Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: High Wycombe Council Chamber, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, HP11 1BB. View directions

Contact: Liz Hornby 


Webcast: View the webcast

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

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Councillor M Bracken: Application PL/24/2834/VRC – declared an interest due to being a Member of the Gerrards Cross Town Council. He declared that he was not a member of their Planning committee and had not discussed this application with Town Councillors and therefore he would enter the debate with an open mind, would listen to the debate before reaching a decision and voting on the item.


Councillor S Chhokar: Application PL/24/2834/VRC – declared an interest due to his son, Councillor Jaspal Chhokar being a speaker on this item in his capacity as a Gerrards Cross Town Councillor. He declared that he had an open mind, would listen to the debate before reaching a decision and voting on the item.


Councillor T Egleton: Applications PL/23/3629/VRC and PL/23/3885/VRC – declared an interest due to having submitted objections. He would therefore speak as a Ward Member and then vacate the Chamber for the duration of the debate and voting on each item. He declared he would be handing over to the Vice-Chairman to chair these two applications in his absence.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To note the minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2025.

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The minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2025 were agreed as an accurate record.


At the conclusion of this item, the Chairman handed over to the Vice-Chairman.


PL/23/3629/VRC - Top Cottage, Hollybush Hill, Stoke Poges, SL2 4PX pdf icon PDF 272 KB

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Variation of conditions 3 (heritage) and 10 (approved plans) of planning permission PL/22/3520/FA (Part single, part two storey side and rear extension, demolition of garage and construction of garage with space above) to allow changes to doors and windows.


This application was the subject of a site visit.


Members voted in favour of the motion to approve the application subject to the Conditions as listed in the officer’s report.


Speaking as Ward Member: Councillor T Egleton

Speaking in objection: Professor S Mackey


It was proposed by Councillor M Bracken and seconded by Councillor S Chhokar.


Resolved: that the application be approved subject to the Conditions as laid out in the officer’s report.


Councillor T Egleton, having declared an interest, spoke as Ward Member and then vacated the Chamber for the remainder of the debate and voting on the item.


PL/23/3885/VRC - Top Cottage, Hollybush Hill, Stoke Poges, SL2 4PX pdf icon PDF 239 KB

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Variation of Condition 10 (Approved Plans) of Planning Permission PL/22/3520/FA (Part single, part two storey side and rear extension, demolition of garage and construction of garage with space above) to allow for proposed garage area to be changed to a boiler house and garden room complete with a relocated ground floor toilet with changes to windows and doors.


This application was the subject of a site visit.


Members voted in favour of the motion to approve the application subject to the Conditions as laid out in the officer’s report and also subject to the addition of the following Conditions:


1.    The outbuilding shall be used solely for purposes entirely ancillary to, and solely in connection with the existing dwelling on the site, which together form a single family dwelling unit, and shall not be used as a separate unit of accommodation.

2.    That a new landscaping plan be submitted in relation to parking and turning circles.


Speaking as Ward Member: Councillor T Egleton

Speaking in objection: Professor S Mackey


It was proposed by Councillor G Hollis and seconded by Councillor M Bracken


Resolved: that the application be approved subject to the Conditions as laid out in the officer’s report and subject to the addition of the conditions as set out above.


Councillor T Egleton, having declared an interest, spoke as Ward Member and then vacated the Chamber for the remainder of the debate and voting on the item.


At the conclusion of this item, the Vice-Chairman handed over to the Chairman for the remainder of the meeting.


PL/24/2834/VRC - Brow Cottage, 14 Hill Waye, Gerrards Cross, SL9 4PX pdf icon PDF 271 KB

Additional documents:


Variation of Condition 12 (approved plans) of planning permission PL/23/1868/FA (Demolition of existing dwelling and proposed 5 bedroom replacement dwelling) to allow changes to design to reflect house as built.


This application was the subject of a site visit.


Members voted unanimously in favour of the motion to refuse the application, contrary to officer’s recommendation, for the following reasons:


That it was out of character with street scene was unacceptable due to the positioning of the dwelling and the reduction of space between the neighbouring dwelling, therefore adversely impacting upon character of area and contrary to policies EP3, EP4, H9, H10, CP8, the Townscape character Study, and the relevant policies in the Draft Gerrards Cross Neighbourhood Plan.


Speaking on behalf of Gerrards Cross Town Council: Councillor J Chhokar

Speaking in objection: Mrs J Clemow


The Committee wished it to be noted that they expressed concern in relation to the condition of, and potential damage to, protected trees caused by development at this site and that remedial works were yet to be carried out, although no date had been set for this work. A request was made that Council tree officers review the situation.


It was proposed by Councillor M Bracken and seconded by Councillor S Chhokar.


Resolved: that the application be refused, contrary to officer’s recommendation for the reasons as laid out above.


Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 4 March 2025 at 2.30pm.

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Tuesday 4 March 2025 at 2.30pm


Availability of Members Attending Site Visits (if required)

To confirm members’ availability to undertake site visits on 3 March 2025, if required

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