Agenda item


Proposal:  Outline planning application with all matters reserved except for access for a mixed-use sustainable urban extension on land to the south west of Milton Keynes to provide up to 1,855 mixed tenure dwellings; an employment area (B1); a neighbourhood centre including retail (A1/A2/A3/A4/A5), community (D1/D2) and residential (C3) uses; a primary and a secondary school; a grid road reserve; multi-functional green space; a sustainable drainage system; and associated access, drainage and public transport infrastructure.


A site visit was carried out on 17 November 2021.


Speaking as local members for Milton Keynes Council, Councillor Allan Rankine and Councillor James Lancaster.


Speaking as a representative of Newton Longville Parish Council, Mike Galloway


Speaking as an objector, Councillor Ernie Thomas.


Speaking on behalf of the agent, Mr Gary Tucker – applicant.


Following a thorough debate, it was proposed by Councillor P Fealey and seconded by Councillor R Newcombe and agreed unanimously at a vote that the officer’s recommendation be agreed.

Resolved: that permission be deferred and delegated to the Director of Planning and Environment for APPROVAL subject to the satisfactory completion of a legal agreement to secure: 1) financial contributions towards provision of education (primary and secondary); 2) on or off site sport and leisure provision; 3) off site farmland bird mitigation; 4) on-site provision of affordable housing, 5) financial contribution for hospital facilities; 6) provision of community facility; 7)  onsite provision of primary school facilities and land for a secondary school; 8) provision of a health centre (GP surgery) (and/or financial contributions thereto); 9) provision and maintenance of public open space and recreation and play areas; 10) on-and off-site highways contributions/ works/road infrastructure works, travel plans, sustainable transport measures (and/or financial contributions thereto); 11) SUDS maintenance; and 12) phasing plan and subject to conditions as considered appropriate by Officers, or if these are not achieved for the application to be refused.

Note:  There was a 20 minute comfort break before the start of item 5.

Supporting documents: