Meeting documents

Venue: Mezzanine Room 1, County Hall, Aylesbury. View directions

Contact: Nichola Beagle 

No. Item


Welcome & Apologies


Martin Tett, Leader of Buckinghamshire County Council and Chairman of the Board welcomed everyone to the meeting. He emphasised that the Board was a statutory requirement which needs to secure the best possible health outcomes for all local people and has an important role to play in the health economy.


Apologies were received from Patricia Birchley Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing.


Matters Arising


Martin Tett reported that he had just had an informal meeting with Strategic Health Providers where they had discussed the General Election and the impact this may have on the health economy. There would continue to be financial pressures on all public organisations on health and social care therefore there is a need for good partnership working and innovative ways of working to ensure best value for money.


Members were reminded that the next meeting would be webcast to increase openness and transparency.


Martin Tett referred to the engagement from all partner organisations on the Ofsted Improvement Plan and working towards a good rating in the next 18 months/two years.


The Greater Manchester model and devolution of funding of £6billion had been discussed. This was an interesting project and it would be useful to identify how to commission more cost effectively.


Date options for Development Day were either 2nd or 8th September where there would be a discussion aroundwider stakeholder engagement and the Board’s strategic priorities.


Following the last meeting Katie McDonald, Health and Wellbeing Lead Officer had sent a letter from the Director of Public Health and Director for Children and Young People lobbying Ofsted in relation to PSHE lessons in schools.



Katie McDonald would circulate the response. Guidance and toolkits would be available this summer and this would be addressed by Dr Jane O’Grady and David Johnston, Strategic Director Children and Young People.


Dr Gamell, Chiltern Clinical Commissioning Group referred to the Board she had been attending which linked District Councils, Local Enterprise Partnership, Public Health, County Council with the Natural Environment Partnership. At the last meeting, Dr Gamell had been asked to formally sign a Memorandum of Understanding as a representative of the Health and Wellbeing Board and wanted to make sure this was agreed by Members before proceeding. Board Members agreed and welcomed this link with the Natural Environment Partnership and asked for an update on its work in six months’ time.

Action: Dr Gamell



Declarations of Interest


There were no new declarations of interest.


Minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2015 pdf icon PDF 130 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2015 were agreed as a correct record subject to the following amendment:-


Item 7 Better Care Fund

Members emphasised the need for further detailed work on the risk register as the Board had an important role as critical friend to add robust challenge.

Action: Lesley Perkin


Developing the Primary Care Strategy

Members noted that the Primary Care Strategy would be discussed at the next Health and Wellbeing Board Planning Group including co-commissioning.


Mental Health Concordat

Alan Baldwin (ACC) and a representative from the Ambulance Service to be invited to the June meeting of the Board.

Action: Katie McDonald



Public Questions


There were no public questions.


Bucks Physical Activity Strategy and Update on Active Bucks pdf icon PDF 207 KB

Jane O’Grady, Director of Public Health


Please Note: The board agreed that when the Physical Activity Strategy was presented last May that an update would come back to the board a year later so that all partners could consider partner contributions to the county wide strategy. The paper will recommend that members attend prepared to update on contributions over the last year and any planned future activity.

Additional documents:


Dr Jane O Grady provided an update on the Bucks Physical Activity Strategy 2014-17 and the Active Bucks Project. The presentation is attached as an appendix.


The main themes were noted as follows:-


·         Any type of physical activity has an impact and it is important not to sit too long – 10 mins extra walking can save 100 lives. People should exercise 30 mins a day five times a week.

·         It reduces long term conditions and dementia by 30%


·         MK Dons had been awarded the contract from 1 May 2015.

·         The Physical Literacy Project increases confidence and competence in undertaking fundamental skills of children aged 3-7. The Project will train and mentor 50 settings in areas of highest health need by the end of 2016. It was important to develop physical activity in young child in the same way as the need to develop speech.

·         The Council has been working with Leap and the Youth Sports Trust to explore options to introduce a physical activity measurement tool and with the Sustainable Transport Team to develop the School Travel Planning Policy. It was also important to promote exercise for teenagers.

Updates on contributions to the Physical Activity Strategy included the following:-


·         Developing football leagues

·         Triathlon events

·         Active Work place and walking pilots particularly rolled out in Business Parks

·         Securing funding from Sports England

·         YMCA Project

·         May was national walking month and people could measure the amount of miles walked

·         Green Space means Health Project has been developed in collaboration with the Bucks Natural Environment Partnership looking to increase usage of green space in Aylesbury, Chesham and Wycombe.

·         Park Runs were becoming increasingly popular and volunteers were now running events themselves.

·         Introducing spaces/gardens in hospitals to promote healthier lifestyles.

·         Toilets could be moved one floor up to increase physical activity.

·         Green spaces increase endorphins and promote wellbeing.

·         Chair based exercise used in Nursing Homes and helping older people at home navigate around their house through a series of steps. This also helped falls prevention.

Dr Jane O’Grady reported that the Active Bucks Project Team would undertake asset mapping in communities and also develop physical activity community champions (volunteers) to enable the sustainability of increased physical activity levels after funding finished. Volunteers would also receive time credits so that they could benefit from another service. Presentations had been made to the Local Area Forums in Buckinghamshire to promote the Strategy and identify key people. In terms of expected timescales the following timeline was noted:-


·         23 April Stakeholder launch of the project

·         May – Sept – Community development work and asset mapping process

·         Sept/Oct – Launch of project to the public

·         Sept- Nov – Year 1 physical activity provision commences

·         Sept 2016 – Year 2 commences.

Board Members were encouraged to promote the Project actively as this would be far more effective with active engagement from partner organisations.


During discussion the following points were noted:-


·         MK Dons would be attending public events and recording conversations to pull out recurring themes and ideas from  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Speaking out and Safeguarding update for the Health & Wellbeing Board pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Buckinghamshire Health Care Trust, Neil Dardis, Chief Executive

Additional documents:


Dr Tina Kenny, Medical Director, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust gave a presentation on Speaking Out and Safeguarding. In summary the main points were made:-


·         The independent investigation report into the activities of Jimmy Savile at Stoke Mandeville Hospital was published in February which was the third of three major reports on the activities of Jimmy Savile in the NHS.

·         The report detailed horrific and deeply distressing events which took place between 1969 and 1992.

·         Current safeguarding processes have been found to be fit-for-purpose.

·         Actions include ‘if you see it, say it’ campaign to support, DBS checking is in place for all volunteers, there is a clear policy for VIP and celebrity visitors, partnership working with the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and the Chief Nurse is the Trust Safeguarding Lead.

·         Next steps included looking at all recommendations made by the national reports and reporting back in May to the Monitor/NHS Trust Development Authority.


During discussion the following points were made:-


·         The Chairman reported that the report was very thorough and asked about the process for ensuring that standards were maintained. The Chief Nurse reported that she would report into the Safeguarding Board and provided assurance that standards would be constantly monitored. Dr Tina Kenny reported that there was also a cultural change in the organisation which would be take time to embed.

·         Richard Corbett, Healthwatch commented that it was also important not to put too many barriers up for volunteers and that this should be looked at depending on the level of their work and accessibility to patients. Dr Tina Kenny reported that there had not been any reduction in volunteers since this change had been put in place as they understood the reasons for making these changes. Graham Jackson commented that in the Kate Lampard report there had been recognition on the crucial role of volunteers and it was important to maintain a balance in terms of safeguarding processes.

·         The Chairman referred to training events and in response Dr Tina Kenny reported that the Safeguarding Board runs excellent training for managers who take a lead in each organisation and this information is then cascaded down to the relevant people.


The Board Members welcomed the report and the actions being taken in response to the recommendations within the Speaking Out Independent Investigation report.


Draft Protocol Outlining Relationship between Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board, Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board, Health & Wellbeing Board, Children and Young People's Joint Executive Team, Corporate Parenting Panel and Safer and Stronger Bucks Partnership Board pdf icon PDF 319 KB

Katie McDonald, Health & Wellbeing Lead


Katie McDonald Health and Wellbeing Lead introduced the report which proposed a set of protocols between the partnership Boards in Buckinghamshire which are working to safeguard children, young people and adults who are vulnerable to abuse. A recommendation from the recent Ofsted report into Children’s Services was to review governance arrangements and improve transparency. The Protocol sets out the roles, responsibilities and governance arrangements of the Boards below and how they should work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of people living in Buckinghamshire:-


·         Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board

·         Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adult Board

·         Health and Wellbeing Board

·         Safer and Stronger Bucks Partnership Board

·         Children and Young People’s Joint Executive Team

·         Corporate Parenting Panel.


Katie McDonald also made reference to working with the Adult Joint Executive Team, the Police and Crime Commissioner and Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel. It was important that each Board communicate with each other on their Work Programmes and work together on themes of common interest.


During discussion the following points were made:-


·         The Chairman welcomed the report and commented that this protocol should help avoid duplication and ensure Boards were working well together.

·         Lou Patten, Aylesbury Vale Clinical Commissioning Group commented that it would be useful to map all the Groups and look at standard reporting formats.  There would always be some overlap but if Boards were looking at similar work themes but from a different angle, it would be useful to work to the same timescale with joined up thinking.

·         Trevor Boyd, Buckinghamshire County Council commented that as a body of commissioners it would be useful to raise common issues such as problems with recruitment and identify initiatives to address this across all the organisations and Boards.

·         David Johnston, Buckinghamshire County Council emphasised that certain Boards would be held to account for the Safeguarding agenda and that each Board could act as a critical friend to other Boards to ensure each organisation discharges it responsibilities adequately.

·         Members agreed that there should be a six month update with a full report submitted in October.


Board Members agreed:-


1.    The general principles set out in the protocol subject to the addition of the Boards mentioned above;

2.    Any further comments to be sent directly back to the lead officers following the meeting;

3.    The proposals for shared reporting arrangements for the Board Chairmen to meet on an annual basis to agree on how the Boards will work together on themes of common interest.


ADASS report, Distinctive, Valued, Personal- Why Social Care Matters: The Next Five Years pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Trevor Boyd, Managing Director, Communities, Health and Adult Social Care.  

Additional documents:


This item was deferred to the next meeting.


Date of the Next Meeting

Thursday 18th June 14.00pm, Mezzanine Room 2, County Hall, Aylesbury, meeting will be webcast.


Thursday 18 June 2015 at 2pm Mezzanine Room 2, County Hall, Aylesbury.