Agenda item
Guest speakers:
· PCSO Eloise Waring, TVP
· Sarah Sweet-Rowley, Early Autism Support
· Shamsuz Zaman, Be Healthy Bucks
· Eve Chason, Community Safety Officer
Guest speakers:
· Sarah Sweet-Rowley, Early Autism Support – Sarah Sweet-Rowley was unable to attend
· Eve Chason (EC), Community Safety Officer – the slide presentation is attached to the minutes
o EC thanked the Board for providing funding towards self defence classes. Two classes were held, with over 40 women in each class, and further classes have now also been held with the Amersham and Missendens Community Boards with a total of more than 200 women and girls benefitting from the training. Classes cost £15 per person with a minimum of 24 attending. Those attending receive safety tips and are shown physical moves, and are given items such as personal safety alarms and anti-spiking resources. Classes have been proposed in collaboration with the Chesham and the Villages Community Board, and with Amersham School following incidences of students being approached after school.
o EC explained that community safety is a term given to the process of bringing together organisations and the community to reduce crime and the fear of crime, and to tackle antisocial behaviour (ASB), and that Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act (1998) places a statutory duty on local authorities to work with the Police to do this work
o EC then gave an overview of the different roles within the Community Safety team in Buckinghamshire – crime prevention officers and community safety officers, ASB officers and street wardens, a domestic abuse team attached to adult social services, and officers with responsibility for modern slavery, serious violence and Prevent. Key programmes such as Hotel Watch, Shopwatch, Ask Angela and the Safe Place Scheme were highlighted. It was noted that while the Ask Angela initiative, whereby customers feeling unsafe can request help by asking the publican if they can speak with Angela, grew out of the Violence Against Women and Girls agenda, it is also used by men.
o EC answered questions and the names of local businesses that are signed up to the Safe Place Scheme were shared. Up to date information can be found by searching ‘Safe Place Scheme’ on the Buckinghamshire Council website.
o The Chairman thanked EC for attending with updates on the various schemes and asked that Members promote them in their areas.
· Eloise Waring (EW), Police Community Support Officer (PCSO), Thames Valley Police
o EW invited questions from the Board and discussions were held on several topics
o In response to a question about the proliferation of e-bikes and scooters in Wexham, EW stated that the police are taking action against them. After two warning letters are issued, the first an education leaflet and the second an antisocial behaviour warning, Police can seize the equipment. Names and addresses of offenders are useful, as are photographs of offending taking place, though residents should only take photos safely.
o Regarding parking on junctions, EW stated that the local PCSOs can only issue tickets if a vehicle is blocking a footpath.
o EW invited Members to submit reports of parking and other concerns at the site of the George public house so that she could look into the matter.
o EW advised the Board of local staffing changes – a new Police Constable is due to start work on 3 October, and the team is also expecting a new Neighbourhood Sergeant in the near future.
o It was suggested that the local newsletters include more good news stories – EW will take this on board for the next issues
o Reference was made to local data on that indicated that the Ivers ranked among the 20 most dangerous small towns in Buckinghamshire and ranked 33rd out of 216 towns and villages overall. EW recommended looking at the TVP website for up to date local statistics.
o In response to a question about reporting and response times, EW explained the prioritisation process and acknowledged that response times for matters like parking can be frustrating. She also asked that residents continue to report offences so that officers can be aware.
o The Chairman thanked EW for attending, providing updates and taking questions.
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