Agenda item
To undertake a review in accordance with S.167 of the Licensing Act 2003 of the premises licence at Stoke Convenience Store, 59 Stoke Road, Aylesbury, Bucks HP21 8BL an application under S.167 of the Licensing Act 2003 following a closure order under section 80 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
Supporting documents:
Panel report - Review of premises licence - Stoke Convenience Store, item 5.
PDF 253 KB
Appendix 1 - Location Plan, item 5.
Appendix 2 - Premises Licence_Redacted, item 5.
PDF 349 KB
Appendix 3 - Closure Order_Redacted, item 5.
PDF 676 KB
Appendix 4 - Notification of Closure Order from Magistrates Court, item 5.
PDF 212 KB
Appendix 5 - Bucks Fire & Rescue Response, item 5.
PDF 105 KB
Appendix 6 - EH Response, item 5.
PDF 116 KB
Appendix 7 - Trading Standards Response_Redacted, item 5.
Appendix 8 - LA Response, item 5.
PDF 214 KB
Appendix 9 - TVP Response, item 5.
PDF 588 KB