Agenda item


As part of the Council’s agreed budget, the library service had a Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) savings requirement of £555,000 to deliver by Financial Year (FY) 2026/27. Work had taken place to consider options and identify an innovative model that would increase opening hours, maintain the library service offer and ensure a sustainable and resilient service that would deliver the required savings.


On 18 June 2024, Cabinet considered a report setting out the options, including proposals for a new model called ‘Library Flex’, and agreed that a consultation exercise be undertaken to seek feedback on these proposals before a final decision was made on how to deliver library services in future.


This report provided detail of the consultation findings and how the insight had informed the changes that were now being recommended to Cabinet for implementation which were as follows:-


·         To implement the ‘Library Flex’ model and an increase in opening hours across eight county libraries (Amersham, Aylesbury, Beaconsfield, Buckingham, Chesham, Hazlemere, Marlow and Princes Risborough), including piloting significantly extended opening hours at Amersham Library: specifically, to increase opening hours and access to these sites through self-service technology, and to focus staffed hours to the times of greatest customer need. Across these libraries, there would be an average 26% reduction in staffed hours, but an overall increase of 23% on the current opening hours, with potential to significantly increase unstaffed opening hours in future in line with customer demand. For the new Amersham Library in the Chilterns Lifestyle Centre (CLC) there will be an enhanced opening hours pilot, with early opening and late closing seven days a week, representing a 129% increase in opening hours.

·         To modify the layout of High Wycombe Library and to open on a Monday instead of a Sunday, to better meet customer needs (there would be no overall change in the number of opening hours and no reduction in the range of services available).

·         To reduce the opening hours for Burnham Library from 38 to 27 per week, to ensure delivery of a sustainable service, since there is insufficient volunteer capacity to maintain the current hours.


Cabinet was also asked to agree the release of the required capital investment of £500,000 to implement the above recommendations, in order to secure the £555,000 MTFP savings requirement. If agreed, then procurement would take place for the works to alter buildings and install the self-operated technology, and a formal staff consultation on restructuring would commence during January 2025, with the new model anticipated to launch in June 2025.


Cabinet Members agreed that they should receive a report on progress six months after the implementation of library flex.




1.               That the findings from the recent consultation exercise to inform the future service design for the Council’s libraries service be noted.

2.               That the implementation of Library Flex and an increase in opening hours across eight county libraries, including piloting significantly extended opening hours at Amersham Library: plus, changes to High Wycombe Library opening times and a reduction in opening hours at Burnham Library, to deliver the budgeted MTFP savings and associated benefits as detailed in this report be AGREED.  

3.                That the release of the existing associated capital budget of £500,000 from the Council’s agreed Capital Programme be APPROVED.


As part of the Council’s agreed budget, the library service had a Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) savings requirement of £555,000 to deliver by Financial Year (FY) 2026/27. Work had taken place to consider options and identify an innovative model that would increase opening hours, maintain the library service offer and ensure a sustainable and resilient service that would deliver the required savings.


On 18 June 2024, Cabinet considered a report setting out the options, including proposals for a new model called ‘Library Flex’, and agreed that a consultation exercise be undertaken to seek feedback on these proposals before a final decision was made on how to deliver library services in future.


This report provided detail of the consultation findings and how the insight had informed the changes that were now being recommended to Cabinet for implementation which were as follows:-


·       To implement the ‘Library Flex’ model and an increase in opening hours across eight county libraries (Amersham, Aylesbury, Beaconsfield, Buckingham, Chesham, Hazlemere, Marlow and Princes Risborough), including piloting significantly extended opening hours at Amersham Library: specifically, to increase opening hours and access to these sites through self-service technology, and to focus staffed hours to the times of greatest customer need. Across these libraries, there would be an average 26% reduction in staffed hours, but an overall increase of 23% on the current opening hours, with potential to significantly increase unstaffed opening hours in future in line with customer demand. For the new Amersham Library in the Chilterns Lifestyle Centre (CLC) there will be an enhanced opening hours pilot, with early opening and late closing seven days a week, representing a 129% increase in opening hours.

·       To modify the layout of High Wycombe Library and to open on a Monday instead of a Sunday, to better meet customer needs (there would be no overall change in the number of opening hours and no reduction in the range of services available).

·       To reduce the opening hours for Burnham Library from 38 to 27 per week, to ensure delivery of a sustainable service, since there is insufficient volunteer capacity to maintain the current hours.


Cabinet was also asked to agree the release of the required capital investment of £500,000 to implement the above recommendations, in order to secure the £555,000 MTFP savings requirement. If agreed, then procurement would take place for the works to alter buildings and install the self-operated technology, and a formal staff consultation on restructuring would commence during January 2025, with the new model anticipated to launch in June 2025.


The Service Director for Culture and Leisure reported that this technology was already being used by 45 other Councils successfully. It enabled residents to use the library during quieter times without staff being present and to use a range of services. Community organisations could also use libraries as well when unstaffed. It also enabled staff to deal with face to face enquiries during busier times. From the consultation there were over 1200 responses: 39% said they would use the library with the new model in place, 14% were neutral. A total of 66 respondents said they would be interested in using space during unstaffed hours for a range of activities. The consultation fed into the draft recommendations but in addition other factors were taken into account including past data on usage and the use of council access points. The recommendations were also tailored to individual libraries. For example the Amersham library would be open from 7am to 9pm during the week and 7pm at the weekends. Effective communication and comprehensive induction were key to support customers as the new model was introduced. Some of the technology was already in situ, the difference here was the access to libraries using a card and pin numbers. Extensive safety measures would be in place including CCTV, upgraded alarm systems and emergency buttons. The Council were grateful to local disability groups for their feedback on the system design. Burnham and High Wycombe libraries were not suitable for the library flex model but other services were being looked at such as Health on the High Street utilising the bottom floor of Wycombe Library.


The following responses were given to questions:-


·       In terms of access to Council services library staff would be available for the key times and provide cover for the council access points and priority telephone line which were open from 9am to 5.30pm (5pm on a Friday). There would be clear communication including signs in the library space as well. The Leader emphasised the hours the libraries were staffed should be very clearly available.

·       In terms of disabled access they had taken into account the position of key pads and in addition putting large print books near the front of the library. In addition video inductions would be provided to show the route through the library and information would provided in braille. Older people were already using the technology in the library; the additional new technology was using cards to access the building.

·       In terms of safety Buckinghamshire had learnt from other Councils who had implemented this model and they had very few reported incidents. There was live CCTV monitoring, existing security measures, an emergency button and emergency phone access. An in depth risk assessment had been undertaken.

·       Cabinet Members welcomed the new model which increased provision whilst reducing costs.


Members agreed that they should receive a report on progress six months after the implementation of library flex including feedback from older people and people with disabilities.




1.               That the findings from the recent consultation exercise to inform the future service design for the Council’s libraries service be noted.

2.               That the implementation of Library Flex and an increase in opening hours across eight county libraries, including piloting significantly extended opening hours at Amersham Library: plus, changes to High Wycombe Library opening times and a reduction in opening hours at Burnham Library, to deliver the budgeted MTFP savings and associated benefits as detailed in this report be AGREED.  

3.            That the release of the existing associated capital budget of £500,000 from the Council’s agreed Capital Programme be APPROVED.

Supporting documents: