Election results for Great Brickhill

Great Brickhill - results
Election Candidate Party Votes Outcome
Phil Gomm Conservative 1889 Elected
Jilly Jordan Conservative 1786 Elected
Iain Hugh Macpherson Conservative 1664 Elected
Andrew Simon Jones Liberal Democrats 1384 Not elected
Malcolm Cameron Newing Liberal Democrats 1280 Not elected
Nicolette Smith Liberal Democrats 1172 Not elected
Bob Eastoe Green Party 812 Not elected
Maxine Myatt Labour Party 551 Not elected
Hans Copas Labour Party 433 Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 10971
Electorate 9480
Number of ballot papers issued 4099
Number of ballot papers rejected 50
Turnout 43%
Rejected ballot papers
Total rejected50