Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Worminghall Village Hall, The Avenue, Worminghall, HP18 9LE

Contact: Elaine Hassall (Community Board Manager) 

No. Item


Networking, Refreshments and Chairman's Welcome

Cllr Ashley Waite


Cllr Ashley Waite welcomed everyone to the meeting. Elaine thanked Bob at Worminghall Village Hall for hosting the meeting.



Apologies and Declarations of Interest

Elaine Hassall


Apologies- BC Councillors: Greg Smith, Iain Macpherson, Jilly Jordan, Nic Brown, Michael Rand.  Service Director Lloyd Jeffries.


Parish Council apologies noted.


Ashley noted a declaration of interest as he will also be presenting in capacity as I’d Like to Borrow tonight.


Minutes of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Elaine Hassall


The minutes of the meeting on 16th May were agreed.



Tour of Worminghall Village Hall Refurbishment pdf icon PDF 5 MB

Presentation and Q&A – Bob Merry, Trustee of Worminghall Village Hall


Bob Merry, Trustee of Worminghall Village Hall delivered a presentation with Q&A about the recent refurbishment.


Bob gave an overview of the project supported by a slide show (attached). The building, currently owned by the church, was originally a Victorian school building, built 1875. It was modified in the 1950s and 1970s. Eventually the teachers housing was sold to generate some income for future refurbishment. The Worminghall Village Hall Committee have a 25-year tenancy agreement.


The hall was not accessible (toilet facilities and building access) and needed refurbishing to modern standards to make the facility appealing and suitable for a community facility that meets the needs of the local community.


Bob highlighted a success being that they managed to keep the café open (bar a couple of weeks) during the build. The team are volunteers, and the café offer paid employment opportunities for young people in the village to gain employment and transferrable skills.


A public opening was held in July 2024, which the Community Board Manager attended.


A key point raised was the planning requirement to ensure toilet facilities were suitable for people with visual impairment. A colour contrast of utilities against walls was required to meet the requirements of DEFRA funding.


Worminghall Village Hall has seen an increase in children’s/family parties since the improvements. There are many activities taking place on a weekly basis too, the hall has space for more regular bookings.


Q; Angela Coulthard: How did you bring the community along with your vision?

A; Bob: Community engagement was vital and we conducted this with drop-in sessions at the hall along with a questionnaire. There were lots of post it notes and ideas! DEFRA wanted all of engagement evidence for their funding requirement. The team also worked with Community Impact Bucks.


Q; Ashley: what was the percentage response from the village?

A; Bob: approximately 1/3rd of villagers responded. The Post Office, shop, WI were proactive in supporting. There were lots of good ideas. Feedback was shared about the standard of the toilets and the closed off kitchen. False ceiling timbers do still need to be checked. Next ambition is a vinyl tile floor to finish the building off.


The group then toured the building.


Action: All- anyone interested in the renovation is welcomed to contact Bob Merry-



Community Board Engagement and Project Updates pdf icon PDF 479 KB

Elaine Hassall

Additional documents:


Elaine updated on board activity as per the appended slides. Elaine gave an overview of the priorities and how the board had been supporting the delivery of these alongside the corporate priorities of Buckinghamshire Council.


Elaine highlighted the Proud of Bucks event on Saturday 26th October 14:00-16:00. All were welcomed to join. Please RSVP to her if coming.


Elaine highlighted the Parish workshops had been a success- the next is expected to be in November.


Action: all- if anyone would like to host the next parish workshop, please let Elaine know.


Elaine noted that she attended the biodiversity seminar for parishes which offered a lot of insight. The notes from the seminar will be circulated shortly.


Elaine also attended an open day at Westcott Space Innovation Centre- Westcott Space Cluster, A growing nucleus of space related companies. It was recommended that board members visit future open days as the tour and talks are very insightful into the place Buckinghamshire businesses are playing in experimental space innovation.



Q; How much budget do you have available for projects?

A; Elaine- we have a budget for projects that meet priorities, we have approximately £50k left this year. We need to ensure Community Board money is spent on the right things and we have found that there are lots of pots of funding available that are often more suitable, which people can apply for. If you have a project that aligns with one of our priorities, please speak to Elaine in the first instance.


Partner updates:


Ashley Waite presented an update for I’d like to borrow- the library of things- the presentation can be found appended to these notes. Ashley advised that the aim now was to move and adapt to what people want- they have seen a whole range of items that have had high demand that hadn’t been expected. Village Halls and Fetes have used the tables and chairs over the summer. Little Kimble donated old garden furniture- 6 tables and 42 chairs! The library has items for children and to support people with disabilities. They are currently running on an appointment basis.


The other strand of I’d Like to Borrow is I’d Like a Bike, providing refurbished donated bikes for children and adults, who might otherwise not be able to afford one.


Q; What is the biggest priority at the moment?

A; Ashley- managing capacity due to volume of donations and getting the bikes out of the door and getting the bikes maintained. At the moment the offer is ad-hoc and they can’t give a commitment of bikes per month. Volunteers are needed to fix the bikes.


Q; Jim Edwards: Do you offer maintenance alongside the bike?

A; Ashley- this is an aspiration along with cycle training. It needs to be turned from a hobby shop to something more professional led by someone with maintenance skills to really drive it forward. We have one of the highest volumes of cycle tracks in the county but not a lot of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Buckinghamshire Council Update pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Lloyd Jeffries, Service Champion


The update is appended to these action notes.


Ashley highlighted key points:

-          National planning policy framework consultation open until 24th September.


Q; Jo Grey:- What can that consultation realistically change? Should we have a neighbourhood plan?

A; Ashley- Yes. There is no real design code in new NPPF. Beauty is a subjective term. The only way to maintain control is by people power. It will be hard. As a planning authority, the Government reserve the right to remove planning powers and make it national. A plan won’t stop development but will help you to define its location.


Elaine noted advice to include something unique to your area in neighbourhood plans and consider including policies on dark skies and green canopies.


Steve Walker:  noted it was worth noting your neighbourhood plan needs to include housing.


-          There are changes to ward boundaries, the number of councillors and the number of Community Boards from April 2025. More information will follow in due course.

-          LCWIP consultation closes 13th October - please add comments. Ashley noted that there is no specific fund to deliver but a detailed plan is needed for when funding becomes available. There are about 60 plans across the county. Martyn’s Law (The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill has meant that there are much tighter restrictions on public venues, meaning those like Waddesdon Manor may restrict some access across their land. Buckinghamshire Council's spending priorities 25-26 for the council is live until 13th October.



Community Matters and Public Questions

Cllr Ashley Waite


No questions were raised.



Date of Next Meeting


To be confirmed.


Buckinghamshire Council Update


Lloyd Jeffries, Service Champion


Tour of Worminghall Village Hall


Tour of Village Hall refurbishment, presentation and Q&A – Bob Merry, Trustee of Worminghall Village Hall.


Date of Next Meeting

To be confirmed


Proud of Bucks awards are being held on Saturday 26th October 14:00-16:00

Next formal meeting- February 2025- anticipated it will be hosted in Oakley or Waddesdon.

Elaine asked for requests for future meeting items:


Request for item: Support for renewables at community venues: infrastructure support- heat source pumps, battery storage to reduce utility costs, group buying etc. how to get a better green footprint.


Action: Elaine to ask Graham if he would present on Haddenham decarbonisation project.


Alan noted that an Energy efficient homes fair was being held in Haddenham on 10th November 2024.


Action: Alan to send Elaine the leaflet

Action: Elaine to circulate leaflet to the board



Jo Grey asked if advice and information can be provided about the dark skies project including the maintenance of lights.


Action: Elaine to forward on the BBOWT seminar toolkit.


Action: All- Any other requests for future agenda items to be sent to Elaine via