Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Council's decision making bodies.
Delegated decisions from legacy councils are available from the following links - BCC Cabinet Member decisions, BCC officer decisions, AVDC decisions, CDC decisions, SBDC decisions and WDC decisions.
10/10/2024 - The Grove, Haddenham Proposed 30mph Speed Limit (Decision to be taken) ref: 1436 For representation
To introduce a 30mph speed limit order across
The Grove, Haddenham, a new residential development.
Decision Maker: Leader
Decision published: 02/10/2024
Effective from:
That the Leader notes the outcome of the Statutory
That the Leader approves the making and introduction of the Traffic Regulation Order as advertised, comprising of a 30mph speed limit introduction throughout The Grove development, Haddenham.
Wards affected: Bernwood;
Lead officer: Ian Sharp
10/10/2024 - A355 Beaconsfield - Implementation of De-restriction Order (Decision to be taken) ref: 1434 For representation
To implement a de-restriction order on the
A355 between Pyebush Roundabout and where the speed limit changes
to 50mph near Beaconsfield Services.
Decision Maker: Leader
Decision published: 02/10/2024
Effective from:
That the Leader notes the outcome of the Statutory Consultation;
That the Leader approves the making and introduction of the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) as advertised, comprising of a De-Restriction Order for a section of the A355 Beaconsfield from Pyebush Roundabout to South of Beaconsfield Services.
Wards affected: Gerrards Cross;
Lead officer: Elizabeth Johnson
30/09/2024 - B474 Speed limit into Beaconsfield from Clay Street (Knotty Green) ref: 1426 Recommendations Approved
Extension of 30mph B474 into Beaconsfield from Clay Street (Knotty Green)
Decision Maker: Leader
Decision published: 30/09/2024
Effective from: 04/10/2024
The Leader:
Noted the outcome of the Statutory Consultation;
APPROVED the making and introduction of the Traffic Regulation Order as advertised, comprising of a speed limit reduction to 30mph on a section of B474 Penn Road, Knotty Green, Beaconsfield.
Wards affected: Beaconsfield; Penn Wood & Old Amersham;
Lead officer: John Pateman
23/09/2024 - Approval of budget release for initial design stage for Hampden Fields Primary School 1 (Decision to be taken) ref: 1420 Recommendations Approved
Approval is sought for the release of initial
capital funding from the Education Services capital programme to
progress the design to the end of RIBA Stage 2.
Decision Maker: Leader
Decision published: 13/09/2024
Effective from:
To release £1,000,000 of Capital funding from the Primary Places funding block, funded from s.106, to enable the first primary school on the Hampden Fields Development to progress from concept design to RIBA Stage 2.
Decision Maker: Leader
Decision published: 23/09/2024
Effective from:
The Leader AGREED:
To release £1,000,000 of Capital funding from the Primary Places funding block, funded from s.106, to enable the first primary school on the Hampden Fields Development to progress from concept design to RIBA Stage 2.
Wards affected: Aston Clinton & Bierton; Great Brickhill;
Lead officer: Paula Campbell-Balcombe
24/09/2024 - Archive Service Policies (Decision to be taken) ref: 1421 For Determination
All encompassing overview statement to include
sub-policies that cover all aspects of service delivery for the
Archives Service.
Decision Maker: Leader
Decision published: 16/09/2024
Effective from:
To approve the Archive Service’s suite of policies.
To authorise the Service Director for Culture, Sport and Leisure, with agreement from the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, to make any minor future amendments to these policies as required by future periodic reviews.
Lead officer: Sophie Payne