Meeting documents

Venue: Seminar Room 1, Green Park Centre, Aston Clinton. View directions

Contact: Sharon Griffin 

Note No. Item



Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership


Apologies were received from Paul Rogerson and Ronel Murray.


The Chairman advised Members that he needed to leave the meeting at 11.45 in order to attend another meeting.  Maureen Armitage agreed to chair the meeting after he left.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 372 KB

The minutes of the meeting held on the 26 July 2012 to be agreed as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 26 July 2012 were agreed as a correct record, subject to the following minor amendments.


On page 8, it should read "Maureen Armitage explained that representatives at Buckinghamshire Alliance of Neurological (BANO) are in the main paid workers not volunteers."


On page 12, it should read "What leisure pursuits are available in Aylesbury?  Headway run day services in conjunction with their clients due to the limited availability of existing leisure activities."


The Chairman went through the actions from the last meeting and updated members on the status of the actions.


Matters arising


Page 2 – PIP is shaping up, etc


Andrew Clark has delivered a presentation on PIP recently.


Sharon Griffin has circulated the diagram from Prevention Matters Programme to Members.


Page 4 – Five Ways to Wellbeing


The Chairman read out the following email from April Brett, Public Health Principal, Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire NHS Cluster.


"The materials have been produced in a written form and the web page on the NHS Buckinghamshire website is also in a written form with links to the Department of Health or LA web pages – again written/visual links.  Hopefully this should not be problematic for those with hearing loss.  It must be noted this is a promotional message campaign something in the order of healthy eating messages but with a focus on wellbeing not a programme focusing on service provision per se.  Existing services which might have a wellbeing aspect are invited to link and use the wellbeing materials to highlight their services.


As regards translating materials into other languages, we have not received specific requests for this to date.  In September, following evaluation feedback and review of the communication campaign, we will be considering the next phase of the campaign and this will include any tailoring of materials."


The Chairman said that he would ensure that future materials are presented to the Board for their comments. 


Action: Chris Reid


Page 10 – Strengthening Transitions Arrangements


Jane O’Grady and Tracey Ironmonger have been invited to attend the next Board meeting.


Page 14 – Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Vulnerable Adult Board


Still awaiting clarification on how those with hearing impairments make a report to the safeguarding team.


Action: Charles Owen-Conway/Sharon Griffin


Status of actions from meeting on 26 July


Item 3 – Bucks Service User & Carer Organisation (SUCO)


A leaflet providing information on membership-key qualities has been circulated to Board Members.


Item 5 – Wycombe District Council – review for people with disabilities

The report and appendices are still in draft form but once the report is finalised, it will be circulated to Board Members.


The Chairman will speak to colleagues in the District Councils to see what work they are undertaking in this area.  Andrew Clark went on to say that BuDS has been tentatively invited to make a presentation to the Cabinet at AVDC on "Making Aylesbury Accessible".


Item 6 – PSDPB Priorities Action Plan

NadyaAshraf has been invited to a future Board meeting.


The stakeholder bulletin  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.



Dignity in Care pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Presentation from Maxine Foster, Joint Commissioning Manager.


The Chairman welcomed Maxine Foster, Joint Commissioning Manager, to the meeting.  She took Members through her presentation entitled "The Dignity Challenge" and made the following main points.


·        Dignity is a basic human right and it involves many overlapping aspects including respect, privacy, autonomy and self worth.

·        Dignity in Care means the kind of care in any setting, which supports and promotes and does not undermine a person’s self respect, regardless of their difference.

·        In 2006, the Dignity in Care agenda was set by central Government.

·        There are 8 Dignity factors including choice and control, communication, eating and nutritional care, pain management and social inclusion.  Social inclusion is a particular issue for Bucks due to the geographical layout of the county.

·        In 2007, Bucks received a £370k grant to improve the physical environment in care homes across the county.  Providers were able to bid for funds up to the value of £10k and some care homes used the money to improve their dining facilities whilst some chose to improve the equipment within their care home.

·        In 2009, a working group was established reporting into the Older Peoples Partnership Board.  This group now reports into the Safeguarding Board.

·        In 2011, the Dignity Challenge was launched with the aim of recruiting 200 champions by the end of the financial year.  By the end of the financial year, there were 310 dignity champions so the new target for March 2013 is 700.

·        A commission was established in 2011 to look at the difficulties experienced implementing the agenda.  The problem is a national one and not just confined to Buckinghamshire.

·        A draft report was published in February 2012 which detailed 20 recommendations – 10 for Care Homes and 10 for Nursing Homes.

·        The final report was published in July 2012.

·        Bucks County Council has produced a policy paper which goes through the recommendations in detail.  Copies are available from Ms Foster.

·        A quarterly newsletter celebrating good practice is now being produced and is sent to all Dignity in Care champions.

·        A draft joint action paper is due to be circulated in December 2012 which is looking at closer working with partnership organisations.

·        On Friday 1 February 2013, there will be the "National Dignity in Care Action Day".  In the afternoon, good practice will be showcased and there will be representatives from a number of sectors including health, education, social care and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).  There are two confirmed speakers so far – one from the CQC who will discuss what the agenda means to them and how they will be implementing it and the other confirmed speaker is David Green who has been involved in developing the agenda.

·        Ms Foster concluded her presentation by encouraging Board Members to sign up to be Dignity Champions and encourage others to do so.  She also emphasised the importance of providing feedback on care services as this will help to break down the barriers.  People need to be encourage to openly and freely communicate.  Ms Foster also  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.



New Sensory Services

Update from Michael Quinlan - AOHL


The Chairman introduced Michael Quinlan from Action on Hearing Loss who took Members through his presentation and made the following main points.


·        Action on Hearing Loss has partnered with SENSE and Young Deaf Activities to provide a new service for people with a sensory loss named Buckinghamshire Integrated Sensory Service.

·        The new Bucks Integrated Sensory Service will commence on 1 October 2012.

·        The new service will include children as well as adults.  For many years, deaf and blind children were only supported in the education setting but now the support continues into their home environment so they can gain confidence at home and at school.  For example, there is a Home Communication Club for hearing parents of deaf children to learn sign language.

·        The integrated team includes two sensory officers (TUPED across from Bucks Vision) who work with visually impaired people; one Sensory officer who works with deaf and hard of hearing people and two community officers for Visual Impairment and Hearing Impairment.  There is also a voluntary team who support the above officers with follow-up appointments and who will support the team.

·        Once a referral is received, the team carries out a holistic assessment which includes looking at the needs of the person and not the disability and any equipment needs are identified at this stage (eg. Specialist smoke alarms for HL, liquid level indicators for VI).  The team will also provide mobility and orientation training for VI.  For any sensory client with complex needs a referral to a care manager would be made for an assessment of a personal care package.

·        Following the assessment, the client can then be registered, which is discretionary and the client can then receive a number of discounts, for example, on the railways.  If a client does not want to be registered blind or deaf, this will not affect their access to advice and support.

·        The aim is to give people independence and keep them in their own homes.  Our team work very closely with families to ensure the right outcome.

·        The team will also look at safeguarding issues.

·        There is a need to raise awareness of the new integrated service amongst professionals.

·        There is also a need to develop drop-ins across the County.  For example, if a sensory client receives a letter and English is not their first language, then they could attend a drop-in session for assistance in translation.

·        In the past, the transition from child to adult has not been smooth but the team will work with schools to make sure the transition is smooth and the client’s needs are met.


During discussion, Members asked the following questions.


·        Will the new service provide advice on benefits?  Mr Quinlan explained that the team will not provide advice on this but they would refer clients to the right place.

·        Will volunteers need to know how to do sign language?  Mr Quinlan said that not all volunteers need to do sign language as all the clients have different needs but must  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.



LINk update

Update from Janice Campbell, Panel Member, LINk


The Chairman introduced Janice Campbell, Panel Member for the LINk who provided Members with an update on the work of LINk and transition to Local Healthwatch.  During her update, she made the following main points.


·        The LINk was originally set-up to provide a stronger voice for people.

·        Local Healthwatch will replace the LINk and will commence in April 2013 when Local Authorities will take over the responsibilities for health and social care.

·        Community Impact Bucks is currently acting as the host organisation and a panel has been set-up comprising four Members.

·        As with the LINk, Local Healthwatch will be able to conduct "enter and view" visits and can identify issues and concerns and conduct further investigations into issues if appropriate.

·        The role of Local Healthwatch will be primarily around signposting and advocacy services.  Bucks County Council is currently working on the contract.

·        Three particular areas have been identified:

1.    Dignity in Care

2.    Transport

3.    New emergency services

·        The Health and Wellbeing Board is currently in shadow form and focuses on developing the strategic needs.

·        There are also Shadow Commissioning Groups and the LINk currently sits on the Chiltern and Aylesbury Vale Boards.


A Member commented that the 700 Dignity in Care Champions should also be linked into Local Healthwatch as it represents the Peoples Voices.


The Chairman thanked Ms Campbell for her update.



PSDPB Action plan


This item was deferred until the next meeting.



Department for Work and Pensions - benefits update

Update from Elaine Norris, DWP


The Chairman welcomed Elaine Norris from The Pension Service who provided Members with a benefits update.  Ms Norris explained that the Benefits Reform 2013 signifies the biggest reforms in the last 60 years and will affect a large number of people.


The main changes are as follows.


·        Disability Living Allowance will be replaced by Personal Independence Payments (PIP):

·        From June 2013 new claims to PIP will start, there will be no new claims for PIP.

·        From October 2013 – re-assessment to PIP starts for existing customers.

·        From Spring 2016, all DLA claimants between 16 and 64 will have been contacted about re-assessment.

·        Universal credit

·        this will replace means-tested job seekers allowance and some aspects of pensions credit.  Disabled groups will be affected.  The Department for Work and Pensions provides more information on this.

·        Benefit Cap

·        Limits benefit payments to a household to no more than average household earnings – currently equivalent to a gross salary of £35,000.

·        Cap excludes one-off payments and non-cash benefits.

·        Exemptions for households including recipients of Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance or Industrial Injuries Disability Benefit.

·        War widows/widowers and those in ESA Support Group also exempt.

·        Those entitled to Working Tax Credit exempt.

·        Effective from April 2013 – contacting individual claimants in those households likely to be affected offering support to find work.

·        An online calculator is available at


Ms Norris concluded by saying that it would be useful to have a slot on the agenda at the next meeting as there should be more information available about the changes by then.


Action: Democratic Services Officer


A Member commented that a lot of people are very concerned about the changes and it is particularly hard for a number of voluntary organisations who are trying to advise people on the changes.



National Benefits update (standing item)

Update from Andrew Clark.


The Chairman welcomed Andrew Clark who provided Members with an update on National Benefits.  He made the following main points.


·        The Bucks Network has replaced the former Bucks Strategic Partnership.  The Network has been agreed to set-up a Benefits Working Group to conduct a strategic assessment of the impact of welfare benefit changes across the statutory and voluntary sector.

·        Benefits and care arrangements are all changing at the same time.  The strategic needs assessment will therefore need to look at the cumulative and progressive impact this will have on the people of Bucks.

·        Service and commissioning plans will need to take into account these changes and impacts, especially as Bucks County Council and the NHS will have shared responsibility for health and social care from April 2013.

·        Training sessions on benefit change (in addition to those already done by BuDS) are being planned.

·        Bucks County Council and the NHS will have shared responsibility for health and social care from April 2013.  The changes in benefits are being done to coincide with this timeline.

·        Members agreed that it would be useful to have a fuller presentation on who is claiming benefits across Bucks and for what disability they are claiming for.


Action: Democratic Services Officer


A Member commented that it is not just voluntary organisations who need support.  Health Practitioners need to be kept updated on the changes.  The changes are likely to have an impact on the psychological services, including mental health services.  There is likely to be an influx of people with queries as the new system beds down.


The Chairman thanked Mr Clark for his update.



Any Other Business


·        The Local Account document has been well received and it was complimented as being a well written and transparent document.  BuDS remains on the working group.


·        The Department of Work and Pensions has produced a very large report with lots of recommendations included in it.  Members were advised to look at the website for further information.


Date of the Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Board will take place on Thursday 29 November 2012, 10.30am, Seminar Room 1, Green Park, Aston Clinton.


The next meeting of the Board will take place on Thursday 29 November 2012, 10.30am, Seminar Room 1, Green Park, Aston Clinton.