Agenda and minutes
Venue: MS Virtual Meeting
Contact: Christina Beevers
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
Chairman's Welcome, Appointment of Vice-Chairman and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed all to the 1st meeting of the Haddenham and Waddesdon Community Board, he introduced the Vice-Chairman Mr P Irwin. A roll call was carried out for all members to introduce themselves to the board.
Online Etiquette Minutes: Ms E Hassall, Community Board Coordinator, Buckinghamshire Council gave an overview of the online etiquette required for the meeting and confirmed how the meeting would run. |
Declarations of Interests To disclose any Personal or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interests. |
Creating Community Conversations Minutes: Ms E Hassall, Community Board Coordinator, Buckinghamshire Council gave an overview of the slides appended to the minutes. |
Public Health Update Verbal update to be provided by Public Health. Minutes: Ms L Hurst, Public Health, Buckinghamshire Council gave an overview of the presentation appended to the minutes.
It was voiced by the Board that the Public Health Pack was very good and informative, and they were looking forward to working with Ms Hurst over the next year.
Concern was shown over the upcoming Flu season, Ms Hurst confirmed this was in the forefront of people’s priorities, planning was already underway for this. It was confirmed that all those that were eligible for the vaccine would be vaccinated.
Discussion to be led by the Chairman. To include a Q & A session and agreement of the priorities for the coming year. Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved
The Haddenham and Waddesdon Community Board AGREED the following priorities:
· Covid Recovery · Environment and Green Spaces · Highways and Road Safety (incorporating speeding issues) · Freight Steering Group · Cycling and Walking
The Haddenham and Waddesdon Community Board AGREED the following Sub-groups:
· Environment and green spaces · Highways and Road Safety (incorporating speeding issues) · Freight Steering Group · Cycling and Walking · Supporting economic recovery · Addressing social isolation and the needs of the most vulnerable
Topics for future consideration/ Actions Minutes:
Date of next & Future Meetings Thursday 24 September 2020- 7 pm. Thursday 05 November 2020- 7pm. Minutes: 24 September 2020, 7pm- Venue to be confirmed. 05 November 2020, 7pm- Venue to be confirmed.