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09/10/2024 - MK18 4AB, Main Street, Radclive cum Chackmore HGV ban ref: 1441 Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)
Proposed 7.5t weight limit (except for access) restriction to be implemented on MK18 4AB, Main Street – the whole length through Radclive between its junction with the A422(in the north) and the A421(in the South) and the side road to the church has been requested by the Radclive cum Chackmore Parish Council, based on reports/ complaints from residents using Radclive as an unofficial bypass for Buckingham.
Decision Maker: Leader
Decision published: 09/10/2024
Effective from: 15/10/2024
The Leader:
a. AUTHORISED the implementation of the Heavy Goods Vehicles Weight Restriction Zone (MK18 4AB, Main Street, Radclive cum Chackmore), as presented in the Statutory Consultation.
b. To implement the Weight Restriction detailed in this report, AUTHORISED the making of the relevant Traffic Regulation Order (TRO)
Wards affected: Buckingham West;
Lead officer: John Pateman