Agenda item

To understand and discuss the proposed changes in relation to the Integrated Care System and potential implications for the role of the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Presenter to be confirmed.



Matthew Tait, Deputy ICS Lead/Director of CCG Transformation provided a presentation, appended to the minutes, and advised he was attending on behalf of Dr James Kent who was the lead on the development of the Integrated Care System (ICS) Design Framework.  M Tait advised that the key purposes of the framework were to improve outcomes in population health and healthcare; tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access; enhance productivity and value for money and support broader social and economic development.  Structural changes would be required, and an ICS Partnership would be set up (a broad partnership that could be based on the principle of how HWBs operated) and a formal ICS NHS body which would discharge the statutory functions.  The important element of the ICS Partnership and key change was that it would involve core membership of provider representation and also local authority representation and would be a different model of governance and leadership that was more inclusive and more integrated.  Place based partnership was also an important element of the model and CCG functions would migrate to the ICS.  The majority of the delivery happened at place and the place based partnership would be critical to the delivery of outcomes.  The clinical leadership would need to change, and work was being undertaken with the staff to create as much stability as possible with a programme board to oversee the whole development piece.  Locally, have recently set up a programme board to oversee development.  Work had commenced on understanding place based partnerships and engaging at a local level and any thoughts and feedback around how engagement could take place with the HWB would be welcomed.  Recruitment for the Chair was imminent, followed by the appointment of the Chief Executive.


The following key points were raised in discussion:


·       In response to being asked what the ICS’s commitment was for working with the VCSE; M Tait advised that the VCSE was an essential part of the integration and that he was working with Rachel Stanton to develop the

right interfaces for the emergent ICS governance. 

·       M Tait confirmed that the VSCE would have a place on the ICS Board and stressed the importance of not duplicating the really effective, well established links that were happening at place.

·       M Tait confirmed that engagement would take place with Healthwatch Bucks on the best way for them to be represented and how they linked into the formal governance structure of the ICS Board.  M Tait again stressed the importance of not duplicating or undermining the excellent relationship with residents that was already in place. 

·       The Chairman asked for M Tait’s thoughts on political engagement and at what level it would be and how work could be undertaken together with the HWBs across the BOB footprint.  M Tait stated that the political engagement would be part of the partnership board debate on how the ICS Board flexed between political and officer engagement.  There needed to be an effective delegation model in place due to the amount of engagement that occurred at place level. The ICS had a role and needed to work on how it engaged on big configurations across multiple boundaries, including the HWBs and Members in order to get the balance right; any ideas would be appreciated.


The Chairman thanked Matthew for attending the meeting and it was agreed that the ICS Design Framework would be bought back to the Board as it evolved.

ACTION: J Boosey to add to the forward plan.

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