Outside bodies
There are a number of organisations which are independent from the council, but have an impact on its service areas.
In order that the council can maintain effective partnerships with a number of these organisations, representatives of the council, usually elected councillors, sit on the various committees and forums that are responsible for them.
To find the contact details for the council’s representative on a particular outside body please follow the relevant link.
- Amersham Action Group and Amersham Community Vision
- Amersham and District Community Association
- Amersham United Charities
- Ashley Green and District Community Association
- Aylesbury Town Centre Partnership
- Aylesbury Vale Association of Local Councils
- Aylesbury Vale Estates LLP
- Aylesbury Vale Multi-Cultural Centre Management Committee
- Aylesbury Vale Transport Users Group
- Aylesbury Youth Action
- Brinkhurst Trust (Marlow)
- Buckingham and Gawcott Charitable Trust
- Buckingham and River Ouzel Internal Drainage Board
- Buckingham Town and Gown Partnership
- Buckingham Town Council Economic Development Working Group
- Buckinghamshire Advantage
- Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Association of Local Councils
- Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Natural Environment Partnership
- Buckinghamshire Armed Forces Covenant Civilian Military Partnership Board
- Buckinghamshire County Show Management Committee
- Buckinghamshire Cultural Partnership
- Buckinghamshire Historic Environment Forum
- Buckinghamshire Local Access Forum
- Buckinghamshire Local Transport Body
- Buckinghamshire Playing Fields Association
- Buckinghamshire Scout Council
- Bucks County Museum Trust
- Bucks University Technical College Governing Body
- Chalfont St Giles Revitalisation Steering Group
- Chalfont St Giles Youth Club
- Chalfont St Peter Community Centre
- Chalfont St Peter Community Neighbourhood Action Group
- Chalfont St Peter Village Action Group
- Chesham Museum
- Chesham Over Fifties Positive Action Group
- Chesham Renaissance Community Interest Company
- Chesham Youth Club Management Committee
- Chiltern LEADER Local Action Group
- Chiltern Open Air Museum Advisory Council
- Chilterns Conservation Board
- Citizens' Advice Bucks
- County Councils Network (CCN)
- Cressex Bid Co
- Denham Aerodrome Consultative Committee
- East West Rail Consortium Strategic Board
- England’s Economic Heartland Strategic Alliance
- Fairhive Housing (formerly Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust)
- Globe Business Park Business Improvement District (BID)
- Greatmoor Community Liaison Group
- Grendon Underwood Village Hall Trustees
- Groundwork South Local Area Board for Thames Valley
- Heathrow Community Engagement Board
- Heathrow's Noise and Airspace Community Forum (NACF)
- High Wycombe Business Improvement District (HW BidCo)
- High Wycombe District Scout Executive
- Integrated Care Partnership
- Joint Trading Standards Committee (with Surrey CC)
- Kederminster Library
- LGA General Assembly
- Lionel Abel-Smith Trust (formally Wendover Community Trust)
- Little Chalfont Community Association
- Little Marlow Sewage Treatment Works Liaison Committee
- London Luton Airport Consultative Committee
- Marlow & District Chamber of Trade & Commerce
- Marlow Museum
- Marlow Regatta Ltd
- Marlow Society
- Milton’s Cottage Trust
- National Paralympic Heritage Trust
- Newton Longville Community Association
- Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
- PATROL Adjudication Joint Committee
- Pond Park Community Association
- Queens Park Arts Centre – Management Committee
- Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Service (South Buckinghamshire)
- Red Kite Board
- Regional Flood and Coastal Committee – Anglian (Great Ouse) Region
- Regional Flood and Coastal Committee – Thames Region
- RELATE - Mid Thames and Buckinghamshire Executive Committee
- Rogers Educational Trust
- Safer Buckinghamshire Board
- Schools Forum
- Shopmobility Management Committee
- Silverstone Circuit Liaison Group
- South East Councils Adult Social Care
- South East Regional DCS and Lead Members
- South East Reserve Forces and Cadets Association
- South East Strategic Leaders
- Southcourt and Walton Court Community Project
- Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education
- Stoke Mandeville Stadium Committee
- Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel
- The Chilterns Dial-a-Ride
- Tourism South East
- Turweston Airfield Consultative Committee
- Uptown Coffee Bar - Management Committee (Youth Concern Aylesbury)
- Way In (Chiltern Youth Matters)
- Wendover Arm Trust - Informal Restoration Forum
- Wendover Community Memorial Hall Management Committee
- William Harding’s Charity
- Winwood Almshouses Trust
- Wycombe Air Park Joint Consultative Committee
- Wycombe Almshouse Trust
- Wycombe Area Youth Council
- Wycombe Heritage and Arts Trust
- Wycombe Housing Forum
- Wycombe Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme
- Wycombe Women's Aid