Agenda item
To consider item 6
The Head of Technology, Transformation and PMO advised Members that there were three papers being presented today relating to HMICFRS. The reports had been split to ensure they got the focus needed on the important topics covered. The first paper provided an update on the Service’s progress against its Action Plan.
In October 2023, the Service received its 2023-2025 Round 3 HMICFRS Inspection report. The report detailed three causes of concern, focused on Prevention, Protection and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I). An HMICFRS Action Plan was developed and submitted to HMICFRS on 15 November 2023 and presented to the Authority on the 6 December 2023. This report showed progress against the Action Plan. All Prevention and Protection actions were now complete, and two more ED&I actions had been completed. To ensure changes were embedded, KPI’s were put in place to monitor completed actions. The plan was reviewed regularly and updated monthly at a strategic management level and at the HMICFRS Tactical and Improvement Boards.
Progress was shared with HMICFRS through regular contact with the HMICFRS Service Liaison lead. HMICFRS also completed a revisit in May 2024 and the progress seen by HMICFRS could be seen in the appendices. A further revisit was planned for September 2024. The Chief Fire Officer and Chairman would also be presenting a further update to the HMICFRS Fire Performance Oversight Group in October 2024.
A Member asked if future updates would be presented to the Overview and Audit Committee.
The Head of Technology, Transformation and PMO advised that they would. The only reason the reports had come to the Authority today was timing, but all future reports would be presented to the Overview and Audit Committee to be reviewed.
A Member asked how frequent the meetings were, to reassure members that it was still in line with the plan and assurance that every aspect of the plan was reviewed.
The Head of Technology, Transformation and PMO advised that the Tactical and Improvement Board meetings were held monthly and were chaired by the Chief Fire Officer and the Improvement Board was chaired by the Deputy Chief Fire Officer. At present, the governance structure was being reviewed, but if there were areas of concern, and definitely areas for improvement, these would feed into the governance structure so they were monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. Also, KPIs had been embedded and would feed into the performance reports that would be reviewed at the Performance Monitoring Board, and then presented to the Authority.
The Head of Protection, Assurance and Development advised that with regard to Protection, the Service continued to engage with the National Fire Chief Council (NFCC) and attend regular meetings with the NFCC Policy Reform Unit, who constantly look at legislative changes. The NFCC also host a lot of work around the building safety regulations, as that was an emerging regulator the Service needed to interact with. Officers also attend the Southeast Protection Regional meeting and furthermore, the Service had just engaged Avon Fire and Rescue Service to come and undertake a Peer Review in relation to the protection progress.
The Head of Human Resources advised that with regard to ED&I, the Service had received very good support from an ED&I specialist at Buckinghamshire Council and had also been working with the NFCC improvement team looking at Fire Standards and what else the Service needed to do. The Service was also part of the Asian Fire Service Association, attending their conference. The Service had also set up a Culture Board, chaired by the Deputy Chief Fire Officer.
That the HMICFRS 2023-2025 update be noted.
Supporting documents:
ITEM 6_HMICFRS 2023 Inspection Report EFA 110924 vFA, item 6.
PDF 123 KB
ITEM 6a_Appendix 1 - HMICFRS Round 3 Action plan July 2024, item 6.
PDF 137 KB
ITEM 6b_Appendix 2 - Buckinghamshire-fire-cause-of-concern-revisit, item 6.
PDF 155 KB