Meeting documents

Venue: Mezzanine Room 1, County Hall, Aylesbury. View directions

Contact: Liz Wheaton/Maureen Keyworth 

Note No. Item



Apologies for absence/changes in Membership


Apologies were received from Adam Payne (Daniel Herbert substituted) and Alastair Penman.


Introductions were made.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 264 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2012 were agreed as a correct record.


The following was noted:

Item 3 Priorities and Actions for the Mental Health Partnership Board

Stuart Bell, Chief Executive of Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust has been invited to attend the May meeting of the MHPB.



Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards/Mental Capacity Act

Sarah Pady, BCC Mental Capacity Act Co-ordinator


This item was deferred to the March meeting due to illness.  The Chairman said that because Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards would be under the remit of the Local Authority from 1 April it would be good to have the presentation at the March meeting.


Action:  Agenda item for March meeting



Update on Priorities and Actions for the Mental Health Partnership Board pdf icon PDF 219 KB

Members are asked to provide an update in relation to the objectives set in the Priorities.  Attached, for information, is the report from the Mental Health Partnership Board to the Executive Partnership Board.


Objective 1.


Rob Michael-Phillips and Stephen Archibald would shortly be meeting to agree the dates of the March meetings relating to benefit changes.  The Chairman asked whether this work would feed into the work of the EPB in relation to the benefits system. It was noted that the work of the MHPB would be separate to that of the EPB.


Debbie Game said they were liaising with the DWP and although they had the figures for Buckinghamshire as a whole they were not broken down into categories.  April Brett agreed to look at the figures they had for health and feed the information to Stephen Archibald and Rob Michael-Phillips. 

Action:  April Brett


It was noted that the purpose of the meetings was to present information on the benefits changes to the mental health client and this work would need to be completed by the end of March. Stephen Archibald said that Jacci Fowler would provide the information and Stephen and Rob would be arranging the meetings.


Objective 2


Kurt Moxley reported that NHS Bucks was working alongside Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust on mental health pathways.  The working group was looking on what a mental health service user could expect when coming into the system.  It had been suggested that the information provided in Oxford could be looked at in relation to what to expect and what to do if a mental health service user does not get support.  Kurt said he would liaise with Alastair Penman on how this worked in Buckinghamshire and would also pick up on how it could relate to the Blue Folder used in Oxford as well as the work the SHA.  Kurt Moxley suggested that this work could be brought to the MPHB to see if an information tree could be built.  Stephen Archibald said he would be happy to look at the information and contribute any technical skills towards production of a document.


Kurt Moxley agreed to follow up with Alastair Penman on the Blue Folder.


Action:  Kurt Moxley


Objective 3


Rob Michael-Phillips said that this was a broad objective and suggested finding a means of engaging with users, cares and providers to try to identify a number of achievable steps towards making Buckinghamshire part of a mental health friendly society.  Rob also asked whether the MHPB would want to do the work through the meeting or whether to set up a sub-group.  It was suggested that once service users were identified SUCO could provide support to encourage participation.  The Chairman also suggested that other provider agencies could also take part.


Rob Michael-Phillips suggested the following ideas for achievable steps towards becoming a Mental Health Friendly Society:


1.                  Look at awareness of mental health through access to information and how this information is provided.  A guide could be provided similar to the one produced by Oxfordshire.  More work could be done with building on Bucks Connect. Rob expressed concern that so many websites were being developed and that there should be a mechanism  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.



Executive Partnership Board Update pdf icon PDF 303 KB

Attached, for information, are the draft minutes for the meeting of the Executive Partnership Board held on 10 December 2012. 


The minutes of the Executive Partnership Board meeting held on 10 December 2012 were attached to the agenda for information.


Members discussed, and it was suggested that it would be advantageous to have a service provider representative to attend the EPB with the Chairman, and it was agreed that Rob Michael-Phillips would attend, with Gemma Richardson substituting in the event that Rob is unable to attend.


Action:  EPB clerk to be notified that Rob Michael-Phillips would be attending future meetings with Kurt Moxley


Members discussed the best way that service users could take part in the work of the MHPB.  It was noted that various organisations, whilst recognising the need to protect vulnerable people, considered they should also be able to make their own decision on how they would want to become involved.  Kurt Moxley suggested that service users and carers should be invited to take part and it was noted that part of the SUCO brief was to support service users and carers who have expressed an interest in taking part and to help them to participate. 


Gemma said that other services offered different means of involvement and the MHPB could develop a range of options from attending meetings, to obtaining minutes of meetings and attending focus groups.  The MHPB also agreed on the need to be clear on the definition of a mental health service user and the benefits of attending the MHPB.  In this connection, Rob Michael-Phillips referred to service users and carers involved in the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Governing Body and the fact that they are clear of their role on that organisation. 


Any Other Business

April Brett provided an update on the Five Ways to Wellbeing campaign launched in March 2012 which looked at raising awareness of the five messages to promote wellbeing, with a pre-, mid- and post-evaluation to measure the impact of the campaign.  It was noted that whilst the numbers in the survey had dropped there has been a positive impact.  Further work is now being done on the next stage to embed this work with organisations so more of them connect with the branding and the campaign in order to ensure there is real understanding of the messages.  This will be taken to the Health & Wellbeing Board for endorsement and April agreed to update the MHBP at the March Meeting.


Action:  Agenda item for March meeting



Dates of Next and Future Meetings

The next meeting of the Mental Health Partnership Board will be held on Wednesday 20 March 2013 at 2.30pm in Mezzanine Room 1.


Dates of future meetings:  (all commence at 2.30pm and will be held in Mezzanine Room 1)

22 May

17 July

18 September

20 November


The next meeting of the Mental Health Partnership Board will be held on Wednesday 20 March 2013 at 2.30pm in Mezzanine Room 1.


Dates of future meetings:  (all commence at 2.30pm and will be held in Mezzanine Room 1)

22 May

17 July

18 September

20 November