This page lists the meetings for Strategic Sites Committee.
Earlier meetings. Later meetings.
Planning Committees are responsible for Development Control and Planning matters. Their role is to determine planning applications and regulate the development or use of land including public rights of way.
Buckinghamshire Council has a Strategic Sites Committee which deals with wider strategic development, sites which have a significant impact beyond the specific local area and sites fundamental to the implementation of an adopted or emerging Local Plan.
Public speaking
Speaking arrangements for the strategic sites committee will be the same as the area planning committees, however, there may be more flexibility applied, dependent upon the nature of the application (at the chairman's discretion).
Members of the public who have previously made written representations objecting to, or in support of an application will be invited to speak at the first planning committee meeting at which the matter is considered. If you are interested in speaking at planning committee, you must register in advance of the meeting. Details on how to register will be provided in the invitation to speak sent to you. Please note that the deadline for registering to speak is 10.00 am, two working days before the meeting.
More information about public speaking is available here.