Agenda item

To respond to questions submitted to the Chairman prior to the meeting.


This item was for members of the public to raise questions or matters for the board’s consideration. It was noted that questions should be submitted in advance of the meeting so that responses could be provided at the meeting and gave an opportunity to invite the appropriate people to the meeting, if required.


The Chairman stated that three questions had been received from Vicky Mistry and due to her being unable to attend the meeting, the Chairman read out the questions and provided the following responses:


Question 1:

“Following on from targets set by both Bucks and Chesham councils, how can this Community Board develop carbon reduction initiatives, incorporate carbon reduction in their work, and include local people and organisations ideas/contributions for this?”



·         The Chesham and Villages Community Board took green issues and carbon reduction initiatives very seriously, not just because of the environmental impact but also because they had a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of residents.

·         The Board aimed to support initiatives that were not only in line with Buckinghamshire Council’s climate strategy but also the reasonable environmental aspirations of its residents. Schemes that encouraged local engagement and behavioural change were welcomed. The aim was to work in partnership with local people and organisations to support the delivery of carbon reduction initiatives and would utilise the Board as a vehicle to promote green campaigns and groups in the local area.

·         We would also encourage local environmental groups to connect with Bucks Climate Change Alliance to build a cohesive countywide strategic approach. Several of the Board members were Chesham Town Councillors who had already completed a far-reaching eco audit, pledged comprehensive support for the urban Communi-Tree planting scheme and for the cycling initiatives brought forward by the Zone 9 Cycle Group.

·         Chesham was viewed as an exemplar of environmental policy and project work at local level and our Members will continue to build on that reputation. There were Members of the Board who represented the rural community that was already very active in preserving our local Green Belt and AONB in a wide variety of ways working with partner groups such as the Rights Of Way team, the Chiltern Society and the Chilterns Conservation Board.


Question 2:

“The website is clear that the Community Boards are community led, however all members of the board appear to be councillors.  How does the Community lead this initiative?  I know councillors are also community, but they as named councillors on the Board I assume they represent the council in this forum.”



·         Community Boards were the local face of Buckinghamshire Council and Members were the democratically elected representatives of the community. 

·         Opportunities were provided for local people to raise issues and discuss local priorities and solutions and also provide funds to help address them.

·         The meetings were chaired by a local Buckinghamshire Councillor and all local Buckinghamshire Councillors were formal voting members. There was a keenness for the Boards to be inclusive of key partners, local stakeholders and residents.

·         There was often a focus on formal Community Board meetings as they provided an opportunity for Buckinghamshire Councillors and partners to set the direction and priorities of the board and discuss key decisions including funding.  However, most of the work and activities of the board took place outside of those meetings through work streams, sub-groups and ad hoc projects. These work streams and sub-groups would largely drive the agenda of the meetings and whilst requests for additional items would be considered it was ultimately up to the Chairman to set the agenda for formal meetings.

·         Members of the public may attend meetings and submit questions in advance, and the meetings were recorded and available on the Council’s website and YouTube channel for members of the public to watch.


Question 3:

“How can a member of the public attend the next meeting, be part of the agenda setting and have a voice during the meeting?”



The Community Board meetings were a public channel to promote key activities and decisions. The core work would take place outside of the main meetings and provide opportunities for residents to attend engagement activities, themed working groups and offer feedback via surveys. This would also help to inform the focus and direction of the Community Board so creative solutions could be sought.