Meeting documents

Venue: Ickford Village Hall

No. Item


Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership


Apologies were received from Nigel Brooke, Linda Howard, Mike Le Brun and David Radford Smith.


Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal or prejudicial interests


Margaret Aston declared that she was a Trustee of Buckinghamshire Community Action.  


Action Notes pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To confirm the notes of the meeting held on 8 October 2008


The notes of the meeting held on 8 October 2008 were agreed as a correct record.


Question Time

There will be a 20 minute period for public questions.  Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting.  Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after.


There were no questions.



None received


There were no petitions.


NAG Update - an update from a member of the Neighbourhood Policing Team


The Chairman welcomed PC Dean Kingham and PCSO Sue Jones to the meeting.  PC Dean Kingham had recently moved to the Haddenham area and would be working there for at least two years.  He reported that the NAG had been working on the issues highlighted by local people, which included criminal damage, youths loitering and burglaries.   The majority of the burglaries in 2008 had been from businesses, sheds and farm buildings and the Forum were reminded to secure outbuildings.  In Ford and Dinton, the neighbourhood policing team had been tackling speeding using the SIDS device.  A representative from Dinton with Ford and Upton Parish Council commented that they enjoyed having the SIDS and noticed that it was effective in slowing down the traffic.


Chiltern Railways - Haddenham and Thame Parkway car park deck scheme and the proposed new Oxford - Marylebone service

A representative from Chiltern Railways will attend for this item.


The Chairman welcomed Mr Paul Robb, General Manager, Chiltern Railways, to the meeting.  Mr Robb had been invited to the meeting to update members on the planned car park expansion at Haddenham and Thame Parkway and the proposed new Oxford to Marylebone rail link.  The following points were noted:

  • The Haddenham and Thame Parkway station was very popular and cars were often double parked in the car park which caused issues.  Chiltern Railways had decided to put a deck over part of the car park which would increase capacity from 488 to 714 spaces.  
  • Piling would begin in early 2009 and the deck would be constructed in March/April 2009.  Prefabricated units would minimise disruption and mess and the construction should take 16 days.  
  • The new deck of the car park would be well lit with closed circuit television and aesthetically pleasing. 
  • Chiltern Railways would be introducing a new route between Oxford and London Marylebone.  This would involve building a line from Bicester North to link with the existing freight line.  Bicester Town station would be upgraded, Islip station would be rebuilt and a new station would be constructed at Water Eaton Parkway to link with the park and ride facility.  Chiltern Railways hope to run a half hourly service from Bicester Town.  Bicester Town to Oxford would be a 14 minute journey and Oxford to High Wycombe would be 38 minutes.  
  • It was anticipated that the first trains would run in May 2013.  An Act of Parliament would be needed to create a new line and there were a number of engineering challenges to overcome.  The new line would not cause any disruption to existing services into Marylebone and might be a welcome addition for Oxfordshire commuters as Cross Rail would lead to disruption at Reading.  Paul Robb saw this as the first step towards possible east-west lines between Oxford and Milton Keynes.  


A member asked if Chiltern Railways needed planning permission for the new car park at Haddenham and asked what the final height would be and how the car park deck would be screened.  Mr Robb advised that planning permission was not required although the local authority had been advised of the construction work and a certificate of lawfulness had been obtained. Mr Robb was unsure of the final height of the new deck but agreed to provide this information after the meeting.


The Chairman commented that Haddenham Parish Council had met with Chiltern Railways regarding the car park deck and had been told that whilst the car park needed to be well lit, lights would be used that would not be obtrusive.  Additional pay and display machines would also be introduced. The Parish Council had also agreed to plant trees to screen the car park further.  


A member asked if additional carriages would be introduced on the Haddenham line, if the car park capacity was being increased.  People often had to stand from Haddenham to London at peak times.  Mr Robb reported that some  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Community Transport Update

Richard Maskell


Richard Maskell from Buckinghamshire Community Action (BCA) gave members an update on developments in Community Transport.


Youth Bus

Big Lottery funding had been secured for three years to operate a Youth Bus service, which was aimed at youth clubs and other groups of young people, offering a subsidised bus hire service.  Youth groups can hire buses from 12-81 seaters for travel to organised activities.  This was proving to be extremely popular.


If you know of a youth club that might be interested in the Youth Bus they can call 01296 421 036 for membership details.


Access to Medical Services

In the south of the county, a number of people carriers driven by a team of 22 volunteers were being used to transport people to medical services.  This service was managed by the local Dial a Ride services and users could book via Dial a Ride.  All drivers were CRB checked and fares were approximately 50p a mile.  BCA were trying to establish a similar service in Aylesbury Vale and funding would be released shortly to enable the purchase of a larger vehicle.


Local Community Planning


The Haddenham and Long Crendon LAF has been suggested as a pilot to create its own local community plan.  A synopsis of information currently available such as Parish and Village Plans, Service Excellence, NAG and Residents' Survey results will be shared at the meeting and all members are encouraged to bring details of useful local information with them to the meeting to share.  We will not be starting the actual process at this meeting, but a dedicated workshop date early next year will be proposed to start work on this project.


Peter Loose and Margaret Aston


Madeleine Howe, Senior Local Area Co-ordinator and Peter Loose, Lead Officer for Haddenham and Long Crendon Local Community Area advised members that the area had been chosen to pilot Local Community Planning.  The aim of this process was to pull together themes from all the various parish plans and village appraisals etc in the area to influence how services could be delivered locally.


Madeleine Howe was collating all the information currently held at County Hall and suggested that she would circulate this to each parish to ask for feedback and ensure information was up to date.  It was agreed that the March meeting would be dedicated to a Local Community Planning exercise and Buckinghamshire Community Action would assist with this.  Sarah Allwood of BCA explained that a Local Community Plan would help to create a vision for the area and would strengthen links between parishes and develop a community spirit.  A Local Community Plan would influence how resources are allocated in future.


Buckinghamshire Community Action

Laurie Johnson and Sarah Allwood will cover advice and guidance on all aspects of village hall management, maintenance and usage and on the Parish Planning process.


The Chairman welcomed Laurie Johnson of BCA to the meeting.  Laurie explained that a large part of his role at BCA was advising people on how to secure funding for different projects and also village hall management.  As a village hall trustee for 28 years, he had lots of experience and had given advice to other village hall committees on issues such as collapsing roofs, broken down heating, leases expiring and the whole management committee resigning.  Action for Communities in Rural England (ACRE) could provide useful information in this area and BCA could act as arbitrators if village hall committees needed this support.  


BCA could also advise on village playgrounds, where health and safety was a constant issue and funding for new equipment could be difficult to find.  BCA worked closely with Bucks Playing Fields Association.


A member asked how BCA were funded and also commented that villages do manage very well - infact the hall in Ickford was a brilliant example of how village people provide facilities for themselves. Laurie Johnson explained that BCA were mainly funded through one contract with BCC and the district councils to give advice and support parish plans and village appraisals.  BCA were not funded to provide advice on village halls but recognised the need to do so.  Whilst Laurie Johnson agreed that historically villages had done well in building their own halls etc, increased costs meant that villages needed to access external funding and BCA were happy to support communities in this.


The Chairman thanked Laurie Johnson for attending the meeting. 


Delegated Transportation Budget

Ann-Marie Davies and Madeleine Howe


Ann-Marie Davies, Local Area Co-ordinator, reported that the Haddenham and Long Crendon area had £17,000 to spend on local highways projects.  Some bids had been received already and members were reminded that the deadline for bids was 31 December 2008.  The assessed bids would come to the March meeting for the Forum to make a decision.  Members were reminded that small projects such as salt bins, lamp posts, kerbing or new footways were ideal.


There was a discussion regarding the voting process.  Members were reminded that it was hoped that a consensus could be reached.  However if a vote was needed it would be on a one parish, one vote basis and county and district members would get one vote each.  Those members who were on both district and county councils would still only get one vote.


Any Other Business


Haddenham-Thame Cycleway

Costings had been put together for the three different options which came out at £280,000, £307,000 and £500,000.  Officers had been in contact with South Oxfordshire but they did not view the cycleway as a priority at the present time, as their budget was very limited. 


Rebuild of bridge in Ford

A member from Ford Society thanked Dave Smith, Local Area Technician, for organising new kerbing in Ford.  He also commented that he had heard that a bridge in Ford was going to be rebuilt by BCC at a cost of £100,000 in order to alleviate flooding, yet he was not aware that the local community had been consulted about this project.  Peter Loose agreed to find out who was managing the project and put them in touch with the community.  


Concerns regarding road conditions in recent cold weather

A member from Dinton with Ford and Upton Parish Council reported that there had been two serious accidents this week on the road near the school in Dinton.  This road had blind bends and runs past the school and the parish council believed that it should be gritted.  Dave Smith advised that he was part of the Winter Maintenance Review Group.  Due to budget constraints, salting routes were reduced back in 2007.  A major risk assessment exercise was undertaken at this time and salting routes were agreed.  Following the bad weather this weekend Dave Smith advised that some routes were being revisited.  


PC Dean Kingham advised that he had visited Dinton School and parents had asked if there could be additional ice warning signs placed at the roadside, if roads were not going to be gritted.  Dave Smith advised parishes to contact David Cairney regarding additional signs.


Ann Marie-Davies advised that there was a misprint on the Winter Maintenance leaflet. The leaflet says that BCC grit 34% of roads but infact 40% are gritted.  


Date of Next and Future Meetings

All meetings are on Wednesdays at 6.30pm


25 March 2009 at the Village Centre, Long Crendon

24 June 2009, venue to be advised

23 September, venue to be advised

9 December, venue to be advised


All meetings are on Wednesdays at 6.30pm


25 March 2009 at the Village Centre, Long Crendon

24 June 2009 at Ickford Village Hall

23 September 2009 at Haddenham Village Hall

9 December 2009 at Brill Memorial Hall