Meeting documents

Venue: Council Chamber, South Bucks District Council, Capswood, Oxford Road, Denham UB9 4LH. View directions

Contact: Aisha Bi  01494 586505; email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 104 KB


The minutes of the Chiltern and South Bucks Joint Strategic Partnership meeting held on 16th October 2014 were agreed subject to the following amendments:


Minute Item 3

-       The CCG commissions 111 and each county chooses its provider.



The minutes be amended accordingly and subject to the above mentioned change be approved and accepted by Councillor A Busby as a correct record. 



An overview of the Voluntary Sector in Buckinghamshire pdf icon PDF 666 KB


The Partnership received a presentation from Lynda Cockrell from Action 4 Youth, Richard Dickson from Buckinghamshire Community Foundation and Cora Carvey from Community Impact Bucks. The presentation gave an overview of how the voluntary sector was run. It also explained the current state of the voluntary sector in Buckinghamshire.


The following points were noted:

-      There are currently 2,500 active charities in Buckinghamshire. This does not include all the local community groups. 

-      Infrastructure in place for charities ensures that they are resilient, sustainable and fit for purpose.

-      Xchange Bucks is an online web portal which allows charities and businesses to exchange services. The aim is for the service to help the community and business sector grow before the idea is sold on


The chairman thanked Lynda Cockrell, Richard Dickson and Cora Carvey for their informative presentation. 



Social Isolation pdf icon PDF 362 KB


The Partnership received a presentation from Nicola Lester, Development Director for NHS Chiltern Clinical Commissioning Group. The presentation explained what social isolation is, the importance of prevention and what is currently being done.


In discussions after the presentation the following points were noted:

-     Prevention Matters are taking referrals from GPs; however there is a waiting list for referral to befriending services

-      Loneliness has the same effect on mortality rates as smoking

-      There is a difficulty in matching volunteers to people with multiple needs.

-      Projects such as Men in Sheds, Oasis group, and pub lunch groups are all great befriending services.  However people can be put off from attending because they don’t want to admit they are lonely or need help.

-      Local community based activities that help get people out of their homes are most successful

-      People are identified as being isolated or lonely by either their GPs who are vigilant with over 75 year olds. Local police community support officers (PCSO) also remain vigilant and make regular visits to people who are vulnerable.


The Chairman thanked Nicola Lester for his informative presentation.



Community Safety Strategy pdf icon PDF 170 KB


The Partnership received an update on the Community Safety Strategy from Katie Galvin Community Safety Manager for Chiltern and South Bucks District Councils and Chief Inspector Bobbi Rai Deputy Commander for Chiltern and South Bucks.


Chiltern and South Bucks currently have separate Community Safety Partnerships. They are awaiting approval from Chiltern District Council Cabinet before they are able to merge into a single partnership. The Community Safety Strategy has been written so it can be applicable to either the separate partnerships or a joint partnership if they decide to merge.


Joint priorities have been agreed for both Community Safety Partnerships. The priority aims will be reviewed annually, while the strategy will be reviewed every three years.

The priority areas identified are: 

·        Reduce house burglary, non-dwelling burglary, theft from vehicles, and violent behaviour in our communities

·        Continue to invest work to prevent and tackle in anti-social behaviour in our communities

·        Protect vulnerable individuals and communities

·        Reduce the fear of crime and perception of anti-social behaviour


The partnership was informed that TVP will no longer be setting numerical targets for this year. The aim will be for TVP to continue to reduce crime rates compared to last year and to maintain last year’s outcomes. Chiltern and South Bucks have the lowest levels of violent crime in the Thames Valley Area. Any feedback or comments on the Community Safety Strategy from the Partnership were welcomed.


In discussions the following points were noted:

-      TVP are working with Trading Standards to combat doorstep crime. They are also working with Adult social care to ensure that PCOs make regular visits to vulnerable adults.  Work is also being done at a county level to make premises look less inviting to criminals.

-       Chiltern and South Bucks are also a pilot for the doorstep project which has already contacted 2,000 people

-      Think Jessica is a new campaign being launched where housing officers are asked to look out for individuals who are showing signs of becoming victims of scam mail. 





5.1   The Community Safety Strategy was noted by the partnership.



Chiltern and South Bucks Partnership Handbook pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Partnership received a report from Alan Goodrum, Chiltern and South Bucks District Council’s Chief Executive. Alan presented the Chiltern and South Bucks Partnership handbook. The document is aimed at new members and the wider partnership. It sets out what the partnership does, roles and responsibilities as well as the terms of reference. This a final draft but any comments would be taken into account.



6.1   The Chiltern and South Bucks Partnership handbook was approved and accepted by the partnership.



Feedback from workshop at the wider Partnership Meeting / next steps pdf icon PDF 33 KB


The Partnership received a report from Alan Goodrum, Chiltern and South Bucks District Council’s Chief Executive. The paper circulated to the wider partnership sets out the outcomes of the workshop that took place in October 2013. The workshop captured what is already being done and what the partnerships priorities for the next 12 to 18 months are.


Thriving economy was strongly identified as a priority. It also highlighted the fact that not enough at a local level is currently being done. For Sustainable Environment transport was seen as a major issue we would need to link into work that is already being done at a county level. Community Safety already has a strong partnership as do Health and Wellbeing. The workshop also captured most of the work done for Cohesive and Strong communities. It is just a case of bringing all the work together. The workshop was productive and has given us a lot to work with.




Feedback from Economy Group Meeting


Thriving Economy was identified as a priority by the partnership. The Economy Group has been set up as there was no group at a local level which was working on the local economy. The aim of the group is to engage with business representatives to help support the thriving economy theme. The first meeting took place on Tuesday 22 April. The agenda for the meeting included a report on the wider partnership priorities, working the planning framework, a draft report on HS2 which contained useful statistics on the economic impact.


Representatives from the Amersham and Wycombe College, BTVLEP, Bucks Business First, Better Chesham and Bosch attended. These are strong representatives from the business sector. The group will be taking forward the skills agenda. We welcome any suggestions of other people or organisations the wider partnership thinks we should involve in the economy group. A finalised copy of the HS2 report will be circulated to members.



Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 23 KB


The Chairman drew the meeting’s attention to the proposed forward plan, which was noted. Should any Partner wish to put forward items for the forward plan, please contact Aisha Bi ( items on the forward plan include:


October 2014

·         Public Health

·         Health and Wellbeing Board

·         Feedback from Economy Group

·         Peer Review of Chiltern and South Bucks District Councils

·         Housing Strategy


April 2015

·         Families First

·         Welfare Reform

·         Social Care by Bucks Care


Topics that still need to allocated to the forward plan:

·           HS2 - petitioning, hybrid Bill, construction

·           Planning development



Dates and Times of Future Meetings


Members noted that future meetings of the Chiltern and South Bucks Strategic Partnership would be held as follows, commencing at 6.00p.m, but may be subject to change: -


·      23rd October 2014, Chiltern District Council Chamber



Close of Meeting



The meeting, having commenced at 6.00pm, ended at 7.20pm