Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: High Wycombe Council Chamber, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, HP11 1BB. View directions
Contact: Iram Malik - Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs: Baughan, Clarke, A Hussain, Rana and Wood |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: A Member raised a query as to the whereabouts of the updated portrait of the Monarch. He was informed that the official portrait of the King had not yet been released, but that the situation would be closely monitored.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the last meeting held on 26 November 2024 be confirmed as a true record
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest Additional documents: Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
SPECIAL EXPENSES DRAFT BUDGET 2025/26 Fiorella Mugari Additional documents: Minutes: Members were informed that the budget sub- group had met twice to agree on the budget for 2025/26. The presenting officer stated that from a list of 4 options it had been agreed that option 1 should be selected as a recommendation going forward. This recommended a decrease of £0.55 to Band D tax for the High Wycombe Town Committee £17.99 raising £438,914 in precept.
A Member stated her disappointment that option 2 had not been selected, following requests made for ideas as to how to cover the massive underspend. It was felt that there had been insufficient reflection as to how to allocate the underspend which should not have been allowed to accumulate to the current level and that there remained a desperate need for the funds.
Another Member specified that for the past few years more money than required had been collected from residents for the services provided. As such it was right that the cost to them should be reduced, whilst ensuring that a sufficient level of precept remained. It was agreed by many others that a reduction in the burden of taxation upon residents should be welcomed.
The presenting officer reinforced the view that it was not appropriate to increase the precept whilst sufficient funds remained within reserves.
In giving the matter further consideration, the vast majority of Members agreed with the recommendations as put forth.
RESOLVED: That the Committee,
(i) Notes the draft budget by expense line for 2025/26 (Appendix A) and that these figures take account of the impact of indexation on the grounds maintenance contract, proposed fees and charges (which have been reviewed and considered with respect to competitiveness in certain instances) and the council tax base.
(ii) Notes and recommends 5% increase in Fees & Charges where no fee review is carried out, in line with corporate guidance. The 5% increase is in line with the Buckinghamshire Council corporate approach to fees and charges increases for next financial year. For cemetery fees, a full fee review was undertaken.
(iii) Notes the Council Tax base and the precept as set out in the paper. The Council Tax Base is set at Band D equivalent for 2025/26 with respect to Special Expenses for the unparished area of High Wycombe Town.
(iv) Notes that the Council Tax Base for Band D equivalent for 2025/26 has increased from 24,059.37 to 24,397.68 properties for HWTC.
(vi) Puts forward the draft budget for recommendation to Cabinet who will then recommend it to Full Council.
SPECIAL EXPENSES RESERVES - PROPOSED SPEND 25/26 Chairman/ Wendy Morgan Brown Additional documents: Minutes: A report was submitted which requested approval of the proposed additional budget headings for special expenses reserves and the release of up to £450k to fund the activities. This would ultimately provide the committee with greater flexibility in the allocation of the reserves, allowing for timely responses to priorities of resident in the unparished area.
The Chairman highlighted that the initial sums allocated within the 7 headings were proposed as a none off budget allocation, compiled in response to suggestions received from Members of the committee. This was detailed at paragraph 1.6 of the report.
Some Members expressed concern over the £50k allocation to the town warden stating that it would not suffice to have this as a one- off payment but that it need to be funded from the revenue budget. The general consensus of opinion was that a task and finish group would ultimately need to be established to consider the allocations in greater detail.
However following some debate, it was
RESOLVED: That the proposed additional budget headings for special expenses reserves and the release of up to £450k to fund the activities listed in in parag 1.6 of the report be approved. |
SCHEME OF DELEGATION (VERBAL UPDATE) Chairman/ Wendy Morgan Brown Additional documents: Minutes: The Lead Officer informed Members that the feedback regards the scheme of delegation had now been received and collated. Further questions would now be posed to members for further consideration via email with the relevant responses needing to be returned as soon as possible.
A final version of the draft would then be circulated ahead of the next meeting.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted |
COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY (VERBAL UPDATE) Gail Hudson Additional documents: Minutes: A report was tabled which detailed the updated position on the available CIL funds for allocation in the unparished area as part of the medium term financial plan.
Members were informed that as part of the work to be undertaken, exploring Special Expenses reserves, some proposals suggested for consideration could potentially be put forward for review as CIL projects.
All suggestions would be assessed and further details shared with the Members. Any considered recommendations would be put forward for ratification as part of the council’s capital programme.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: The work programme was circulated for information.
(i) the matter of the High Wycombe warden and the Easton Street car park be considered under the H W Town Centre item from Mr Barnham,
(ii) A presentation from the Chief Constable be added to the work programme the date of which was to be confirmed,
(iii) The remainder of the work programme be noted.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING 25 March 2025 7pm Wycombe Council Chamber Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman stated that there was a possibility that the scheduled March meeting may be affected due to the forthcoming elections. As such discussions were ongoing as to whether the meeting would be brought forward to a suitable date in February.
This would be confirmed in due course.
RESOLVED: That the date of the next meeting be confirmed. |