
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Council's decision making bodies.

Delegated decisions from legacy councils are available from the following links - BCC Cabinet Member decisions, BCC officer decisions, AVDC decisions, CDC decisions, SBDC decisions and WDC decisions.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Proposed approach to Equalities objectives and Policy (Decision to be taken) ref: 131410/05/2024For representation
Aylesbury Road, Aston Clinton Waiting Restrictions ref: 131301/05/202408/05/20240
Buckinghamshire Adult Learning Accountability Agreement 2024/25 (Decision to be taken) ref: 131208/05/2024For representation
Rosefield Solar Farm Development Consent Order (DCO) (Decision to be taken) ref: 131008/05/2024For representation
Former Tilehouse Day Opportunity Centre - disposal (Decision to be taken) ref: 130802/05/2024For representation
Castlefield Traffic Calming Measures (Decision to be taken) ref: 130601/05/2024 0
Hackney carriage fare review (Decision to be taken) ref: 130530/04/2024 0