Meeting documents

Venue: Mezzanine Room 2, County Hall, Aylesbury. View directions

Contact: Sharon Griffin 

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions

Introduction from Zita Calkin, Joint Commissioning Manager, Commissioning & Service Improvement, Adults & Family Wellbeing


Members were welcomed to the inaugural meeting of the Autism Partnership Board.


Apologies were received from Paulette Hunn and Paul Isaacs.


Zita Calkin, Joint Commissioning Manager explained that the purpose of the meeting today is to discuss what Members would like to achieve in the next 12 months and to plan the way forward.


Membership of the Board

An opportunity to discuss the appropriate membership for the Board


The proposed membership of the Autism Partnership Board was discussed.


Zita Calkin explained that the proposed membership is currently missing representation from Education/Children’s Commissioning.  A meeting is taking place to discuss a representative attending the next meeting of the Board to give an overview of the service area.


The Autism Project Board will run alongside the Autism Partnership Board.  The Project Board has been running for one year and is the steering group for developing the Autism Strategy for Buckinghamshire. Membership includes Helen Backus, Operations Commissioner for 14-19 year olds and Paulette Hunn, Senior Adult Social Care Training Consultant.


There is currently no service user/carer representation on the Project Board.  Expressions of interest in attending the Project Board are welcomed.  Attendance could be on a rotational basis.


Induction / Role of Board Members

Update from Debi Game, SUCO


Debi Game, Bucks Suco explained that there are eight Partnership Boards (Autism, Assistive Technology, Carers, Learning Disability, Mental Health, Prevention and Wellbeing, Older People’s and Physical & Sensory Disability).


The Autism Partnership Board is unique in terms of the other Boards relate Adult Social Care services.  The Partnership Boards feed into the Executive Partnership Board which in turn feeds into the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Service user and carer representatives are supported by Suco.  If an individual is interested in becoming a member of a Partnership Board, they are asked to complete an interest form giving details of skills, experience and areas of special interest.  Representatives are able to claim expenses such as mileage, parking and for the provision of a carer whilst they are attending a meeting.

·       Historically the remit of Suco was to recruit 50% service user and carer representation to each Partnership Board.  The focus has now moved to quality engagement rather than quantity.

·       Being a representative on a Partnership Board gives the opportunity to take place in discussions and represent the view of the Community, to try and shape and influence County Council strategies and the development of services relating to particular conditions as well as a greater knowledge and insight into County Council services.


Election of the Chairman / Co Chair

Update from Debi Game, SUCO


Debi Game explained that Zita Calkin, Joint Commissioning Manager, Adults & Family Wellbeing is the current chairman of the Autism Partnership Board.


The directive from the Executive Partnership Board is that each of the Partnership Boards should have two co-chairs. The co-chairs can either be from a statutory organisation or representing users and carers to give the Board balance and the opportunity for the service user/carer community to be part of the strategic overview of the Board.


There needs to be a minimum number of seven SUCO supported service users/carers on a Partnership Board before an election can proceed.  The service user and carer reps would undertake an induction workshop to gain some knowledge and experience of being on the Board.  Anybody who was considering being a member of the Board would supported through the nomination process and in their role as co-chair by SUCO.


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 49 KB

To be discussed and agreed by Members of the Board


Members of the Board were referred to the Terms of Reference (TOR) of Buckinghamshire Partnership Boards which was circulated with the agenda.


The TOR set out the governance of the meeting in terms of its purpose, key responsibilities, constitution and membership, chairman, co-chair, elections, conduct of business, Board Member responsibilities and conduct, frequency of meetings, expenses and Code of Conduct.


The Partnership Boards currently meet on a bi-monthly basis.  There may be the need to hold additional smaller group meetings to discuss the work plan.


Historically autism is within the remit of the Mental Health and the Learning Disability Partnership Boards.  There will be synergies and crossover with the Autism Partnership Board.  The Autism Strategy will be shared with the Learning Disability Partnership Board when it has been finalised.


Draft Work Programme


Zita Calkin explained that a work programme needs to be formulated for the Autism Partnership Board.


The background information leading to the creation of the Autism Partnership Board is as follows;

·       In 2009 the Autism Act received Royal Assent. 

·       In 2010 the Government published the National Strategy for Adults with Autism and the statutory guidance ‘Implementing Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives’ for Local Authorities and Health organisations.

·       In April 2011 a self-assessment Framework was put in place against which Local Authorities could measure performance. In 2013 a review of the Adult Autism Strategy took place.


A copy of the National Autistic Society self-assessment is to be circulated to Board Members.

Action: Zita Calkin/Sharon Griffin


The National Autism Strategy says the strategy and the Government guidance for Local Authorities and Health Organisations is structured under four areas;

·       Local planning and leadership in relation to the provision of services for adults with autism

·       Identification and diagnosis of autism in adults

·       Planning in relation to the provision of services to people with autism

·       Training of staff who provide service to adults with autism


The Autism Self-Assessment for Buckinghamshire was submitted on the 1 October 2013.  The document will go to various Boards (Joint Executive Team and the Health and Wellbeing Board) for questions/approval.  The results will be pooled and published online in February.  The Government will then refresh the strategy.


At the moment specific data around autism is not collated.  GP’s use read codes to record the everyday care of a patient but autism is not used as part of the read codes. Children’s services also use different categories for autism. Work is taking place with Adult Social Care around a new system that could be used to collate the data.


The decision has been made to re-write the Strategy Action Plan for Adult Services as this document needs to link in with the National Strategy.


Discussions are taking place with a GP concerning engagement with the Autism Partnership Board.


The Project Board reports to the Programme Board on a monthly basis which is in turn, feeds into the Health and Wellbeing Board.


At the moment there is not a large amount of reference to children in the Autism strategy but this can be changed.


Next steps include;

·       Planning and leadership

·       Autism identification and diagnosis

·       Planning the provision of Services and Support

·       Autism training and awareness


Some issues are being picked up by the Lead Commissioner i.e. diagnosis and assessment.  There needs to be an understanding of what the contract says and the inclusion of autism.


Next steps include;

·       Engagement with GPs and Cheryl Gillan MP

·       Producing an ‘at a glance’ guide about autism for the Criminal Justice system.  This could include contact details for NHS England

·       Including older people with autism in the work plan

·       The provision of good, clear information and advice about autism


During discussions, the following comments were made.

·       There is very little information around the social care side of child Autism. 

·       Data collection is improving; however one of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Autism Partnership Board - Oxford

Update from Kathy Erangey, Autism Oxford on the progress of the Autism Partnership Board in Oxford


Kathy Erangey, Autism Oxford was welcomed to the meeting.


Kathy began by explaining that there are separate Commissioners for Mental Health and Learning Disability in Oxford but they work with a pooled budget.  The lead for Autism is the Mental Health Commissioner, Juliet Long.


A Steering Group to develop services for adults with autism and no learning disability (i.e. average of above IQ) was formed because there were no services for this group.


Following the publication of the Autism Act and the publication of the National Strategy, the Steering Group morphed into the Partnership Board which covered all ages and all of the Autism spectrum.


The first meeting of the Partnership Board took place in September 2011.  The Board has two co-chairs; the Head of Adult Services and an individual on the Autism spectrum.  The Board has a very large membership which includes representation from Early Years, Adult Social Care, Service Providers, parent carers and Commissioners.  There are Working Parties to look at the different parts of the Autism strategy which include;


·       Diagnosis and signposting

·       Supporting children and families

·       Filling and rewarding lives

·       Training and awareness

·       Sustainable approach


Some initial pilots took place before the formation of the Partnership Board which focused on groups of adults (14+) on the Autism spectrum and carers and the training of Social Workers and Mental Health Workers around early intervention. Training has also taken place with the Social Care and Health staff, GPs and Clinicians at the seven early intervention hubs to embed knowledge and awareness of autism. Partnership working has taken place with the National Autistic Society and local autism organisations.


The Partnership Board received a small amount of money from the PCT which funded a Supported Employment project for those at the upper end of the spectrum and Asperger’s. This project is being run by the Oxfordshire Employment Service.


Autism Oxford is the provider of Oxfordshire’s first Autism Alert Card Scheme.  The credit card sized alert card is free to anyone on the Autism Spectrum in Oxfordshire. It gives details of the cardholders name, simple, practical advice and the names and telephone numbers for 2 emergency contacts (these may be family members, carers or friends of the cardholder, who have agreed to be a contact on the card). The card will help an individual if they find themselves in a situation where they need help or need to give an explanation. It will also assist Thames Valley Police and other emergency services to identify that they are dealing with someone on the autism spectrum. A crucial part of the scheme is the training (by our Autistic Trainers) of Police and Probation officers, court staff and organisations supporting people who enter the Criminal Justice System.  Autism Oxford sits on a number of Police and CJS Groups to ensure the needs of people with autism and Asperger’s are taken into account when plans are made.


Further details about the card can be found via the following link;


During the update, the following  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Date of the Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Board will take place on Wednesday 9 April 2014, 10am, Mezzanine 3, County Hall, Aylesbury.

Future meeting dates for 2014;


11 June

13 August

15 October

3 December


The next meeting of the Board will take place on Wednesday 30 April 2014, 10am, Council Chamber, Aylesbury Town Council, 5 Church Street Aylesbury, HP20 2QP.  There will be a pre meeting for members of the Board at 9.30am


Future meeting dates for 2014;

11 June

13 August

15 October

3 December