Agenda item

The Committee will consider a six month review of the recommendations made by the 2021 Budget Scrutiny Inquiry Group.



Martin Tett, Leader

Richard Ambrose, Service Director for Corporate Finance (Section 151 Officer)



Six month update report



The Committee received a six-month update report to the fifteen Budget Scrutiny Inquiry Group recommendations that had been recommended to the Executive in January 2021. The table appended to the report gave an update against each recommendation, together with the timetable for actions to be completed.


Cllr J Chilver, Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources, Property and Assets introduced the report, highlighting the following points:


  • As the recommendations were made whilst the 21/22 budget remained in its draft format, many of these were picked up and included within the final budget itself. A number of recommendations related to individual portfolios and members were invited to contact the specific portfolio holders if they had any queries on these.
  • A four-year revenue budget would be produced for 2022/23, following the one-year budget having been produced for 2021/22 due to the uncertainties arising from the covid-19 pandemic.
  • It was highlighted that following budget scrutiny comments on the aspirations of the capital programme, a ten-year strategic programme was being developed, from which a formal four-year programme which identified those projects fully funded would be produced for Council to agree in February 2022.


Questions and comments raised by the Committee included:


  • The six-month update was received positively with many of the recommendations having been completed and the more strategic capital programme was welcomed by the committee.
  • The zero based budgeting approach was discussed and it was explained that this style of budgeting was not only to focus on savings but also to ensure that the budget was robust and through undertaking assessments areas would be identified that needed additional budget set aside. The importance of the role of this committee in testing proposals during the budget scrutiny process was noted.
  • Affordable housing was said to remain a priority, with Tatling End, Denham having been completed, Horns Lane, Wycombe having received planning permission and seven further potential sites identified. Councillor Chilver advised that he was working closely with the portfolio holder for housing, homelessness and regulatory services in delivering these projects which were also key considerations in the development of the Buckinghamshire Local Plan. A task and finish group were meeting regularly.
  • Members were advised that key worker housing remained a priority and a number of sites were being explored. Councillor Chilver advised that the committee would be welcome to have more details on schemes as they progress.
  • The committee was informed that the contingency set aside for property income loss had been adequate and had been required, particularly for the hard hit retail and hospitality sectors. Members were advised that these areas were now starting to recover.
  • A member recommended that further emphasis be placed on climate change in the draft budget for 22/23 and it was suggested that a key line of questioning to every portfolio holder during the budget scrutiny sessions could be around what their plans were to address climate change. Members asked where possible, could portfolio holders budget submissions define climate change actions and costings to allow greater visibility and understanding.


Supporting documents: