Meeting documents

Venue: Mezzanine Room 2, County Hall, Aylesbury. View directions

Contact: Sharon Griffin 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from David Briggs, Peter Challis, Viv Lynch, Lesley Clarke OBE and Richard Pushman.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 March 2014, to be confirmed pdf icon PDF 68 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on the 19 March 2014 were confirmed subsequent to the following amendment:


Item 7 – Rights of Way Report

Clarification to be added that Footpath No 27 is in High Wycombe.


Matters Arising


A copy of the draft letter to County Councillor Ruth Vigor-Hedderly detailing concerns about the crossing on the A413 Watermead to Buckingham Park was circulated for approval.


The Forum agreed the letter reflects the views of the members subsequent to the following amendment;


‘Dear Sirs’ to be amended to ‘Dear Councillor Vigor-Hedderly’




Rights of Way Group report pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Claire Hudson, Definitive Map Team

Jonathan Clark, Strategic Access Advisor

Joanne Taylor, Operations Team Leader

Additional documents:


Members had received the Rights of Way Group Report.


Helen Francis took Members through the Definitive Map Applications, during which the following updates were noted:


·      Items 1 & 2 - Great Missenden, Great Missenden & Wendover

Further instruction is awaited from the Secretary of State following objections to the two remaining BOAT orders.

·      Item 7 – Westbury (Route 1)

Application is being sent to the Rights of Way Committee

·      Item 8 – Westbury (Route 3)

Application is being sent to the Rights of Way Committee

·      Item 10 – Iver

Application has been postponed until the September Rights of Way meeting.


Alan Lambourne referred to item 38, Westcott Footpath Creation and said he was not aware that the decision had been made that the Landowner has decided not to dedicate.  The 10m stretch of land which joins two footpaths is advertised as the Outer Aylesbury Ring Road.  During a recent meeting, the agent advised there had been a problem with ascertaining the owners of the land, but they were happy to go ahead with the creation of the footpath.  Hazel Rackman, Rights of Way Definitive Map Officer is to be contacted for clarification.

Action: Helen Francis


Jonathan Clark took Members through the Strategic Access Update, highlighting the following key points:


Item 45

This year is likely to see an increase in the numbers of applications with the increasing development pressure in the county. A total of 174 planning applications related to Rights of Way were received last year to 31st March 2014 and around 200 applications are expected this year. The process provides an opportunity to improve rights of way through developer funding.


Item 46

The petitioning process for HS2 is about to commence.


Item 47

The County Council’s petition includes only a short, general paragraph about ROW. A meeting is taking place shortly to discuss the remaining issues.  Most of the crossings requested have been provided with the exception of a crossing near Twyford which may be lost due to other’s lobbying.  The upgrading of routes from footpaths to bridleway to improve strategic links has been highlighted as one of the main items missing from the Environmental Statement.




Item 48

The start date for the East West Rail (EWR) Project is March 2019.  The County Council is part of the body supporting the partnership.


Items 49/50

Meetings have taken place with Network Rail to discuss the possible transfer of 26 ‘at grade’ crossings to nearby existing bridges or underpass crossings in order to improve safety.  These are located in Buckinghamshire between Aylesbury, Bletchley and Bicester. Discussions will also take place about the 16 crossings on the Princes Risborough/Aylesbury line.


John Elfes is attending a stakeholder meeting on the afternoon of the 2 July, during which the input from the Ramblers will be given.  There is a general feeling of openness at the meetings and the LAF view will be taken on-board.  The Definitive Map Team will be involved in the discussions.  A new member of staff has been recruited  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


LAF Members report pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Additional documents:


Jonathan Clark took Members through the LAF Member’s report, highlighting the following key points:


Open Access

The background to the case at Pinner Green is a parcel of common land being fenced off along the west side of Blackwell Hall Lane, Latimer.  There has been a legal requirement to obtain Secretary of State consent to carry out fencing that prevents or impedes access on common land since 1925. 


The question of who is the enforcement authority has been raised. New legislation that came into effect in 2008 advised anyone could take enforcement action.  A letter has been sent to Chiltern District Council as they owned the land when the fence was put up.


Transport for Buckinghamshire’s Local Area Technician initially said that the barbed wire next to the highway is dangerous.  The Area Technician has subsequently advised that they do not think that the fence is on the highway and therefore, will not be taking action. 


There is legislation in the Commons Act to remove the fence.  Alternatively the case could be taken to enforcement level (County Court) to ask for the fence to be removed. In the meantime, contact will be made with Chiltern District Council to seek more information.


Ridgeway & Thames Path National Trails

A new strategy is being formulated.  The Ridgeway delivery framework is being developed by consultants from the Kent Downs AONB.  The expected date of publication of the final report is the end of July 2014.  A copy of the framework can be circulated to Committee Members when available.

Action: Jonathan Clark



Discussions are ongoing between Sustrans and the landowner along the Bourne End to Wooburn disused railway line to agree compensation for the creation of a new bridleway. A period of 21 days has to be given to him to respond.  There is funding in place to implement the new cycle route and a meeting has taken place with Wycombe District Council to discuss the strategic aims.  If an agreement cannot be reached with the owner a report will be going to an extra ordinary meeting of the Rights of Way Committee on the 10 September 2014 seeking authority to use compulsory powers under s.26 Highways Act 1980. Any Committee members wishing to attend the meeting are welcome. The landowner would be able to seek compensation for having the bridleway on his land.



Gavin Casperez reported that he attended the Chilterns Conservation Board Annual Access Conference on the 19 June 2014.  There seemed to be a tremendous thrust to open up the Chilterns to disabled tourists and to have access for all.  Disabled people do not want to be treated differently and have special areas.  They want the basic barriers such as stiles and steps removed to enable access for wheelchairs, mobility scooters and pushchairs in order that the areas might be more inclusive for them to join family members. There is a lot of good work taking place around disabled tourism in terms of suitable accommodation and public transport such as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Any Other Business


John Coombe referred to the new legislation about Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour and asked how BCC sees this being applied.


Helen Francis explained that guidance has not been received as yet but can be brought to a future meeting of the LAF.

Action: Helen Francis


The National Trust

Neil Harris reported the following;


·           The National Trust has appointed a new Chairman, Tim Parker, who takes up his new role on the 8th November.

·           There has been a slight change in focus of the Trust.  The key focus is now around land and nature in terms of getting land and wildlife in top possible condition.  This links in with what the public would like to see.

·           The National Trust currently has 5 million members.  Membership numbers are still important in terms of funding.

·           Management plans are being re-written

·           Discussions are taking place about improvements to signage to National Trust areas in the first 50 yards from car parks.  One example is Coombe Hill, which can be very difficult to find.  There needs to be brown tourist signs to indicate that some of the best views of Bucks are from Coombe Hill.





Date of Next and Future Meetings

Wednesday 5 November 2014, 10am, Mezzanine 2, County Hall, Aylesbury


The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 5 November 2014, 10am, Mezzanine 2, County Hall. Aylesbury.