
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Council's decision making bodies.

Delegated decisions from legacy councils are available from the following links - BCC Cabinet Member decisions, BCC officer decisions, AVDC decisions, CDC decisions, SBDC decisions and WDC decisions.

Decisions published

12/02/2025 - Overstone Combined School SEND Unit (Decision to be taken) ref: 1534    For representation

Proposal to open a Communication and Interaction (Autism) Unit at Overstone Combined School

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 04/02/2025

Effective from:




The Leader is recommended to approve the proposal to open a Communication and Interaction (Autism) Unit at Overstone Combined School from 1st September 2025.

Wards affected: Wing;

Lead officer: Paula Campbell-Balcombe

31/01/2025 - East West Rail - Development Consent Order: Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping consultation response ref: 1532    Recommendations Approved

East West Rail – Environmental Impacts Assessment Scoping Opinion Consultation

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 31/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


The Leader APPROVED the Council’s response to the Planning Inspectorate’s statutory consultation on the Applicant’s request for The Secretary of State to issue an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Opinion for East West Rail Development Consent Order.



This decision is being taken under the special urgency provisions of the constitution, in order to meet the timescales required by the Planning Inspectorate in responding to the statutory consultation on the EIA scoping

Wards affected: Great Brickhill; Grendon Underwood; Winslow;

Lead officer: Eric Owens