Agenda and minutes

Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting

Contact: Anne-Marie Kenward 


No. Item


Introduction & welcome from the Chairman


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Bob Cox, Fran McLean, Anne Hewett (Great Missenden Parish Council), Councillor Robert Jones, Jill Stiel, Carol Eaden and Barbara Rowett.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Notes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 510 KB

To agree the notes of the meeting held 7 July 2020.


The notes of the last meeting were reviewed; it was noted that ‘Thrift Hill’ should be amended to read ‘Frith Hill’ under agenda item 8, Forthcoming works.


RESOLVED:  The minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2020 were AGREED as an accurate record subject to the highlighted change being made.


Leader update

Video update from Martin Tett, Leader of Buckinghamshire Council.


A YouTube video from Councillor Martin Tett, Leader of Buckinghamshire Council, was shown regarding the launch of the Community Boards (CB).


Update from sub-groups

·       COVID-19 recovery

·       Health & Wellbeing

·       Transport, Highways and Environment

·       Youth support & provision

·       Community Safety

·       Communications & Engagement



Covid-19 Recovery and Economic Regeneration – Ms L Farn

  • Lindsey advised she had co-ordinated the Prestwood and Missenden area community group and volunteers during lockdown. 
  • There was still a private Facebook group and approximately 130 volunteers were available to help the vulnerable and elderly in the event of a second wave.
  • The sub-group was working with the local Co-op to arrange deliveries to the elderly and vulnerable; the service had reduced to two days a week due to less demand at the moment.
  • The effects of furlough and debt concerns had been discussed, particularly those who were not able to obtain support from the government.  More people would be impacted when the furlough scheme ended in October 2020.  The group would publicise information and services/advice and options for financial support.
  • Many facilities had been closed until recently  which had affected young people and people’s mental health.  The group had discussed utilising local facilities.
  • Working with local street associations to support the elderly and vulnerable – could more shops become part of the delivery scheme?
  • Domestic abuse support for the high volume of cases since lockdown.


The following points were raised in discussion:


  • It was recommended that the GP surgeries be contacted to advise of the work being carried out by the sub-group.
  • It was agreed that the group should build on the volunteer action through Covid-19.
  • A list of key contacts/facilities/funding opportunities was being created and could be promoted via Facebook.
  • The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) was able to provide information on debt advice.  Food vouchers could also be obtained from the CAB.  The CAB was planning to re-open the outreach centre in Prestwood.  Emma Burgham to action the CAB Social media person to connect with the CB on Facebook.

ACTION:  Emma Burgham


Health and Wellbeing – Mr M Etkind


The following discussions had taken place:

  • Integration between Health and Social Care and the CB.
  • The inter-relationship between the primary care network (PCN) and CBs – the PCN had an interest in four CBs – need to see how to integrate.
  • Mental health related groups - Road Farm and Lindengate – contact to be made with the Getting Bucks Involved steering group.
  • Promote wellbeing locally via The Source.
  • Social prescribers – there was a recruitment campaign to recruit three full time people.
  • Use of the Better Care Fund.


In response to being asked whether GPs could become involved with the CB; Mr Etkind advised that he would be attending a Patient Group meeting and he would recommend attendance at the CB from the PCN.  


Transport, Highways and Environment – Mr J Cadman


  • The group had expanded to include environment.
  • Since Covid-19, public transport demand had declined and there was no option to car share.  Therefore, it had been agreed that the public transport area of the sub-group would cease until further notice.
  • The group had focussed on the environmental side, particularly anti-social behaviour (ASB); however, it was outside the remit of the group to get the police involved with ASB.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Chiltern Citizens Advice Bureau

To be presented by Emma Burgham, Chief Officer, Chilterns Citizens Advice Bureau.


Ms E Burgham, Chief Officer, Chilterns Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), highlighted the following:


·           CAB Outreach provision had ceased during Covid-19.  The team had been working from home providing advice by telephone or email and sometimes via video call.  Face to face meetings had re-started in Chesham where needed.  Meetings at the Methodist Church in Prestwood would re-start in the future; however, the Chequers surgery venue was too small to enable social distancing.

·           Covid-19 had resulted in a change in the type of advice provided; there had been a plateau in demand for debt advice, probably short term, perhaps because of payment holidays.

·           Support would be provided for those at risk of eviction, which usually occurred as a result of change in circumstance.

·           Support in accessing and managing universal credit claims.

·           The CAB was looking forward to working with the CB to help residents.

Cllr Isobel Darby added that Wycombe Homeless Connection had just relaunched their legal advice service specifically for homelessness.  They were able to share specialist advice with other areas for those at risk of illegal evictions. BC was working hard to prepare for a rise in homelessness when the eviction moratorium ended. 


Bucks Business First

To be presented by Philippa Batting, Managing Director, Bucks Business First.


Ms P Batting, Managing Director, Bucks Business First (BBF), highlighted the following points:


  • All businesses, self-employed and sole traders in Buckinghamshire could be referred to BBF.
  • BBF could signpost businesses to approximately 700 schemes for support.
  • Communication was key and BBF wanted to ensure businesses thought at a local level not just at county level.
  • BBF had 60 staff on hand for face to face or telephone conversations on a business’s options.
  • BBF would happily provide the CB with local economy statistics if requested.
  • BBF asked for help in reaching businesses in the CB area.  Philippa would be contacting the CB on a monthly basis to advise of opportunities/support. 
  • The crisis seemed to be plateauing, some businesses had been able to take advantage of the pandemic.  The second phase was likely to hit in the next few weeks as further job cuts were made.  The third phase would be from March 2021 onwards when loans needed to be repaid which would result in a rise in business failures.  BBF was a valuable part of the community and was currently supporting five times more businesses than before.
  • BBF was looking at ways to get businesses supporting the local community e.g. food bank support.
  • CBs were not an island, there would be learning and commonality across the county – if businesses talked to BBF they could join the dots.
  • The Chairman advised that a number of ways would be used to disseminate the relevant communication e.g. via the Buckinghamshire Council CB webpage, the communications sub-group etc.




  • The Community Hubs were now called Community Access Points (CAPs) with some being CAPs+ which would offer an enhanced service.  The CAPs were based in the legacy district council buildings and some of the libraries. The list could be found on the BC website.


  • The Chairman apologised for the recent missed bin collections. Veolia had taken over the contract but there had been teething problems.


What function/impact would the CB board have and how would it achieve the issues raised?  The Chairman advised that the sub groups would create action plans to address the issues. Communication was a high priority along engaging younger people to find out how they could be helped.



To review of funding process and any applications.


This item was not discussed.


Date of the next meeting

10 November 2020, 7pm.


10 November 2020, 7.00 pm

Further details to follow.