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This page lists the meetings for Buckinghamshire Growth Board.
No Buckinghamshire Growth Board meetings are available for browsing.
Information about Buckinghamshire Growth Board
The Buckinghamshire Growth Board is a partnership group that brings together key public and private sector partners to help facilitate joined-up discussions about the future of Buckinghamshire. It provides a single working forum to ensure the alignment and understanding of Buckinghamshire’s spatial, economic, environmental, climate change, health and well-being, connectivity and infrastructural plans. The Growth Board also facilitates the development of Buckinghamshire’s strategic place-based initiatives and provides a single point of reference for engagement with central government. Its membership includes Buckinghamshire Council, Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership, Buckinghamshire Business First, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Buckinghamshire CCG, Buckinghamshire Skills Advisory Panel, two economic sector specialists and central government partners.