Agenda and minutes
Venue: Via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Tom Fowler
No. | Item |
Welcome & Apologies for Absence Minutes: The chairman welcomed members to the Wexham and The Ivers community board meeting. Apologies for absence had been received from Ged Weston.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Jilly Jordan declared an interest in item 11 as a member of the Strategic Sites Committee, and would therefore stay in the meeting but not take part in the discussion. Councillor M Bradford, T Egleton, P Griffin & W Matthews declared an interest in item 11 as Members of the South Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee. Councillor L Sullivan and W Matthews declared an interest for meeting as directors of the Colne Valley Park. |
To review the actions from the previous meeting and agree the notes as an accurate record. Minutes: The action notes of the meeting held on 22 July 2020 were agreed as an accurate record. |
To note the Community Board forward plan. Minutes: The Forward Plan was noted. |
Community Matters Written public questions submitted in advance to be read by the Community Board Coordinator. Minutes: No questions had been submitted. |
To be presented by Katie Galvin, Community Hub Leader. Minutes: Katie Galvin, the Localities, Support Hub Lead gave an overview of the Support Hubs. · Those who shielded during the previous lockdown have been advised to follow similar guidelines, notably however,they were now able to interact with others in their support bubble and exercise outside. · It was confirmed that food parcels were not being issued by the government for this lockdown, however supermarkets were in a much better position to provide priority slots for the vulnerable. · The foodbanks for the Wexham & the Ivers area have been contacted by the support hub team to see if they need any additional support . · Letters were being issued to vulnerable residents by Buckinghamshire Council providing information on available assistance. It was suggested assurance that the number wasn’t a premium rate number be added to the letter. Since the meeting, it was confirmed that instead of a letter, calls were made instead.
Parking Schemes Update To be presented by Mark Davis, Parking Manager. Minutes: Mark Davis, the Parking Manager gave an update on the status of the Richings Park Parking Scheme
· The first meetings of the subgroups for the schemes in Iver village and Iver Heath had taken place and schemes were being drawn up for discussion.
Sub Group Updates Minutes: The sub-group chairs gave their updates to the Community Board.
Actions · Alice to communicate with Jack Mayhew to update committee further.
Ideas for Funding Members of the board to discuss ideas for funding applications. Minutes: The two funding applications being considered by the Community Board were approved: · Iver Village Hall Outside Security System · The Ivers Foodbank |
Air Quality Management Update Members of the board to note the written update provided by Cerys Williams. Additional documents: Minutes: The Air Quality Update was to be re-scheduled for a future meeting. |
Pinewood Update Minutes: The chairman gave an update on the new Pinewood Planning application for the construction of a Screen Hub global growth hub. This was set to be approximately 70,000 square metres in size. · The Community Board was setting up a Pinewood sub-group to discuss the new application with representation from local planning authority officers when needed. · The statutory consultation period for the application was underway and was due to end on the 15th November 2020. Once this period has ended, officers will attend the sub-group to feedback on matters arising. · It was confirmed the application was going to a future Strategic Sites Committee meeting.
Actions: · Alice to set up Pinewood Sub-group and circulate membership, first meeting to be held mid-November.