Agenda item


The following hot topics were reported:



The Leader informed the meeting that until last week he had been sending Bucks residents a fortnightly Covid email newsletter.  Unfortunately, the emergency legislation that allowed these emails to be sent had now lapsed.  People who wished to continue to receive a regular newsletter were informed that they would need to sign up for this service via the Council’s website.  The regular newsletters would contain Covid information but also other relevant Council news and information.


The Leader provided an update on the Covid 19 position in Buckinghamshire.  The following statistics were highlighted:

·                    The infection rate across the whole area had risen considerably and was currently 315.3 cases per 100,000 people.  This was less than the South East of England average figure (321.4 / 100,000) and the whole of England average figure (425.3 / 100,000).

·                    That less than 10 people were currently in Buckinghamshire Hospital Trust hospitals due to Covid, with most of these being younger people.

·                    That the highest infection rates were now in people aged under 30 years. 

·                    Vaccination Programme for Bucks: over 90% over 40 years olds had received one vaccination, with 83% having  received two doses.

·                    The figures for younger people were lower – 68% of 20-39 years old having had received one dose, and 24% having received 2 doses.


Finally, a plea was made to any adults who had not yet been vaccinated to come forward and do so.


Councillor Angela Macpherson (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Health and Well-Being)

Cabinet were informed that the Government had now issued guidance to allow Health and Social Care workers not to self-isolate if they had been contact traced.  This would only be in exception circumstances where staff shortages would result in health and safety risks, and the employees would have to be double vaccinated and be required to take a daily Covid test.  If staff tested positive, then they would be required to self-isolate.


Councillor Broadbent (Cabinet Member for Transport)

Cabinet were informed of two issues:

·                     Grassing Cutting – that additional resource had been employed to deal with grass cutting on highway verges, including for the second planned cuts in rural areas.

·                     Winter roads – 10,500 tonnes had now been stored in winter barns in preparation for road gritting for the forthcoming winter.  New HGV drivers had been receiving relevant refresher training and the fleet was being serviced and prepared.


Councillor Bowles (Cabinet Member for Communities)

Cabinet were informed of five issues:

·                     Communities & Development – in June, the team had held a social isolation showcase to share information and learn about community projects, and on interventions which sought to address social isolation.  The showcase had also been attended by a number of local partners.

·                     Voluntary and Community Sector –the Enterprise Infrastructure support contract had recently been awarded to Community Impact Bucks, the service would go live on 1 August 2021.

·                     Community Boards – the Cabinet Member heralded the success of the Community Boards in engaging with young example.  An example was given of the Aylesbury Community Board and a recent project that had worked with young people to develop an app to allow people to share their views.  The winning proposal, that had been judged by a panel, would now have the opportunity to develop their app.

·                     Schools meals over the summer period – that utilising the recently extended Government’s local Covid support grant, the Council would be providing £70 digital food vouchers to those families and young people who were eligible for free school meals.  The Council would also be working closely with the Voluntary and Community Sector and using the support grant to support holiday initiatives/activities over the summer period.  The Helping Hand team (01296 531151) were also available to direct people to support they might need.

·                     Town / Parish Council Charter – the final document and feedback had been sent out last week with a view to a launch event being held at the end of August / start of September.