Agenda item
To consider item 8
The Head of Technology, Transformation and PMO advised that the final HMCIFRS paper related to the most recent HMICFRS report on the Standards of Behaviour and the handling of misconduct in fire and rescue services. HMICFRS inspected 10 services, and the report provided details on their findings and 15 recommendations. Of the 15 recommendations, all were owned by the Chief Fire Officer and two were jointly owned by the Fire Authority (13 a and b). Both the Service and Authority continued to take the culture of its Service extremely seriously and welcomed the recommendations in this report. The recommendations had been reviewed by the Service and an Action Plan pulled together to show when the recommendations would be delivered and what the measures of success would be. The Action Plan would be reviewed and scrutinised at the HMICFRS Tactical and Improvement Board. Further updates to the Authority would be provided via HMICFRS updates to the Overview and Audit Committee and Fire Authority.
The Vice Chairman asked for clarification as to why the deadline on point 2 was showing 1 February 2025 and the narrative said in quarter three or four and quarter four would be after the 1 February 2025.
The Director of Finance and Assets advised that it was referring to the financial year not the calendar year but agreed it should be quarter three as quarter four would fall after 1 February 2025.
The Vice Chairman asked about number 9, introduction into case management where it said a case management spreadsheet was in place. A spreadsheet was not a system, it was part of a process, does it need more review.
The Head of Human Resources advised that with regard to the case management system, the Service had introduced this year Safe Call the whistleblowing and speak up service and as part of that, there was a portal where the case management information was added, but access to this was limited and so there was a comprehensive case management spreadsheet to ensure everything was tracked.
The Vice Chairman asked about number 12, as the deadline was now, was this the date it was written or today.
The Head of Human Resources advised it was in regard to the Service’s welfare support and everything was in place, there was a Welfare Officer, Occupational Health Services, an employee relations team, and mental health wellbeing support officers. The Inspectorate had complimented the Service on its welfare support.
The Vice Chairman asked about number 13b, and what type of training would be available to Members.
The Head of Human Resources advised that she did not have any details at present, but it would be forthcoming.
The Vice Chairman advised that on number 15a it should be 1 February 2025 and not 1 February 2024.
1. That the Fire Authority should accept the recommendations allocated to the Chief Fire Officer in full.
2. That the Fire Authority should accept the recommendations allocated to the Fire and Rescue Authority in full.
3. That the Service will fully engage and support the delivery of the remaining Recommendations.
Supporting documents:
ITEM 8_HMICFRS Standard of Behaviour Report EFA 110924 vFA, item 8.
ITEM 8a_HMICFRS Standards of behaviour Recommendations - BFRS August 2024, item 8.
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