Agenda item

Elaine Hassall, Community Board Manager


Community Board Priorities

Elaine presented the 24-25 priorities of the Board.  Elaine directed attendees to the minutes from November which included the priorities work that she had undertaken.  Elaine explained that the priorities aren’t changing too much but the names are changing and will provide more clarity on the priorities:

  • Green and Clean
  • Community Support and Belonging
  • Enhancing Where We Live


Marc Frost said that he partakes in the Wombles in Long Crendon and said that they have difficulty with insurance and who can take part, particularly for DofE volunteers. He said that Thame and Aylesbury Wombles do have insurance and it would be helpful if all the Wombles have an umbrella insurance that covers everyone that is partaking. Jenny Davies suggested that a template of best practice of how a Wombles group could run might be helpful. Sue Gilbert, the Clerk said that the PC in Long Crendon should cover the insurance for Wombles. Elaine will explore the issues raised.

Alan Thawley said that he is concerned that the Green and Clean priority is too focussed and excludes electric cars which is a shame. Greg Smith seconded this concern. Elaine said that Buckinghamshire Council does have a strategy for electric car charging and also an idling scheme, but that the priority should cover anything that affects the environment.  Elaine will relook at the wording for this priority.


Jenny Davies said that she thinks the ‘Community Support and Belonging’ and ‘Enhancing Where We Live’ is too close and some further description to show the difference between them. Elaine will look into this.


Community Board Activities

Elaine presented some things that the Board had been involved with: 


They organised the Green Living Event at the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre, which was well attended and some positive outcomes, although they were limited at having to hold the event on a weekday during the day.  They will look at attending future events on a weekend or an evening to generate footfall from residents.


The Road Safety Competition results were in and Stone CE School won with their entries, which will be made into road side posters on lampposts.  The School will receive a £500 voucher to be spent towards their School Travel Plan goals.


Independence Day – 4th July, is a local business campaign where residents can nominate their local business that goes the extra mile.  Elaine visited The Dinton Hermit and Tiggywinkles as part of this campaign.


Parish news – Elaine has visited the Dinton Orchard and the Dinton Playground. The Community Board funded the orchard and an extension to the playground.  The Waddesdon Horticultural Society approached the Board to help them purchase some lightweight outreach tables for them to use at events.  Elaine visited the Waddesdon PC orchard which was also supported by the Community Board. The Community Board recognises, as part of our Environmental priority, that orchards are a valuable source of biodiversity and encourages their reintroduction.


Projects for 23-24 – Elaine provided a list of projects that were funded by the Community Board in 2023-2024.  She also provided information of two projects already funded by the Board in 2024-2025.  Greg noticed that quite a lot of projects funded in 23-24 were based in Waddesdon and wondered what the reason was for this?  Elaine said that she does visit quite a lot of small parishes that unfortunately don’t have the capacity to apply for funding despite her support. If anyone isn’t sure if their project meets the criteria Elaine will provide support and will be able to talk through the criteria and support applicants to apply. Ashley said that Berryfields, as a fairly new community, do not have any groups or organisations in order to apply for funding whereas Waddesdon has more groups and organisations that can apply for funding. Elaine explained that even where there are areas which have groups to apply, they do have things covered themselves and don’t require funding from the Board. Ashley and Elaine are always working to engage with all of the communities across the Board area.  Helen Mee asked if Contributory Funding was applicable this year – it is and Ashley said he was proud of the level of Contributory Funding that Haddenham & Waddesdon Community Board had generated in 23-24.


Proposed projects for 24-25 – Ashley presented a suggestion for a new cycle track within the Board area, for use by individuals and groups and would support road safety and bike skills. He showed a slide of the Faircycles track in Oxford, which is about the size of two football pitches. A space big enough is needed and Ashley requested any suggestions, and he will investigate any ideas.

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