Meeting documents

Venue: Milton Keynes Council, Civic Offices, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ

Contact: Katie Nellist 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 146 KB

To approve, and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Fire Authority held on 16 December 2015 (Item 2)




That the Minutes of the meeting of the Fire Authority held on 16 December 2015, be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Disclosure of Interests

Members to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests they may have in any matter being considered which are not entered onto the Authority’s Register, and officers to disclose any interests they may have in any contract to be considered.


The Head of Service Development declared an interest in Item 10 Milton Keynes Safety Centre, review of funding agreement, as he was a trustee director of the Safety Centre.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive the Chairman’s announcements (if any).


Chairman’s announcements had been circulated in advance of the meeting. [Appended to these minutes].


The Chairman advised that Agenda Item 7 (Recommendations from Committees) would be taken after Agenda Item 9.



To receive petitions under Standing Order SOA6.


The Chairman advised that a request to present a petition had been received from Councillor Nolan, Loughton and Shenley Ward, Milton Keynes Council and would be taken under Item 9; and that five Milton Keynes Councillors had requested to make statements relating to Agenda Item 9. The Chairman consented to their statements being heard once Councillor Nolan had presented her Petition.



To receive questions in accordance with Standing Order SOA7.


The Chairman announced that four Questions had been received by the Monitoring Officer: three Questions from Councillor Zoe Nolan Loughton and Shenley Ward Labour, and one Question from Councillor Matthew Clifton Loughton and Shenley Ward Labour; and that printed copies were in front of Members and in the Public Gallery. The Chairman proposed, that as all four Questions related to Agenda Item 9, that the Questions be addressed after the presentation of the Petition and Milton Keynes Councillors’ statements.


Enabling Closer Working between the Emergency Services: Consultation Outcomes and Next Steps pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To consider Item 8

Additional documents:


The Chairman advised Members that as they were aware, from the 1 April 2016, the responsibility for fire policy was moving from the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) to the Home Office and clearly greater collaboration between police and fire was a key item on the Home Office agenda.


The Chairman introduced the Fire and Rescue Advisor who was an employee of Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service but had been seconded to the Fire Resilience and Emergencies Department at DCLG for over two years.


The Fire and Rescue Advisor introduced the report and advised Members that his role was to provide professional advice to ministers and officials across all government departments on a range of matters affecting the fire and rescue service, and the services’ contribution to national capabilities and civil contingencies.


The Fire and Rescue Advisor deputises and represents the Chief Fire and Rescue Adviser on a range of current initiatives including; the integration of fire policy into the Home Office; policy development on collaboration including the newly formed Ministerial Board; policy development around assurance and transparency including the outcomes of the PAC on inspection and audit in the fire service; development of the revised Emergency Operations Centre from DCLG to the Home Office and provide support as assistant private secretary to the Minister for Policing, Fire, Criminal Justice and Victims.


The Fire and Rescue Advisor informed Members that the consultation paper was launched on 11 October 2015 and posed 16 questions covering a range of matters seeking to realise the manifesto commitment to ‘enable the fire and police services to work more closely together and develop the role of our elected and accountable Police and Crime Commissioners’. A total of 318 responses were received (fully or partially completed) from a range of organisations and individuals.


The Fire and Rescue Advisor reminded Members that a full and detailed response was considered by the Authority at its meeting on the 14 October last year, and was subsequently submitted. The consultation closed six weeks later and the Government’s response to the consultation was released on 26 January 2016. The Government now intends to legislate to introduce a suite of reform measures.


The Authority would be mindful of the progressive work carried out by officers of this service over a number of years which include a refurbished fire station at Broughton with a dedicated and shared space for Thames Valley Police; a long standing arrangement for South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) to use the Authority’s fire stations as mobilisation hubs and to share resources with station staff; officers seconded to roles outside of the service and becoming embedded in areas such as the South East Counter Terrorism unit; the developing role of co-responding across areas within Buckinghamshire; Memorandums of Understanding (MOU’s) with Thames Valley fire services and the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), as well as this Authority amending its constitution to give the PCC a seat on the Authority and joint procurement of operational equipment with neighbouring  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Station Merger Consultation: Feedback and Recommendation pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To consider item 9

Additional documents:


The Chairman proposed to adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to speak, it was seconded by Councillor Morris and put to the vote with all in favour.


The meeting adjourned at 11.21am. [10 members of the public and the Bucks FBU Acting Brigade Secretary spoke against Recommendation 1]


The meeting resumed at 11.51am.




Councillor Nolan presented a petition ‘Stop the Closure of Great Holm Fire Station’ which she stated had 3,616 signatures. Councillor Nolan gave a statement to Members against the closure of Great Holm Fire Station.


Rights to Speak


Milton Keynes Councillors Nolan, Clifton, Gifford, Bradburn and Long made statements on behalf of their wards against Recommendation 1.




DCFO Osborne provided answers. [The Questions and responses are appended to these minutes.]


The Head of Projects and Transformation advised Members that the Public Safety Plan (PSP) 2015-20, which the Authority approved unanimously in December 2014, set out the strategic approach to managing risk in its communities over the coming years; that the key risk management strategy proposal in the Public Safety Plan was ‘the right number and location of fire stations which may involve moving, merging, closing or co-locating with other blue light services’; and that the Authority already had an example of sharing a site with Thames Valley Police in Milton Keynes at Broughton Fire Station. The PSP also included a number of reviews based upon five geographical risk areas adopting an integrated model in respect of managing risk via a blend of prevention, protection and response elements.


The Head of Projects and Transformation reminded Members that the Authority was required to have due regard to the Fire and Rescue Service National Framework which sets out the need for the Authority’s PSP to cover at least three years and to be reviewed regularly and to all foreseeable fire and rescue related risks had been identified. The PSP analysis identified that within Milton Keynes there was a reduction in demand by 54%, and that there was no link between population growth and demand.


The Head of Projects and Transformation made further points in his presentation including that:


§  the Authority’s vision to make Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes the safest place in England to live, work and travel was best achieved with a blended approach of prevention, protection and response. Where risk levels remained high, despite the best efforts to engineer and eliminate them, the Authority would provide appropriate high quality response services;


§  across Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes the Authority had 30 traditional pumping fire engines and specialist appliances to support its activity. Flexible resources to cover the whole area of Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire did not mean it would only respond in one area, resources could and did get deployed anywhere across the geographical area of Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire;


§  the consultation to merge Bletchley and Great Holm Fire Stations with Thames Valley police into a blue light hub at West Ashland ran for 8 weeks. A range of approaches were used  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Recommendations from Committees:

Overview and Audit Committee – 2 December 2015


Overview and Audit Committee – 2 December 2015

The Authority considered the recommendations of the Overview and Audit Committee held on 2 December 2015 relating to:

  • Treasury Management Strategy


Treasury Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 470 KB

"That the Authority be recommended to approve the Treasury Management Policy Statement, Treasury Management Strategy and the Annual Investment Strategy for 2016/17."


The report considered by the Overview and Audit Committee is attached at Item 7(a)


Executive Committee – 3 February 2016


The Authority considered the Treasury Management Policy Statement, the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and the Annual Investment Strategy.

The current strategy was operating effectively and outperforming the benchmark targets. There were no significant changes to the proposed strategy for 2016/17.


That the Treasury Management Policy Statement, Treasury Management Strategy Statement and the Annual Investment Strategy for 2016/17 be approved.

Executive Committee – 3 February 2016

The Authority considered the recommendations of the Executive Committee held on 3 February 2016 relating to:

·         The Prudential Code, Prudential Indicators and the Minimum Revenue Provision

·         Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2016/17 – to 2019/20


The Prudential Code, Prudential Indicators and the Minimum Revenue Provision pdf icon PDF 438 KB

"That the Authority be recommended to approve the Prudential Indicators and the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement."


The report considered by the Executive Committee is attached at Item 7(b)


The Authority considered the Prudential Code, the Prudential Indicators and the Minimum Revenue Provision policy statement.

The Authority noted that the Prudential Code had been established to ensure the capital investment plans were affordable, prudent and sustainable, and equated to an acceptable level of risk to the Authority.

The Authority was currently in an over-borrowed position but due to the prohibitive penalties early repayment of borrowing was not an option. The Authority would therefore ensure that no additional borrowing be undertaken for the foreseeable future.


That the Prudential Indicators and the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement be approved.


Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2016/17 to 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 342 KB

"That the Authority be recommended to note and have due regard to the report and Statement of the Chief Finance Officer (Section 8 of Annex A)."


"Approve a Council Tax precept of £59.70 for a band D equivalent property (a 1.98% increase from 2015/16 – equal to 2.2p per week) and the revenue budget as set out in Appendix 1."


"Approve the capital programme as set out in Appendix 2."


The report considered by the Executive Committee is attached at Item 7(c)


The above recommendations are recommendations from officers to the Executive Committee, revisions, if any, will follow.


The Vice Chairman introduced the report previously presented to the Executive Committee meeting held on 3 February 2016, which included an updated Appendix 1. Last year there was a reduction of 1% in council tax precept, this year the forecast was not as favourable. If the Authority achieved a 1.98% increase it would balance the budget. There was also a recommendation to reduce contingency to a level which should not give the Authority a significant underspend.

A question was asked as to why there was a relatively high amount for fire appliances and equipment for the next two years and then it significantly reduced. It was advised that there was a need for the Authority to reinvest in its vehicles as there had been no new fire appliances purchased for over five years and this recognised the immediate need for four new appliances.

A question was asked as to why contingency needed to be reduced. It was advised that the Authority had consistently underspent over the last few years and wanted to move to a situation where it did not rely on contingency.


That the Authority:

1.   note and have due regard to the report and Statement of the Chief Finance Officer;

2.   approve a Council Tax precept of £59.70 for a band D equivalent property (a 1.98% increase from 2015/16 – equal to 2.2p per week) and the revenue budget as set out in Appendix 1;

3.   approve the capital programme as set out in Appendix 2.

Details of the recorded vote are set out below:












































































Milton Keynes Safety Centre, review of funding agreement pdf icon PDF 168 KB

To consider item 10


The Lead Member for Community Safety advised Members that prevention was a priority of this Authority, and the Safety Centre was an excellent asset to have in the area.

The Head of Service Delivery asked the Authority to note that the current agreement committed the Authority to a grant of £25k per annum for five years (2011-2016) and the proposed renewed arrangement would commit the Authority to £25k per annum for the next three financial years, a total of £75k.

The current agreement commits the Authority to provide a vehicle for five years (2011-2016), a new arrangement had been agreed in principle with the Safety Centre, where a grant was provided for travelling expenses incurred by Safety Centre staff undertaking outreach activities using their own vehicles or public transport. Staff would claim travelling expenses. This grant would be capped at a maximum of £2,000 per annum. This would commit the Authority to a maximum expenditure of £6,000 during the course of the Funding Agreement.

As part of the review of the Funding Agreement, the Safety Centre was subject to a critical examination and report by the Authority’s Community Safety Officer. The report recommended a number of improvements to the safety scenarios. The associated improvements had been agreed with the Safety Centre and were now part of an improvement schedule which was detailed in the proposed revised Funding Agreement.


That a new funding agreement with the Safety Centre (Hazard Alley) Ltd on the terms set out in the report be approved.


Date of next meeting

To note that the next meeting of the Fire Authority will be held on Wednesday 8 June 2016 at 11am.


The Authority noted that the next meeting of the Fire Authority was to be held on Wednesday 8 June 2016 at 11.00am