Agenda and minutes
Contact: Iram Malik
No. | Item |
1 MINUTE SILENCE Minutes: A one minute`s silence was held in remembrance of the recent tragic death of David Amess MP |
CHAIRMAN`S WELCOME, ETIQUETTE & INTRODUCTION Minutes: The Chairman introduced himself and welcomed everyone present to the meeting. He thanked people for their attendance and strongly encouraged participation and engagement withing the meeting |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: Bracken and Broom. Geoff Pegg, David Alder (Neighbourhood Watch) Jeanette Buckle (BTC) and Donna Wilkinson (Economic Development Team). |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 439 KB To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 13 July 2021 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Board held on 13 July 2021 be confirmed as a true record. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest |
PETITIONS (PENN RD SPEED LIMIT REDUCTION) & (RESIDENT PARKING PERMITS) PDF 697 KB Minutes: An update on the process for petitions was provided and the meeting was informed that officers would act to take forward both petitions within the schemes for next year.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted |
THAMES VALLEY POLICE NEIGHBOURHOOD TEAM Inspector James Ellis (TVP) Minutes: A presentation was conducted by Thames Valley Police. This covered such issues as the current policing landscape, the operating model for the Neighbourhood policing team along with its work remit.
A number of questions were asked following the presentation including whether there was a current gap in responsibility between the work of the council and that of TVP. Inspector Ellis confirmed that often the resulting action was down to the interpretation of the call centre but that some lessons needed to be learned over previous issues that had occurred and that greater collaboration between relevant agencies would take place to establish how the issues could be more suitably addressed.
Another question raised was regarding a perceived absence of a policing presence in Beaconsfield, and the consequent fear of crime. TVP agreed that police visibility was of great value in acting as a deterrent and were open to establishing types of crime that were taking place and the pockets in which it was occurring. It was therefore,
RESOLVED: That a Board representative be appointed to collaborate with TVP and bring back a report in due course.
BUCKS COUNCIL COMMUNITY SAFETY TEAM Chris Geen Minutes: This agenda item was withdrawn |
BUCKS & SURREY TRADING STANDARDS Pei-Ling Harper Minutes: A presentation was conducted on the Bucks and Surrey Trading Standards Service.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted |
Localism Manager Minutes:
A report was submitted with regards to the funding that has been allocated to date in the current year, and which listed some of the applications that were currently within the system.
Members were informed that to date £68,058 had already been allocated with a remaining £306,393 yet to be allocated. The amount of applications currently under consideration totalled £49,618. Any funding applications submitted in the last 9-10 days were absent from the distributed list but were accounted for nonetheless.
The Localism Manager confirmed that 14 Highway schemes submitted for next year’s budget were in the process of being scoped and costed.
Economic Recovery
Minutes: Highways – Cllr Johncock
The group had met on 30 September and had received a number of traffic scheme projects ahead of the deadline for applications. Funding for projects submitted last year had also been approved and would be taken forward. It was anticipated that the next meeting would be held on 3 November.
Environment – Cllr Oliver
A meeting had taken place on 6 October. The B squared was being rolled out in conjunction with the other Community Boards. It was also reported that the Climate Action Group in Hazelmere had won an award from Red Kite for its B squared activity. Cllr Oliver also gave mention to the Big Bucks Tidy Up Project. The Chairman thanked everyone for their ideas for the Big Bucks Tidy Up and confirmed that it had been agreed that the waste team would be asked to focus on areas where it was too dangerous for residents and volunteers to pick litter.
Economic Recovery & Regeneration – Cllr K Wood
It was highlighted that a number of potential schemes were underway for the benefit of all relevant areas and not just limited to the High Street, to help reshape and revitalise the town and village centres. Some focus had also been given to the development of young people within the jobs market by way of CV coaching.
A plea was made to the Board to attend meetings and help to drive the schemes forward.
RESOLVED: That the time dates and times of all action group meetings be further explored in order to achieve the highest turnout.
Additional Group
It was reported that an additional group would be created with a portfolio of youth in the area. Nathan Thomas would be appointed as Youth Champion in order to take this forward. This piece of work was likely to include work experience programmes, tackling economic recovery matters, the environment. It could also potentially include engagement in sporting activities and recreational spaces in general.
RESOLVED: That contact be made with Cllr Thomas on any potential schemes/ideas. |
PUBLIC HEALTH PROFILE (B&CW) PDF 2 MB (Chairman) Additional documents: Minutes: The public health profile pack had been submitted for information.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
COMMUNITY MATTERS (CHAIRMAN) Consultations Public questions Minutes: It was reported that a face to face spring event for the Community Board would be planned. Furthermore, the Proud of Bucks awards would also be launched for the current year to recognise people who had made a difference to the community. The Chairman also gave mention to a centralised campaign around posters outside schools to be put up around speed limits and idling engines. This was perhaps also a matter that could be linked into Cllr Thomas`s area of focus.
Some of the consultations relevant to the area were inserted into the meeting chat. These included such consultations as the A355 speed reduction between Amersham and Beaconsfield which was due to close within the next few days. Attention was also drawn to the Buckinghamshire Council Budget which was open until mid-November..
A member also mentioned the parking problems encountered by residents within Hazelmere which needed to be addressed as soon as possible. Hazlemere Parish Council confirmed that this road had been considered in a previous parking scheme but had been withdrawn to focus on other priorities.
(i) the issue be discussed at the Highways action group
(ii) the Localism Manager liaise with Cllr Gaffney to explore the matter further
TOPICS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION (Localism Manager) Minutes: The Chairman requested that any topics for further consideration be submitted to himself or to the Board Coordinator. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING 30 November 2021 Minutes: RESOLVED: That
(i) the next meeting take place on Thursday 27 January 2022 at 7pm via MS Teams. Since the meeting it had become clear that this date clashed with Chepping Wycombe Parish Council and therefore another date would need to be found.
(ii) Clashes with other Community Board meetings be avoided