ePetition details

We the undersigned petition the council to find a solution to traffic problems immediately around Burnham Beeches

Residents of Farnham Common, are deeply concerned and unhappy about the increasingly dangerous traffic situation caused by inconsiderate parking on roads immediately around Burnham Beeches. Pedestrians are routinely forced into the road by pavement parking, often with pushchairs/wheelchairs/mobility walkers. Drivers are forced onto the wrong side of the road by illegal parking, and there have been many near misses, both with other vehicles and pedestrians. Residents are also faced with difficulty accessing their driveways because of inconsiderate parking, and visitors and tradesmen often cannot park because entire roads have been taken up by people who are not prepared to pay to park in Burnham Beeches or the village car park.

Please can the Council take a long term view of this situation, which has been getting worse incrementally and has been impacted, not only by Covid 19, but by a shifting demographic with more people moving to the area. Thank you.

This ePetition ran from 12/11/2020 to 10/12/2020 and has now finished.

195 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

For consideration at the Beeches Community Board meeting on 17 February 2021 - https://buckinghamshire.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=855&MId=16614&Ver=4