Agenda and minutes
Venue: Via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Tom Fowler
No. | Item |
Welcome & Introductions / Apologies for absence Minutes: The chairman welcomed members to the Wexham and The Ivers community board meeting. Apologies for absence had been received from Ralph Bagge and Joy Morrisey. |
Introduction to Community Boards Minutes: Members received a video introduction to community boards from Leader of Buckinghamshire Council, Councillor Martin Tett. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Geoff Spring declared a personal interest in agenda item 12 discussion on Pinewood expansion.
Councillor Jilly Jordan also declared a personal interest in agenda item 12 discussion on Pinewood expansion as a member of Buckinghamshire Council’s strategic sites committee who are expected to eventually consider the application for expansion. |
To review the actions from the previous meeting and agree the notes as an accurate record. Minutes: It was noted that all actions had been completed. The minutes of the meeting 30 July 2020 were agreed by the board as correct record.
Action: Alice to amend action plan document to add Peter Stanhope to the green spaces and community safety/ Thames Valley Police relationship sub groups.
Community Safety / Thames Valley Police Relationships To establish the Sub Group membership and discuss potential priorities.
Minutes: Agenda item 10 community safety/ Thames Valley Police relationships was taken next on the agenda. Sub group lead, Councillor Ray Sangster, provided an update to the group including the following key points: · A productive meeting had been held with members of the sub group and the Thames Valley Police Area Commander and Inspector. · Overall crime across Thames Valley decreased dramatically in the early months of the covid-19 pandemic, however drug crime increased. · Daniel Ryder had been appointed as Sergeant. · Resident were encouraged to call 101 by phone or use the website to report any issues in the local area. Inspector James Ellis also provided an update to members, which included the following key points: · Social media streams were able to provide residents with a snapshot of the work the police were undertaking. · Inspector Ellis/ Sergeant Ryder would endeavour to provide a quarterly update on police work to the board. Sergeant Ryder was looking at how to streamline communication with the hope to provide more visibility to the community thereafter. · Neighbourhood policing had been curtailed due to the pandemic, although things were getting back to normal. The board raised a number of questions and key points · An update on the co-op incident was given to the board by Inspector Ellis and Sergeant Ryder. · The first unit reported to the scene within 7 minutes. · The board was encouraged to engage with co-op as a national organisation. · It was noted that, due to officers being promoted to PSOs, there were some PCSO vacancies in The Ivers. · Thanks were expressed to the force for the swift response to the incident that had occurred at co-op. · The importance of communication with residents was stressed whenever incidents occur. This included providing a response to the person who had reported an incident. · It was noted that an auto reply was due to be set up on the neighbourhood inbox detailing the best avenues to report specific crimes. · It was noted that the web form was the most effective avenue to report crime, as the form removed the need for a call handler and any waiting time. Further, dash cam footage could now be uploaded to the web form. · Waiting times for 101 calls were being discussed at force level. Data indicated that long waiting times are low levels. · It was suggested that local residents be encouraged to apply to be a special constable. · Inspector Ellis asked that the sub group consider looking at themes including, online fraud, modern slavery issues specifically beauticians and farm labour. The board were also asked to assist with the forthcoming holiday – Halloween. Note 1: Councillor Luisa Sullivan joined the meeting at 18.46.
Community Matters Written public questions submitted in advance to be read by the Community Board Coordinator. Minutes: A written question was received by Peter Stanhope, Iver Parish Council: The question is regarding the illegal Heathrow parking on Langley Park Rd, my understanding is that it has lost planning permission and should be enforced on the 25th of September?The second point is the same road but the other end opposite the red lion pub and the illegal campsite and car wash this also seems to have lost planning permission. A written response was provided by Mohammed Nadeem, Planning Officer: EN/20/0389: Sawyers Green Farm, Langley Park Road, Wexham, Buckinghamshire, SL3 6DD The Council have identified several breaches of planning control on site. There is an extant enforcement notice on the site which was upheld on appeal, this notice was in relation to airport parking. The current activities on the land including the material change of use of the land to the storage and parking of motor vehicles are not covered by aforementioned enforcement notice. A temporary stop notice was issued to prevent further core being laid on the land, this notice was complied with. A Stop Notice and Enforcement Notice were issued on this site and were later withdrawn because of a clerical error in one of the Notices. In the interim new evidence has come to light regarding the unauthorised breaches on site which need to be investigated further, the Council have issued Planning Contravention Notice’s on all interested parties to obtain further information, they will have 21 days to respond and the council will examine the responses before taking any further action. EN/19/0003; Lossie Nurseries, Langley Park Road, Iver, Buckinghamshire, SL0 0JQ The Council have identified several breaches of planning control on site including unauthorised car wash. The Council have previously served temporary stop notices for the unauthorised airport parking, this unauthorised use ceased. This site has complex planning history and the Council are in the process of taking further enforcement action to resolve the breaches of planning control on site. Airport parking The council is dealing with several unauthorised airport parking sites in the area, however they are not aware of any sites on Langley Park road. In response to a question as to how to residents can get involved in the planning process, Councillor Trevor Egleton encouraged residents to respond to consultations on planning applications via the planning portal. It was noted that any local unitary ward member could ‘call-in’ a planning application so that it is considered by the planning committee. |
Community Board Plan PDF 404 KB To provide feedback on the Community Board Plan.
Minutes: The community board plan was at pages 7 – 10 in the agenda pack. Amendments were to be made to the membership of the sub groups: · Alan Wilson, Chairman of the Iver Heath Residents Association was to join the green spaces sub group. · Peter Stanhope was to join the community safety/ Thames Valley Police relationship and green spaces sub groups. Action: Alice to update plan to reflect updated membership.
Funding Update Update on funding by Alice Williams, Community Board Coordinator. Minutes: Alice provided an update on the community board funding criteria and process. The following key points were highlighted: · The Community Area Priorities Fund would support local projects to help improve outcomes for residents and that address the area priorities determined by each community board, as well as support the delivery of Buckinghamshire Council’s corporate plan. · There were three funding streams allocated to the Buckinghamshire Council’s community boards in 2020 – 2021: 1. Community Area Priorities Fund; 2. Health & Wellbeing Fund; and 3. Local Infrastructure Fund. · Each community board could allocate a maximum of 50% of its Community Area Priorities Fund towards transport/ highways projects. For these projects, requests for funds should be submitted by 31 October 2020. · A link to an online application form to request funds would be circulated to the board. |
Parking and Infrastructure PDF 577 KB Update on sub group by Wendy Matthews, Sub Group Lead.
Update on parking enforcement by Mark Davis, Parking Manager.
Update on Western Rail Link to Heathrow by Darl Sweetland, Strategic Infrastructure Projects Lead. Minutes: Parking and infrastructure sub group lead, Councillor Wendy Mathews, provided an update to the group on parking matters. The board noted the various ongoing work streams (Richings Park, Iver High Street, parking at shops in Iver Heath). It was agreed that a work stream be set up to look at parking in areas of Wexham. Meetings to look at the work streams would be set up shortly. Mark Davis was in attendance to provide an update on parking matters. The following key points were highlighted: · Covid-19 had impacted the enforcement service but now officers were back to full enforcement. · South Bucks areas made up 20% of officer’s enforcement time. Enforcement in the area increased during covid-19 as officers spent more time around country parks. · Overall, there were low issue rates for the areas. · The former councils’ parking teams will soon join together as one Buckinghamshire Council parking team which should increase capacity. · School areas have been a focus of parking complaints. A new ‘school rota’ had been put in place to focus officers in specific areas. · Officer locations could be tracked, including time spent in areas. · Thanks were expressed to officers for new signage displayed. · Mark was to look into parking concerns on Billet Lane and at the junction A412 going into Black Park Road. (Action – Mark). It was noted that these two areas were the highest areas for ticket issues. Councillor Wendy Matthews and Darl Sweetland provided an update on Network Rail’s project: Western Rail link to Heathrow. · The project will affect the areas of Richings Park and Iver, as well as Langley. · Concerns were raised around the potential closure of Hollyhill Lane. · There was a delay to the application submission, which was now due to be submitted in September 2021. · Thanks were expressed for the community evidence provided. · Technical evidence was being produced by officers and a summary of this would be circulated to the board. (Action – Mark). · Dates and times of the upcoming healthy streets assessment would be circulated to the board. (Action – Mark). This assessment is a survey to local residents asking them their main concerns against 9 criteria, and will take place over 4 days around the co-op area/ high street. A press release was also due to be released to let residents know about the survey. Members of the board were encouraged to inform residents about the survey through their communication channels. |
Covid-19 Response Recovery Update on sub group by Ann Mayling, Sub Group Lead. Minutes: The sub group lead for covid-19 response & recovery, Ann Mayling, provided an update to members, which included the following key points: · The sub group had had their first meeting. A number of partner organisations attended including Bucks Business First, the adult learning service and Pinewood. · Two work streams had been identified: business support and health and wellbeing. · The adult learning service offered a number of workshops to support those facing mental health challenges. There was an opportunity to work in partnership with the service to develop an offer. · The group were looking at how they could provide support to those currently in employment, or unemployed due to covid-19. It was essential to identify services available to residents and ensure they can access them. Services included reskilling, upskilling, business advice, general advice. · A communications strategy was to be developed around the offer, which would include a social media campaign. · It was noted that a business case to establish a Wexham & The Ivers Community Board Facebook page had been approved, and the page would be set up shortly by Alice. (Action – Alice). |
Green Spaces To establish the Sub Group membership and discuss potential priorities. Minutes:
It was agreed that the sub group would look at public transport infrastructure for resident access to county parks.
Former Iver Member Liaison Group- Project Updates PDF 566 KB Update on the projects previously managed by the former Iver Member Liaison Group (IMLG) by Jack Mayhew, Growth and Development Strategy Manager. Projects to be picked up by the relevant Community Board Sub Group.
Minutes: Alice provided a update on the Ivers Members Liaison Group projects that were to be picked up by the sub groups. Apologies were received from Growth and Development Strategy Manager, Jack Mayhew. A written report from Jack is appended to these minutes. The projects: · Iver relief road; · freight strategy; · Richings Park parking restrictions; · Iver cycleway; · Iver Heath study; and · Western Rail link to Heathrow. It was requested that the following projects be added to the list: · Air quality issues; · Heathrow expansion; and · Pinewood expansion. Action: Alice to liaise with Jack on recommendations for which projects should be picked up by which sub group. Action: Alice to feedback additional projects to Jack. Action: Alice to add an item on Pinewood Studios to the next meeting agenda. Action: Alice to add a Pinewood sub group to the action plan. |
Date & time of next meeting 3 November 2020, 6:00pm Minutes: 3 November 2020. |