Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Aniqah Sultan (Community Board Manager)
No. | Item |
Chairman's Welcome |
Apologies and Declarations of Interest Minutes: None received |
Minutes of the Last Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were agreed |
Guest speakers:
· PCSO Eloise Waring, TVP · Sarah Sweet-Rowley, Early Autism Support · Shamsuz Zaman, Be Healthy Bucks · Eve Chason, Community Safety Officer Minutes: Guest speakers:
· Sarah Sweet-Rowley, Early Autism Support – Sarah Sweet-Rowley was unable to attend · Eve Chason (EC), Community Safety Officer – the slide presentation is attached to the minutes o EC thanked the Board for providing funding towards self defence classes. Two classes were held, with over 40 women in each class, and further classes have now also been held with the Amersham and Missendens Community Boards with a total of more than 200 women and girls benefitting from the training. Classes cost £15 per person with a minimum of 24 attending. Those attending receive safety tips and are shown physical moves, and are given items such as personal safety alarms and anti-spiking resources. Classes have been proposed in collaboration with the Chesham and the Villages Community Board, and with Amersham School following incidences of students being approached after school. o EC explained that community safety is a term given to the process of bringing together organisations and the community to reduce crime and the fear of crime, and to tackle antisocial behaviour (ASB), and that Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act (1998) places a statutory duty on local authorities to work with the Police to do this work o EC then gave an overview of the different roles within the Community Safety team in Buckinghamshire – crime prevention officers and community safety officers, ASB officers and street wardens, a domestic abuse team attached to adult social services, and officers with responsibility for modern slavery, serious violence and Prevent. Key programmes such as Hotel Watch, Shopwatch, Ask Angela and the Safe Place Scheme were highlighted. It was noted that while the Ask Angela initiative, whereby customers feeling unsafe can request help by asking the publican if they can speak with Angela, grew out of the Violence Against Women and Girls agenda, it is also used by men. o EC answered questions and the names of local businesses that are signed up to the Safe Place Scheme were shared. Up to date information can be found by searching ‘Safe Place Scheme’ on the Buckinghamshire Council website. o The Chairman thanked EC for attending with updates on the various schemes and asked that Members promote them in their areas. · Eloise Waring (EW), Police Community Support Officer (PCSO), Thames Valley Police o EW invited questions from the Board and discussions were held on several topics o In response to a question about the proliferation of e-bikes and scooters in Wexham, EW stated that the police are taking action against them. After two warning letters are issued, the first an education leaflet and the second an antisocial behaviour warning, Police can seize the equipment. Names and addresses of offenders are useful, as are photographs of offending taking place, though residents should only take photos safely. o Regarding parking on junctions, EW stated that the local PCSOs can only issue tickets if a vehicle is blocking a footpath. o EW invited Members to submit reports of parking and other concerns at the site ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Project Updates · Iver High Street Project Consultation · Call out for projects Minutes: · Our Best Years – Gwynneth Webber thanked the Board for the funding contribution made to the group and described the difference that it had made. New games and equipment, including a lifelike baby and a robotic cat, had been very successful with attendees and sessions are very popular. GW stated that it may be that the group will need to find larger premises before long and also mentioned a growing relationship with Denham Memory Café. · Iver High Street Project Consultation – Ani Sultan provided an update on the project, confirming that Oliver Omer Krausz (OOK) will chair the new group and highlighting the upcoming consultations with Councillors, residents and businesses. The group will have access to Section 106 monies as well as attracting funds from other Council departments. OOK stated that 105 residents had already responded to a survey giving their opinions and that engagement had been better than on previous occasions. Ani Sultan (AS) asked that anyone interested in joining the group contact her or OOK.
Engagement and Funding Updates · Wellbeing event feedback · Funding update · Action group updates · Residents Association updates · Proud of Bucks · Buckinghamshire Council update Additional documents:
Minutes: · Wellbeing event feedback – report attached to the minutes. The Chairman reported that the Health and Wellbeing Fayre, hosted jointly by the Board and Beeches Community Board, had been successful and received positively. Other Boards are adopting the approach. Thanks were given to AS and Andy Chapman. · Funding update – AS reported that the Board still had £43,000 available for project funding and asked that Members let her know about project ideas or groups who might be in need of support, with regard to Community Board funding criteria. The strength and balance classes, the self defence classes for women and the Iver Good Neighbour Scheme summer tea party had taken place. Two applications had been received in the previous week – for car park resurfacing from St Mary’s Church, Wexham, and for replacement fire doors from the Community Association. AS highlighted several other project applications that are in discussion: o two projects supported by Men In Sheds - Little Libraries, a set of 10 locations in public places where residents can obtain free books and a storytelling bench and chairs for Black Park o in response to an identified need, a range of first aid classes are being looked into – infant, child and standard courses as well as defibrillator training o discussions have taken place regarding a walking track in Wexham, similar to the new one in Stoke Poges. The cost could be in the region of £45,000 so, with a maximum Board contribution of £15,000, it would be necessary to source a significant amount of other funding o a small project application is anticipated from Iver Heath Library for materials to increase the activities on offer o a multi-generational collaboration between Sunnyside care home and Iver Village Junior School is being discussed o a new weekly pub lunch club has been proposed, offering a small menu with two courses for £10, to promote socialising o roller skates for the youth club o a visit by the Dementia Bus Experience to Black Park In response to a question about purchasing CCTV equipment, AS advised that the current position is that Community Boards are not providing funding to such schemes but offered to seek guidance.
· Action group updates – AS asked that anyone interested in joining the Iver High Street project group or the group supporting vulnerable adults and children should contact her. · Residents Association updates – to be attached to the meeting minutes · Proud of Bucks – AS reported that the Board’s Proud of Bucks judging panel had met. All Buckinghamshire Councillors and Parish Council Chairs had been invited and GW also attended. The winners and runners-up were chosen unanimously. It was confirmed that this year’s Proud of Bucks awards will be presented at Wexham Park Golf Club at 5pm on 7 November in a joint event with Beeches Community Board. S · Youth Roundtable – AS advised that an event for those working with, and providing services to, young people will be held on 14 November, in partnership with ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Date of Next Meeting 20th February 2025, 6pm Minutes: 20th February 2025, 6pm