Register of interests

I, Councillor Jane MacBean, a Member of Buckinghamshire Council, have set out below the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests which I am required to declare further to the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 and The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012. I have put ‘none’ where either I have no such interests under any heading or I am unaware of such an interest.

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
Description of your activity Name of Employer or Body
Operations Director Chess Valley Ltd
2. Sponsorship
Name of Person or Body making payments
Chesham & Amersham Conservative Association (election expenses)
3. Contracts
Description of Contract
4. Land
Address/Description of Land Nature of Interest in Land
Redacted Primary home
5. Licenses
Address License Description
None -
6. Corporate/Business Tenancies
Address/Description of Property Nature of Interest in Property
None -
7. Interests in Companies and Securities
Name of Body Position
Chess Valley Ltd 49% shareholder
8. Other Interests and Memberships (e.g. charities, public bodies, pressure groups)
Name of Organisation Position (if any)
Chesham Town Council Member
Chiltern Society Member
Chesham Society Member
AV&L Community Association Vice Chair
Chiltern Chamber of Commerce Committee Member
Chesham Renaissance Community Interest Company Chesham Town Council representative
Community Resilience Response Group Chesham Town Council representative
Elgiva Friends Group Chesham Town Council representative
Impress The Chess Chair
Rachel Johnson Coal Fund Chesham Town Council representative
Rachel Johnson's Educational Foundation Chesham Town Council representative
Chesham Students' & Apprentices Fund Chesham Town Council representative
Chesham Museum Member
Chesham Youth Club Management Committee Member
Way In (Chiltern Youth Matters) Memberf
Conservative Unionist Party Member
Elmtree School Governor
9. Gifts and Hospitality