Agenda item
To consider an application under s.17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for a new premises licence in respect of McDonald's Restaurants, Wycombe Retail Park, Ryemead Way, High Wycombe, HP11 1FY (report attached).
Members were asked to determine an application for a new premises licence had been submitted by McDonald’s Restaurants Limited of 11/59 High Road, East Finchley, London, N2 8AW (“the applicant”) in respect of McDonald’s Restaurant, Wycombe Retail Park, Ryemead Way, High Wycombe, HP11 1FY (“the premises”) by Elaine Rayner of Shoosmiths LLP (“the agent”).
Following detailed discussions, all parties confirm they were satisfied they had received a fair hearing and had nothing further to add.
The Sub-Committee retired to make its decision which can be seen in the attached Decision Notice.
Supporting documents:
250116 McDonalds report, item 5.
PDF 259 KB
250116 McDonalds Appx1, item 5.
250116 McDonalds Appx2, item 5.
PDF 855 KB
250116 McDonalds Appx3, item 5.
250116 McDonalds Appx4, item 5.
PDF 892 KB
250116 McDonalds Appx5, item 5.
PDF 874 KB
250116 McDonalds Appx6, item 5.
PDF 916 KB
250116 McDonalds Appx7 - Redacted, item 5.
PDF 924 KB
250116 McDonald's (Wycombe Retail Park) Decision Notice, item 5.
PDF 272 KB