2021 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the last meeting held on 16 February be confirmed as a correct record. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest |
Minutes: Members considered a petition response which was regarding a reduction of the speed limit from 50 to 30 miles per hour on the Wycombe Road (A40) approach to Old Town Beaconsfield.
The officer report had instead recommended that a reduction to 40 mph be progressed but that the funds were unavailable for this purpose and as such funding would need to be locally sourced.
RESOLVED: That the report be referred to the next meeting of the Highways Committee to be held on 28 July for further consideration of the issues.
COMMUNITY BOARD UPDATES PDF 1 MB · Board membership · Budget · Community Board Funding Process
Minutes: The Chairman introduced the paper which set out a review of the Board`s activity over the previous year, highlighting the Board`s priorities, project summaries, main successes and the main areas of focus of the working groups.
Budget information was also presented by the Chairman who explained that this year`s total budget combined with last year`s underspend being brought forward amounted to £374,451. As the Board was unable to carry any forward for the current year it was vital that the funds were allocated appropriately.
The Localities Manager highlighted the changes to the funding process which would be more robust and efficient and would be subject to a thorough 5 step process. Funding applications would be submitted via the website and wold be circulated to all board members for comment. Members` attention was also drawn to the fact that all highways applications for delivery by TfB were required to be submitted by a deadline of 30 September.
Members agreed that the importance of cross working between Boards and the sharing of information and ideas in order to reach wider communities was ever important.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted and the presentation slide be circulated to the Board members. |
PRIORITIES AND WORK PLANNIING PDF 1 MB · Priority Setting · Action Plan · Action groups Minutes:
(Questions to be submitted in advance to ) Additional documents: Minutes: Members received a document for information regarding the current Covid situation in Buckinghamshire and the changes to Home to School transport. They were also provided with the names allocated for 9 new roads in Wilton Park.
There was a brief update on the work of Swish Fibre in the area and a discussion on broadband issues. David Johncock offered to monitor the situation on behalf of the board and Thomas Broom offered his support.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted
CONSULTATIONS Minutes: Two public consultations running currently were highlighted by the Coordinator. These included a consultation on special educational needs and disabilities running until 18 July and a Healthwatch consultation seeking views on direct payments.
RESOLVED: That the information be noted and that the links be included within the minutes of the meeting.
TOPICS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION Minutes: It was proposed that future board meetings be themed and that the next meeting feature Thames Valley Police to cover such issues as community safety, Neighbourhood Watch, Trading Standards to cover doorstep selling and scams and the Community Safety team.
Members were asked to help develop a Community Board presence programme, by highlighting further events which could be attended to promote the board.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Minutes: The next meeting was scheduled to take place on Tuesday 12 October 2021 at 7pm |
ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION PDF 2 MB Minutes: An additional paper had been circulated for information on public health and the boards profile.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted