Meeting documents

Venue: Darke Hall, Coach House, Green Park

Contact: Christina Beevers 

No. Item


Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman


Ms K Tamlyn opened the meeting and asked for nominations for the election of Chairman. Mr K Patrick was nominated. The forum was asked to vote on the nominee.


RESOLVED: The forum APPOINTED Mr K Patrick as the Chairman.


Mr K Patrick as the new Chairman asked for nominations for the Vice- Chairman.  Ms K Tamlyn was nominated and the forum took a vote. 


RESOLVED: The forum APPOINTED Ms Tamlyn as the Vice- Chairman.


Election of sub groups- The members of the sub groups were agreed as follows:


Contingency Group: Meet once yearly.

David Hood (Chairman)

Eileen Stewart

Janice Freeman

Paula Coppins


SFFG- meet prior to each School Forum (SF) meeting:

Kathryn Tamlyn- Primary Sector (Chairman)

Steven Sneesby (Vice Chairman)

Sue Skinner (Early Years/ Maintained Nursery representative).

Gaynor Bull (Secondary academy representative).

David Hood (Secondary maintained representative).

Kevin Patrick (Secondary academy representative).

Julia Antrobus (Infant maintained representative).


Maintained Schools Sub-committee (De-Delegation)- Annual meeting.

Janice Freeman (Chairman).


RESOLVED: The forum APPOINTED the members of the sub-groups.



It was requested if a column could be added on to the agenda/minutes paperwork to show which sector each member was representing.

ACTION: Ms C Beevers


Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership pdf icon PDF 156 KB

To be presented by Ms J Try, Finance Business Partner (Schools), BCC.



Apologies were received from: Mr A Wanford (Green Ridge Academy), Ms A Cranmer (Bucks County Council), Ms P Thompson-Omenka (Bucks County Council) and Ms D Rutley (Aspire PRU).



Schools Forum Membership (schools)


Ms J Try, Finance Business Partner (Schools), gave an overview of the report provided. Ms Try highlighted that in 2018 the Schools Forum (SF) agreed the current membership and that the membership will be reviewed on annual basis.

The report also addressed previous discussions at Schools Forum regarding the representation between Grammar and Upper schools and updated members on the legal advice which allowed local discretion on this matter in line with the forum’s constitution. The table set out the current pupil numbers compared to the current membership and highlighted a vacancy for a Maintained Junior representative and a Maintained Special School representative



The following points were raised and discussed:


  • Mr D Hood advised he had someone from a combined school that was interested in the available primary maintained position. It was advised the post would need to be advertised through the usual channels. It was stated that there were differences in funding between infant and combined, and someone from the combined sector may not represent the infant sector accurately.
  • Maintained special school forum members were happy for the vacancy to be advertised in the same way as above. There were some concerns on the fact that there were 12 maintained special schools and trying to pull resource could be difficult. Ms H Slinn advised it could be fed through the Special schools meeting and it was advised this could be a governor rather than a head teacher.
  • It was asked if there was a problem of looking at the number of schools and/or pupil numbers. Ms Try confirmed they were guided by the DfE and after clarification it was stated the mix should be based on pupil numbers. 
  • It was highlighted that the Forum needed to ensure there was fair representation across the board.




The following recommendations were set out in the report:


  1. To seek representatives from the Maintained Junior School and Maintained Special School sector in line with the current constitution set out in 3.2. of the report
  2. To note the Secondary school membership pupil number analysis set out in 4.2 and 4.3 for further discussion and agreement.


RESOLVED: Forum Members AGREED recommendation 1 and AGREED that a further report be brought back to the next Schools Forum to consider 5:3 split Upper: Grammar schools and a further refinement of maintained and academy representation.


Declarations of Interest

To disclose any Personal or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


There were none.


Minutes of the last Meeting / Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 203 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2019.


RESOLVED: The minutes from the meeting held on 18 June 2019 were AGREED as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.


Matters Arising:


Page 14, Healthy Pupil Funding- It was confirmed there was an update due to go out in the School’s Bulletin.


All other actions had been completed or were due to be discussed at the meeting.



Schools Forum Induction pdf icon PDF 131 KB

To be presented by Ms E Williams, Head of Finance (CYP), Bucks County Council.

Additional documents:


Ms E Williams, Head of Finance (Children’s Services) gave an overview of the report provided and confirmed that the induction report would be reviewed and updated annually. 


RESOLVED: The forum NOTED the report.



Schools Forum Funding Group Update pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Verbal update to be provided by the Chairman of the SFFG.

Additional documents:


Mr K Patrick gave an overview of the action points from the last meeting of the Schools Forum Funding Group held on 25 September 2019.  The action notes would be appended to the minutes.

ACTION: Ms C Beevers


Ms Try gave an update on the Local Authority’s response to the DfE’s Financial Transparency Consultation. Mr Patrick requested that the response be attached to the Schools Forum minutes.

                                                                                             ACTION: Ms J Try


RESOLVED: The forum NOTED the update.



Revenue Budget Monitoring 2019-20 pdf icon PDF 104 KB

To be presented by Ms J Try, Finance Business Partner (Schools), BCC.


Ms J Try, Finance Business Partner (Schools), gave an overview of the report provided, the following points were raised in discussion:


  • A member of the forum queried the overspend on Growth Fund. It was asked if issues with St Michael’s could have been predicted earlier.  Ms Try confirmed that lessons had been learnt from St Michael’s forecasting but the methodology used to allocate Growth Fund monies needed to be reviewed including how other local authorities use and allocate growth fund.
  • The forecasted overspend on business rates was now lower than reported as mandatory charitable relief had been successfully applied for from the District Councils.



  1. That Schools Forum note the forecast outturn (year-end) position as set out in the report.
  2. Agree the recommended proposals for the use of DSG Reserves as set out in 4.2 in the report.


RESOLVED:The forum NOTED the forecast outturn (year-end) position as set out in the report.


RESOLVED:The forum took a vote on the proposals for the use of DSG Reserves.   14 in favour and 5 abstained.  The recommendation was AGREED.


SEN Quarterly Update pdf icon PDF 173 KB

To be presented by Ms E Williams, Head of Finance (Children’s Services), BCC and Ms H Slinn, Head of Integrated SEND, BCC.


This item will include an update on current projected spend, actions being taken and an update on Banding.

Additional documents:


Ms E Williams, Head of Finance (Children’s Services) and Ms H Slinn, Head of SEN, gave an overview of the report provided.  The following points were raised in discussion:


  • It was asked that given investment was not in mainstream schools, how was it going to be achieved. It was confirmed that budget had not decreased and that the table compared last year’s overspend position with this year’s budget.
  • Tribunal costs came out of the budget. Ms H Slinn confirmed it did not come out of the budget directly but it did come out of the education budget. It was requested that the cost of tribunals be shared with the forum. The details were later shared in the meeting that the cost is covered by the local authority at a budget of £205k.
  • It was noted in table 3.2 in the report (SEND Service Area Support), that you could see a difference in the areas, the level of detail, clarity and explanation was better than ever received.



  1. To NOTE the current update on high needs budgets and actions to reduce reliance on high cost placements and to ensure resources are spend in the most effective way.
  2. To NOTE the revised time line for the delivery of a banded funding mechanism for special schools from April 2020.


RESOLVED: The forum NOTED the update and the revised timeline.


National Funding Formula (NFF) and Operational Guidance 2020-21 pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To be presented by Ms J Try, Finance Business Partner (Schools), BCC.


Ms J Try, Finance Business Partner (Schools) gave an overview of the report provided, the following points were raised in discussion:


  • The principles agreed last year were highlighted, including the over-arching principle that the local formula should reflect the national funding formula to avoid disruption to school budgets once the hard formula is introduced by the government. It was asked how the forum were expected to consult when they were unaware of what the impact would be. It was explained at the time the report was written that it was hoped that the indicative allocations would have been released, but they were released just before the meeting.  It was agreed that more time for modelling was need prior to consultation. The consultation on the level of Minimum Funding Guarantee would be sent out via Schools Bulletin to allow for a better discussion and a recommendation would be brought back to the December meeting.



  • Ms J Try confirmed an increase of £7 million on last years High Needs allocation was due in 2020-21. It was asked by a member of the forum if it was a one off amount. Ms Try confirmed that once more clarity was received from the DfE members of the forum would be updated.  At this stage only a 1 year funding announcement had been received and therefore no details had been given about ongoing funding levels.



  1. To note the information contained in this report.
  2. To agree the principles to be adopted for 2020-21 local funding formula within the overarching principle that the local funding formula reflects the NFF.
  3. To agree how the consultation on the level of MFG should take place over the autumn term (see paragraph 5.2 of the report).
  4. To note that the local funding formula for 2020-21 will be modelled when information form the DfE becomes available and this will be brought back to Schools Forum for consideration.



  1. The Forum NOTED the report.
  2. The Forum AGREED the principles.
  3. The Forum AGREED the consultation process.
  4. The Forum NOTED that the local funding formula for 2020-21 would be modelled when information form the DfE became available and would be brought back to Schools Forum for consideration.



De-Delegation 2020-21 Consultation with Schools pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To be presented by Ms J Try, Finance Business Partner (Schools), BCC.

Additional documents:


Ms J Try, Finance Business Partner (Schools) gave an overview of the report provided.


The following points were raised and discussed:

  • It was asked if De-Delegation could be used to support School Liaison Officers but it was advised it would not be possible to use De-Delegation according to the Operational Guide as it can only be used to fund services for maintained schools.
  • It was asked if the 2017-18 and 2018/19 spend could be shared with the sub- committees.  This was agreed and would be sent with papers for the meeting.




  1. To continue with the arrangements agreed last year, that the details of any de-delegation proposals for 2020/21 be considered at a meeting of the maintained schools subcommittee with recommendations to be brought back to Schools Forum for final decisions.


RESOLVED: The Forum AGREED the above recommendation with a report to then come back to the Forum for a vote.



Unitary Update

Verbal update to be provided by Mr G Drawmer, Head of Achievement and Learning, BCC.


Mr G Drawmer, Head of Achievement and Learning, BCC, gave a verbal update on unitary, the following points were raised and discussed:


  • The forum discussed the process of TUPE for schools staff and Mr Drawmer confirmed that there was minimal impacted expected and that a further update from HR would be sent to schools.
  • Mr Drawmer confirmed that the reassignment of leases with academies was being dealt with by the Legal department and no cost to the school was expected.
  • A unitary update would be added as a standing item.

ACTION: Ms C Beevers



Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 54 KB


RESOLVED: The forum NOTED the forward plan.


The AOB item would be added back on to the agenda as a standing item.


ACTION: Ms C Beevers



Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 03 December 2019, 1.30-4.00pm.

Darke Hall, Green Park, Aston Clinton.


03 December 2019, 1.30pm, Darke Hall, Green Park, Aston Clinton.