Agenda and minutes
Contact: Iram Malik
No. | Item |
CHAIRMAN`S WELCOME online etiquette and brief introduction to the Community Board (for the benefit of new members) Minutes: The Chairman welcomed all those who were present to the meeting and outlined online etiquette also providing a brief description of the role of the Board for the benefit of new members.
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Ms Broadbent, Ms Bewley, Ms Leaf, Ms Marriot, Ms McDonald, Ms Newton, Mr Ratcliff Ms Watts and Mr Skinner.
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 4 May 2022 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Board held on 4 May be approved as a true record.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Public questions, updates of local consultations, petitions and Corporate Updates Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman provided an update on boundary changes in Bucks reporting that the Commission had pushed back the date to 5 December for receipt of final submissions.
The Chairman also highlighted the recent information that had been sent by the Leader of the Council regarding the £2.4m support fund and how the monies were to be split. This was to be allocated to such things as digital food vouchers, arrivals from Afghanistan and Ukraine, care leaders, pensioners and to the Crisis Fund. Members were urged to refer residents in desperate need to the Board website where a variety of help could be accessed.
Reference was also made to the petition on the A355 junction, which had received much concern and attention. It was confirmed that the pavement application had been taken further but that the junction itself was a major project and one which was too costly for the Board to be able to fund with its limited resources. One Member put forward the suggestion that the junction be included on the Council`s capital programmed and that Board write to Mr Skinner regarding this. The Board Manager stated that she would clarify how to go forward with the matter. The Board Manager proceeded to highlight some of the consultations that were currently underway or about to commence including the Community Safety Survey the date for which had been extended which emphasised concerns in the local area regards crime and anti- social behaviour.
She also gave mention to the creation of a network of welcoming spaces this winter, to assist when the weather turned colder. Starting with council libraries, these locations would provide a warm, welcoming and supportive space for anyone needing it.
UKRAINE SUPPORT IN THE COMMUNITY BOARD AREA PDF 1013 KB (Harriet Baldwin) Minutes: A presentation was conducted by Harriet Baldwin regarding the support on offer for the Ukranian Refugees in the area.
It was emphasised that the work that had been carried out to date had been very positive with Bucks families having been very hospitable and generous. However, there would be a move into more difficult times as the end of the 6 month period was imminent and the cost of living crisis was still very much an issue with no extra financial assistance from the Government expected.
COMMUNITY CONNECTORS Dr Penny MacDonald Minutes: This item was withdrawn
FUNDING REPORT & ACTION GROUPS PDF 54 KB Health and Wellbeing Youth Engagement Minutes: The Board Manager reported that funding at beginning of the financial year was £111,704. The confirmed spend to date amounted to £9,128.40. Projects in the pipeline were equal to £31,500 with earmarked spend for Highways expected to be £52,838. Therefore the forecast remaining budget was £18,237.
It was agreed that the full report containing the figures would be circulated with the minutes. The view was expressed that it would be beneficial to have more of the environmental projects come forward, and any such projects were encouraged.
Health & Wellbeing
It was reported that 2 meetings had taken place so far with excellent presentations having been conducted for the applications being put forward, from the SW Chiltern Action group and the youth Project Group.
The last meeting had been cancelled and progress on some projects had been slow, however people were encouraged to come along to the meetings with ideas and to provide some assistance in helping to move projects along.
The last meeting had been held in June, and last week progress on project applications received from the previous year had been reviewed. It was also reported that Cllr Thomas had agreed to step in as Vice Chairman of the group in the Chairman`s absence.
Youth Engagement
Members were informed that there were 3 main objectives of the group. a) Establish the Youth Forum giving access to schools which would subsequently feed ideas thoughts and views into the Board. b) To provide support to school children in terms of developing jobs and skills and improving activities for the youths. C) Empowerment, targeting groups with young people.
TOPICS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION Minutes: It was suggested that the terms of reference for the Board be reviewed which was central to the efficient operation of the work and role of the Board. Whilst working practices were similar with others there were also differences. It was therefore suggested that any ideas on this matter be referred to the Chairman in the first instance.
Another Member put forward the topic of parking enforcement for consideration and also took the opportunity to thank Paul Cogger who was due to end his membership of the Board.
Rihannan Scott highlighted the issue of a funding application for assistance with a community project which was to produce mosaics in Beaconsfield. The project had received an enthusiastic local response with much support whereby anyone in the community could be involved in the making of the mosaics the first of which was to be shown this weekend.
It was advised that the matter be discussed with the Board Manager to establish further information on the project in the first instance.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING 23 January 2023 (TBC) Minutes: The next meeting was scheduled to take place on 23 January 2023.